Blueprint For Hawaii? Copenhagen’s Latest Tourism Plans

Perplexing West Maui “Closed” Edict Upsets Residents And Visitors

Did Governor Green and the troubled Hawaii Tourism Authority miss the mark. If so, exactly what is needed?

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143 thoughts on “Perplexing West Maui “Closed” Edict Upsets Residents And Visitors”

  1. I live in Lahaina! Green is Way over his head ! It’s like they want maximum suffering = more power & control for them! Most everyone I know wants to get Back to Work as most live paycheck to paycheck!!! People are really suffering here and idiotic “proclamations” causes more chaos !! We need Tourists! We need tourism or the damage will be irreversible!! Are you listening Josh ???

    1. Talk about Way over his head,
      Don’t forget Chief Pelletier- He was in charge in 2017 Las Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in US history, 60 dead and 500+ injured and the Maui deadliest wildfire.
      What are the odds of that? Failed Leadership.
      The police should have been saving lives, what happened?


  2. I for one will not return to Maui for a while. I feel I need to respect the people of Lahani for their devastation and loss of family members. I have however donated for the cause to help the people.

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families that have been affected by this tragedy.
    Provided the restaurants are open in Whalers Village at the end of September we will be coming. This is not an easy decision, because I respect the Hawaiian culture and can’t imagine what they are going through, but I in my humble opinion I think the West Side employees that depend on tourism can’t afford another economic disaster. Some are still trying to recover from COVID.

  4. Just be aware that for those of you wanting to vacation right now keep in mind it is not going to be the vacation of a lifetime that you hoped for that our local residents are not going to be as welcoming right now. And those who are simply saying locals here would go poor without our money that attitude isn’t welcome here. Understand that that’s something the government put into the minds of the people but also that most of the money you are giving the reality is actually that it isn’t staying here in Hawaii because it’s big corporations running the show not the local business. So the reality is that it isn’t helping as much as you think.

    1. With love and respect to your comment I would think if we asked the owners of Macadangdang/Joey’s Kitchen, Da Nani Pirates, Fish Market Maui, Miso Phat Sushi and others that they are Not owned by big business and would say most of their revenue I would assume is over 70% from tourism. This doesn’t even account for the West Side activities like surfing, snorkel shops, etc. I understand Lahaina is grieving, but the government is not going to help these business in lost wages. This is not a comment to challenge or upset you. I just feel we need to look at small local restaurants and shops that frankly depend on tourist.

    2. Aloha and praying for you all. In saying that we need to know what the majority wants. How will you make it without tourists revenue? Unfortunately not all will be qualified for SNAP or UI, I honestly want to know what is the greater good?

    3. ‘ local residents are not going to be as welcoming ’. So, it truly is business as usual in many cases. And paying retail workers and wait staff just benefits corporations? Corporations that employ thousands of low skilled workers don’t benefit those workers directly? Can you not understand that your attitude helps to fuel the claim from the county government that Maui is headed for fiscal catastrophe?

  5. Aloha, with great sadness we address our friends and acquaintances in Maui, specifically Lahaina Town. We are crying, inside and out for the great loss, especially of life. We are afraid of making our annual trip, out of respect mostly, but out of uncertainty none the less. It will be extremely difficult to visit as we do every year and not see our friends at Capt Jacks or other places, where we were treated as ohana, rather than annual guests. The mixed messages from the government makes deciding even more difficult. We hope the healing starts, we also would like to know the Best places to donate, as we’re not so trusting of the Red Cross or any government entity. God Bless everyone and we wish we could help more.

  6. Aloha. “What is needed?” Let me spell it out for you: A change of government. I do not expect that to be widely understood…

  7. As a business owner who suffered through the Covid Craziness, and wild fires that swept through my community. This is bureaucratic incompetence. No home no paycheck and now lets add to their burden lets not let them get back to work or open their businesses. The politicians should be made to leave their homes let them live in tent and on the handouts of wonderful and compassionate people. And oh yes take away their paycheck and see how fast they rescind these moratoriums. Last I heard they are not even competent enough to provide people with food water and shelter. It is coming from church’s, neighbors and private organizations. Private individuals using their own boats to bring in supplies to this devasted area. The people of Hawaii need to vote out Very One of these incompetent politicians and fire the incompetent state and federal employees.

