Blueprint For Hawaii? Copenhagen’s Latest Tourism Plans

Perplexing West Maui “Closed” Edict Upsets Residents And Visitors

Did Governor Green and the troubled Hawaii Tourism Authority miss the mark. If so, exactly what is needed?

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143 thoughts on “Perplexing West Maui “Closed” Edict Upsets Residents And Visitors”

  1. Tom – I and a lot of folks seem to agree with you. If I was in your position, I would call the Westin and see if your are still able to come. It has been pointed out that the Gov said shouldn’t or don’t, but not “you cannot” visit West Maui in September. As we all know, the folks and businesses in West Maui need our patronage. With all due respect.

  2. Lahaina experienced a catastrophe but the rest of Maui still survives and can thrive. The contrary should be occurring, open West Maui to support businesses so that those who lost homes but still have jobs can still work. Tourism pays taxes and taxes pay for rebuilding. No one wants to disturb the ashes of Lahaina, everyone respects this so close off the areas that need to be closed.

  3. We vacation in Maui and Kauai every year. So we bought a floating timeshare unit at the new Westin in North Kaanapali. We are devastated by the loss of people who live there. We will donate to rebuild. We pay property taxes annually. If the property is ready, why can’t we use it?

  4. I depend on the Kaanapali to Kapalua visitors to survive. My little car rental business will die by October 17. I’m running out of money fast. I live in Kahana, it’s fine! Josh, everyone makes mistakes, just fix it, like today!

  5. Why can’t We do a Pay it Forward Type of thing Where Businesses are listed & We Pay for Residents there to have a “Place to Stay” or a Meal or Meals to Eat Type of thing thereby Still allowing a type of Commerce for that area of Maui without having to actually be there because of the Restrictions that are in Place

  6. We canceled our Oct vacation to Kannapali. We have see so many posts saying that it would not be a good time to come. Hotels and condos will be used for displaced Lahaina residents and those who work in the tourist industry won’t be able to deal with tourism because of their grief. Out of respect for these voices, we decided to postpone our annual trip for at least 6 months or until we hear something official.

  7. This messaging is group think and why it will take 10 if not 20 years to rebuild Lahaina, if it’s rebuilt at all.

    Government officials making decisions on Maui have been subjected for years to safe place, diversity and hostile work place environment training.

    No individual, even Governor Green, are allowed to make common sense decisions without consulting with the many factions represented on Maui.

    The goal is not to make decisions that make sense, but to not offend a marginalized group or individual.

    That’s why you getting such mixed messaging.

  8. Is all of the Marriott’s shut down on Maui? It doesn’t specifically state which ones. We have a reservation in Wailea. Do we need to cancel our trip? Please advise.

    Many Thanks

      1. What if you Hotel doesn’t answer, a answering machine picks up. We have reservations at The Westin in Kaanapali October 11th.

  9. As an outsider, it seems like the safe bet is to stay away for now. I may visit other Hawaiian islands, but I’ll probably give it a couple years before I’ll be back to Maui. It seems like not everyone agrees about when it’s okay to come back, and I hear the concerns about tourists doing more harm than good. I don’t want to offend anyone and just want to be respectful.

  10. Unfortunately, not the Mayor or Governor of Maui have ever dealt with a tradegy or multi-level governing problem as the aftermath of these fires and the devastation it’s left behind.
    They need a major PR firm to assist them in what the message should be (Please come to maui in areas not affected and absolutely to any of the other islands), how it should be delivered and most importantly, that the message to residents and tourists is clear, concise and uniform. Alas, in the early days, they’re both looking inept at best… call Obama…Oprah even… get someone who knows how to deliver a good message!

  11. Why aren’t you telling people the truth??? The governor doesn’t have the authority to close Anything!!!! Neither does the tourism board or the police!!! The people can go Anywhere they want!!! And the FAA can’t tell people that they can’t fly drones either!!! The people have God given Rights that are being violated!!! Why aren’t you telling people that???

  12. The people of Maui should decide what needs to happen, not the government. The people that live there, and own property. Often times when there are disasters such as this, a return to normally quickly, and cleaning the damage and carrying on with routines and discipline is what pulls people through. Please send prayers and financial assistance, as well as tourism to the people of Maui, we all know that they are strong and proud people, true warriors.

  13. There is no roadmap for how this should be handled so cut some slack to those handling it. There may be no right answers. An incredibly devastating conundrum is unfolding. What I do know, is my heart is truly broken right now!

