Blueprint For Hawaii? Copenhagen’s Latest Tourism Plans

Perplexing West Maui “Closed” Edict Upsets Residents And Visitors

Did Governor Green and the troubled Hawaii Tourism Authority miss the mark. If so, exactly what is needed?

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143 thoughts on “Perplexing West Maui “Closed” Edict Upsets Residents And Visitors”

  1. Just a thank you for this website and the information you provide. I discovered you due to this tragic fire.

    Keep up the wonderful work you do providing information and a forum for discussions.

  2. I can’t post a picture here, but when you see photos of angry locals in Maui posting large signs that say “No Tourists ” “Tourists Go Home” , that borders on a threat. At any rate its not pleasant. I would not visit Maui right now. I understand how they feel, and as many times as I have been to maui, I still am made to feel that I’m an outsider, and I am! Now that sentiment has increased exponentially.
    I also travel to the Caribbean and I don’t feel as alienated there. That’s where I prefer to travel..
    Maui has a long road ahead before healing can happen. I’d rather stay out of the way and help as much as possible from afar.

  3. I had planned a trip to Maui on October 5th 2023, when the disaster occurred, I contacted Maui Resorts Rental they refused to return my payment and only offered a credit for future travel. I am a 76 year old man with some health issues, unfortunately by the time Maui is rebuilt, I will be unable to travel. In addition, Alaska Airlines also refused to refund the payment and offered a credit, Alaska Airlines has limited places they fly to where I would be interested in going too. If there is anything you can do to assist me in this matter, it would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Isn’t the HTA based on Oahu? Under what authority are they issuing edicts, mandates or even guidelines? You are clueless and out of touch. Your job is to *promote* tourism not ruin people’s lives and businesses.

  5. Mahalo BOH for addressing this issue. The mixed messages make less and less sense the further we get from the tragedy in Lahaina. A blanket closure of everything north of Lahaina is baffling and could cause further economic ruin for anyone employed there. Please keep us posted.

  6. Guarantee the Mayor got a call from Newsome who advised him to lock it down, create a complete financial disaster and then apply for and receive more funds than people would by working. Watch.

  7. It’s quite unfortunate that the governor is cutting livelihood to many west Maui employees. They were impacted most with loss of homes and jobs on island. The sweet ohana of west Maui want to recover and not take handouts. We have a place on the west side and know how the employees feel. Please release west Maui. Mahalo.

  8. We’ve visited Maui at least a dozen times and mourn with you on the losses of Lahaina and elsewhere. We have reservations for a couple weeks in Ka’anapali starting a week after the apparently arbitrary date of Oct 17. Based on recent experience our spending is at least $1000/day. This messaging suggests we’d be smart to change our plans and go elsewhere, but we believe Maui needs tourism revenue now more than ever, especially after the devastating shutdown of local businesses for Covid. We want to support Maui.

    Why is the road closed 10pm to 6am? It’s impossible to make an early morning flight from Kahului.

    Lahaina is unbelievably tragic. Does the rest of Maui want to recover or is it time for tourists to go elsewhere? As this now stands, we’re likely to cancel our trip even though Ka’anapali and farther north is intact.

  9. Sounds like the Governor did the politically right thing early after the disaster. However, restricting tourism now will strangle an expedited recovery and dig a deeper financial hole for everyone to dig out from
    Time for the Governor to recant and not strangle the lifeline (tourism) so desperately needed Now!
    Life should and must go on.

    Russell S.

  10. Is Zippy’s open? That’s a real cultural icon in Hawaii

    It also takes me back to my school days. (Cafeteria food!)

  11. I think the “town folk” should be deciding what they can withstand mentally. This is a major major disaster and many are employees of these fine condos and restaurants. I cancelled, lost my condo $$ and could not even donate them, but I Do Not want to return for at least 6 months in honor of those that died. Even with the screens up, it was a loss and it affected me deeply. This is my own person opinion. Those that dont have any connection will want to come, most who can not afford to lose their condo fees, will want to come, business are hurting, but should get unemployment for 2 months of mourning!

  12. Maui needs the visitors to support island economy. Already layoffs are occurring in the south. It shows non Maui leaders do not under Maui needs.

  13. FEMA is staying at the Four Seasons and other $$$ hotels, when they should be boots on the ground in Lahaina. Director whines about no money, while they golf, snorkel and do side trips for fun.