  8. The Daily Mail published photos yesterday of FEMA
    Officials staying at the $1000 a night Grand Wailea Resort . If true, move Lahaina survivors to the resort and let FEMA public “servants” stay in the shelters.

  9. Open West Maui past Lahaina. Locals need businesses to try to maintain their livelihood. Just keep them away from the burn area and respect what the locals are going through.

  10. Thank you for the update on West Maui. We unfortunately lost our second home in Lahaina. We were scheduled to visit 8/27-9/3 but moved the reservation to January of 2024 and will stay at the Westin Villas, 5 miles north of Lahaina. Insurance has been contacted and if we need to go to Maui we will, but prefer to take care of everything via email. We felt the priority should be on the fulltime residents and locals first, but to continue to help West Maui thrive north of Lahaina through tourism. Those tourists just need to respect the boundaries when visiting.

  11. If HTA really wants to help Maui, try to get locals to “vacation” there. Plan a 3 or 4 day junket with reduced airfare and hotel accommodations, restaurant discounts, etc. It would not be mass numbers traveling but at least some revenue coming in. All of Maui is losing this battle and if the government wants land, they are gonna get it one way or another.

  12. Aloha Beat of Hawaii.
    As it’s been said before, the message is as clear as mud.
    Watching from afar and still waiting to hear about our missing ohana, I’m so sad for everyone involved.
    Above all else, we all need to move forward. There’s no time that’s a good time to argue.
    None of us are promised another day.
    All of our islands depend on visitors to different extents.
    We all need to extend Aloha to others.
    It’d be great if the political “leaders” could work together.
    (Too much to ask for?)
    Mahalo Nui Loa for all your kindness.
    Lahaina Rising like the Phoenix from the ashes.
    It will happen.

  13. I understand not going to Lahaina but if the areas that were not touched by the fires do not open thousands more people will be displaced.

    Let those that can open do so in order to support themselves as neither the state of Hawaii nor the federal government is going to help them financially.

    Issue a new press release stating this so these people can earn a living.

  14. If I am Joe Shmoe and want to spend $5k taking my family on a vacation to Hawaii why would I want to get in the middle of all that has happened there?

    There is going to be a lot of underlying animosity towards tourists. There was before and it will be more prevalent now. People are hurting and will be a lot less tolerant. Camp fire survivors in California and others have felt the same way. Looky loos were not tolerated and will never be tolerated after a bad natural disaster.
    The state is going to have to help these businesses much like they did during Covid. But again why Maui? Other islands are open and fun without all of the heartache of Maui.
    Thanks again gentlemen for keeping us informed.

  15. I have a reservation in Ka’anapali in late October using my sister’s timeshare. This new statement by the governor and HTA is giving so many mixed messages. I can’t cancel the reservation or the majority of points will be lost so I’m waiting for the resort to either cancel the reservation themselves or say that they’re open to visitors which I hope happens sooner than later. In the mean time, I’ve booked an AirBnB to the south in case the reservation does get canceled last minute as I don’t want to show up and find that we have no accomodations. I always plan to do some type of volunteer work when I visit even if it’s just collecting trash on the beach on my own. Putting money back into the economy and particularly small businesses is also one of my priorities. Sending healing vibes to all of Maui. <3

  16. The governor and all of his people are incompetent. All of the business north of Lahaina should be able to open their business to put people back to work and accept tourist back on Maui. I do not see the state writing checks for the loss of income because of the incompetency of their elected officials. All of these workers and business should go after both the government for lost of all income. I would also suggest that the governor along with the people in charge of all of the agencies that oversea the infrastructure of Maui need to move to Mahi affective immediately and stay until all of the work to clean up Lahaina, reinstall electrical, telephone service and water to all of the residents of Maui that have been affected by this fire.

  17. I agree that businesses in West Maui and employees, especially who live in Lahaina and lost their home and family members, need people to come, spend, and to volunteer (as able). That is what we plan to do, tho our reservation is not until January. Our friend who works in Kahana Beach and lost so much can’t lose her job too.

  18. Flights are also available into Kapalua/West Maui airport from HNL on Mokulele. If road closures was a legitimate concern, there are other ways to access the region without traveling through Lahaina.

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