  14. It would have made more sense for the Governor and local officials to work with the West Maui hotels and open the day after Labor Day (Sept 5) to visitors with existing reservations only. Many travelers had already cancelled or rebooked and this would have allowed for a less impactful, soft opening.

  15. As a local, I don’t have to question if I should be here or if we are open.
    Every day we have to think about the hundreds of people that our missing from us.
    I leave the thoughts of locals not able to work right now, with them. Being alive and breathing here is humbling.
    I wouldn’t want to have to work at a resort right now, waiting on a visitor when I can’t sleep and in mental anguish over my Ohana. This situation is not about anyone missing their vacation.

    1. I get what you’re saying except that many work paycheck to paycheck. They don’t have the luxury of taking time to reflect. That’s just the reality I think. Ideally there would be financial help for people, but I don’t see it coming anytime soon.

    2. Our trip is planned for the last week of Sept-Oct 3 in the area north of Kaanapali . This will be our first time to Hawaii and we are heat broken for all those effected in any way by this devastating tragedy. As tourists, we want to be respectful to those suffering unimaginable loss but also helpful to those who need the employment. We are at a loss for whether or not to cancel. We want to what is best for the people of Maui but the messages here are also, “stay away out of respect” and also “please come.”

  16. We need to focus on helping our own. My heart goes out to Maui and all the people affected by this tragedy. Shame on our own government for not offering more assistance.

  17. What is needed is clear and specific communication. After an unexpected disaster, there are undoubtedly going to be mistakes, but before issuing these kind of instructions they need to be sure they’ve thought out the ramifications of their decisions. That doesn’t seem to be the case here.
    I would say that unless your reservations are directly in Lahaina, wait until you speak with someone at your hotel/resort or get communication from your host before cancelling. Plan a little extra and ask specific questions if you have health concerns. Know that some things you love or wanted to do might not be available, and agree to enjoy yourself anyway and try something new! My thoughts are with the citizens of Maui. ❤️

  18. Please stop.
    West Maui is still recovering.
    Only two stores, Napili And Times in Honokawai are open w limited hours.
    Few places have opened to eat or drink,
    Water quality is questionable, drinking and ocean.
    Relief stations are still operating to help those affected.
    West Maui does not need visitors/ gawkers.
    Let us grieve, let us recover.
    Please visit the other parts of Maui unaffected by the fires.

    1. Please don’t be selfish. After living on Maui for twenty years, Lahaina, Wailea, and Waiehu, I know how dependent residents are on tourism. You may not need visitors to pay your bills, but many others do.
      I would be there spending money and supporting friends left behind, but I refuse to return to a state with such Archaic, unconstitutional gun laws. Hawai’i government just proves by their actions that they don’t care about your safety.

      1. Really?

        That’s your response to a heartfelt and reasoned call for a pause? Complaining about gun regulations?

        As if that has anything to do with suffering or responding to Hawaiis needs.

  19. We love Maui and feel very much at home, loving and respecting the people and communities. We have been coming for 30 years, dining, shopping, whale watching etc We share in the heart ache over the devastation and especially the loss of life.
    We do not want to return until Maui is ready for visitors. We will do what Maui wants.

    1. This is very complicated.
      I lived on island for 8 years.There are “locals” that have different Needs, and Desires. Getting locals to agree as to Mauis future will be a challenge. I saw hotels go up, West side South side,
      I saw mainland restaurant
      take over Lahaina Town I did Not like what I saw with “change”. Listem to those with Hawaiian Blood in their veins. We mainlanders, and Japan investors stole the island spirit. It’s no surprise that Pele struck out with anger. Blessings to those families who have lost love ones,truly. Let the Hawaiian people decide how to rebuild. I hope I am allowed to return when the time is right. My heart is broken.
      Brenda H.

      1. Whole towns have been lost and rebuilt for centuries. London fire, Chicago fire, San Francisco earthquake, etc. The first two weeks everything from Lahina north should have been closed out of respect. They haven’t counted all the dead yet nor identified them for services. It is important that Lahina rebuild but also that life returns to normal and goes on around the rebuilding process. The whole thing slows down and gets dragged out beyond its years if you succumb to “whoa is me” mentality. I saw this in my town of Santa Cruz after the earthquake. It’s a poison. Bury your dead, cry, and get back to work and being Hawaiian.


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