  14. As long as there is no road checkpoint, I’m planning to go to West Maui in October. I think it is important to get money flowing again. We will tip large, and we will devout at least a couple of days to volunteer should the opportunity exist. It sounds like this is what is needed.

  15. Thanks Beat of Hawaii for expressing my frustration. I’ve been watching what the resorts are doing, and as has already been pointed out, many of the large resorts have settled on Oct. 1st to start accepting new reservations. So I wonder who the governor and HTA were consulting prior to claiming Oct 17th the opening day. Now the tourists traveling to the west side in early October might be inclined to lay low and not go on snorkeling trips, sight seeing trips, etc. I think the Gov. and the HTA made a big mistake, and hopefully they correct it.

  16. In Kaanapali there is no Internet Service, very limited cell service. The main grocery stores are closed Safeway, Foodland Farms, Island Grocery. Lahaina Gateway is filled with aid tents. Residents are waiting word on over 800 missing family members. Residents in mental distress that lost their homes everything are temporarily staying in local hotels, 900 are at Royal Lahaina. They do not know where they will go next. Homes will take years to be rebuilt. Can you imagine frolicking tourists, in a hotel with hundreds of grieving residents?
    When will it be time for visitors to return? I don’t know, as no one has said when we can even expect Internet or reliable cell service to return. If I had to guess, it will be no earlier than the end of October before infrastructure is ready, and Residents have had a period of time to grieve and figure out what is next.
    Dave W

  17. We are heartbroken for all the loss of life and business on our favorite island.
    My husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so we had one last vacation planned beginning Labor Day. West Maui for three weeks. Yep. We had to cancel thousands of dollars worth of plans, reservations, activities and absolutely are devastated to know we now can never return for our last trip before his disease soon keeps us from traveling.
    Hugs and prayers for everyone there struggling with loss..Some day all will be well again. Perhaps I can bring my grandchildren.

    1. So sorry you are also suffering. Worst case, try credit card chargebacks against vendors who are trying to steal your money.

    2. Maybe you can find another place for your special trip. There are many wonderful places in the US. Bonus, they’re easier to get to, and might be less expensive.

      I’m thinking Coronado next to San Diego.

    3. If it were me, I would not give in to the misinformation the Governor is spitting out. We are planning to go to the Kahana Beach Resort on our regular scheduled arrival date of Sept. 22nd. You should go as normal. Things won’t be the same, but you can enjoy your time on the island for sure.

      1. This is the same opinion we have, I am glad you posted this. We have been going back and forth the last week with what to do. Called our resort and have been in contact with our concierge and they both say Kaanapali Beach club are open at end of Aug and to come support the staff and community.

  18. West side of Maui is all connected. At this time do we really need the added weight of cars and people accessing lahaina or kuhakoloa roads to “vacation” in North maui? Bodies that were not discovered on land or turned to ash from fire will likely have drawn attention to unspeakable frenzy of predators that clean our waters in the island. Do businesses really think it will not impact the illusion of paradise to the visitors passing a massive graveyard before going to have fun? Right now visitors should be more aware of our
    Lahaina sorrow and grief than a frolicking splurge in area just north of Town. Natives are restless and going through the Northwood will bring alot of resentment.. be warned! There are other islands to visit at this time of peril and extreme stress.

    1. Sophie;

      I was thinking exactly the same thing. There will be some very angry residents for some time to come. I try to put myself on the ground in Kahana. The thought of the suffering and misery in Lahaina would weigh very heavily on me. I just cannot see myself going there for the foreseeable future. On the other hand those whose livelihood depend on visitors will be crushed as well if no one goes to west Maui.
      This is a tragedy of epic proportions. There are no easy solutions and only loss.

    2. There are many beautiful parts of the US. Bonus: they’re probably easier to get to, and may be less expensive.

      Sad the little guys on Maui will suffer from the lack of tourism dollars. They were just trying to eke out a living, they didn’t do anything wrong.

      The modern day plantation owners (resort owners) will be fine. Somehow the monied always come out on top.

  19. I am extremely sorry for the loss of so many loved ones experienced by so many Hawaiian residents! I pray for everyone involved, and hopefully healing will come along in time. Best wishes and regards to them all!


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