Petition To Delay Reopening West Maui October 8 Under Way

What’s your feeling about reopening West Maui on October 8? Has the state rushed the decision or waited too long?

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66 thoughts on “Petition To Delay Reopening West Maui October 8 Under Way”

  1. I am Canadian. My original travel plans had me in West Maui from Sept. 18 until Oct.8. Our province too, has experienced devastating fires, this year, and for at least the previous 10 years. We understand the havoc fires and floods create, leaving our inhabitants both sorrowful and reeling. So, of course, I postponed my plans until Spring. Touched beyond measure by Maui’s plight, each day I read news reports for hints of recovery. What I read is different each day. I cannot put my finger on Maui’s pulse. And, if I feel that way, then surely , others are as confused as I am. It is natural, to be caught up in such haunting sorrow, and the world wants to help. Tell us how and make the message clear and constant.

  2. We are planning to come to West Maui in December, I have reservations due to not wanting to displace any Lahaina resident for my Vacation. We want to spend money to get local economy back on there feet but also recognize the need for time to heal. We have been going to the Kaanapali area every year for the last 10 Years and we want to respect the locals and what has happened. Is December too soon?
    Should we reschedule, well move to another area or a different island?

  3. Bottom line: The economy depends on tourism. Staying closed accomplishes Nothing for anyone. No tourists are going into the burn area. The people who lost their homes need to work. Staying closed means they don’t work and keep sitting in hotel rooms. Government funding cannot carry their lives forever.
    By the way, I have many friends who lost their homes and everything. All of them are saying “I need to get back to work so my life can get somewhat of purpose again.” ” Sitting in a hotel unemployed with no job and no hope is worse.” I am a resident of Maui myself who was evacuated but did not lose my home. I want to help all those who have too.
    But no progress is made by delaying a date. Aloha 🤙🏝️

  4. Where’s the story?

    Tourists aren’t coming. Airlines are reducing seats/flights, which means less tourists.

    Maybe you should run stories on a tourist dance (think rain dance)?

    It’ll be years before things improve.

    Hoping for money to fall from the sky is a poor recovery plan.

  5. Really, your changing the opening again? This is so messed up. I really do not understand why a government agency can not make up their minds. It makes Maui look bad. Tourist are getting frustrated and are no longer wanting to come period. I just cancelled my 10 day vac yesterday. Mainly because of all this stuff I read on the beat about the governor

  6. We just returned from South Maui (Kihei). When we arrived, It was sad to see all the rental cars just sitting at the airport collecting dust. The island for the most part was empty. When we shopped or ate out everyone was so happy we came. It was apparent that all the small businesses are struggling. If you are still unsure about traveling to Maui I can tell you not to cancel. Everything other than West Maui is open. We followed the guidance and stayed away from West Maui. There is so much to see and do in other parts of Maui and the businesses will be happy to see you. Our thoughts and prayers are for all the people in Lahaina and the families that lost loved ones. Aloha a maluhia!

  7. Aloha,
    We had booked this trip back in April.
    We stayed in Kihei from 9/1/23-9/15/23. It was a wonderful trip. We saw so much aloha spirit from everyone we encountered. We drove to Napili Bay one day. It was so heart breaking to see the devastation of the fires from the bypass road. My husband and I both shed many tears. We made some donations to a couple of local causes while we were there. We went on sunset cruise with Trilogy. It was great, the crew was wonderful. Everyone welcomed us. We called before we went to Maui, tomake sure that it would not be seen as disrespectful for us to visit. We were told, please come.

  8. Aloha! I have a question about the Best Western Pioneer Inn that was in Lahaina. I understand it burned to the ground. We had checked into staying there some years ago but all the rooms were on the 2nd floor with no elevator so it didn’t work for us. My son uses a wheelchair. We did have breakfast there while we waited to board the ferries to Lanai and Molokai. There was a parrot there in a cage. I was wondering if anyone knows if the parrot died some time before the fire, during or if it’s still living? Mahalo.

    1. I don’t know the answer but it’s so nice of you to care. So many folks have lost pets, who are like children to a lot of us…I’m not there in maui now but lived through the 1989 earthquake in san fran/northern cali and lost soo much, almost killed running away from it and criminals. Mahalo for caring about the helpless.

  9. With the waffling around, it will be hard for people to get tickets to go to Maui. Nothing like getting your ticket bought and have Maui close the doors again. What about the business that plan on opening up and then find they are closed—yet. How can they get staff to come in and then not open. Make up your mind and stick to it!

  10. I’m thinking that if the locals don’t want to get back to work, people from the mainland are going to relocate to Maui and get those jobs, reason I say that is because I’m considering that option.

    1. Strongly recommend you have your “job” and living situation and budget all worked out before you buy a plane ticket

      Hawaii has the (?) highest cost of living in the US and salaries are low. My model is plantation and plantation workers.

      Then many jobs require extensive local knowledge or local connections

      Sorry to burst your dream bubble.

      No one is directly saying it, but the Maui economy (a tourist economy) is either in recession or depression.

  11. I feel based on talking to the people that live near Lahaina that they really would like to open up as much as possible the sooner the better.
    My son lost his job and so they will need to find something new to help pay the rent .

  12. I can see it now October 8th videos showing up on social media, real or not, of displaced Lahaina residents getting kicked out of temp housing in favor of tourists.

    That will be a good look.

  13. Another tragedy if the vast majority of displaced people are anxious and willing to work and a small faction is able to hinder that. I’ll reserve anymore judgement (maybe)till I see the numbers for and against reopening…..and of course what is the plan if tourism is further delayed.

  14. Sounds like you people on Maui that want everything to start up Need to start your own petition … two can play at this game. I’ll bet there are more For opening than not! P.S. the the person who was wondering what was open there is a Facebook Page called What’s Open Maui and they update it daily.

  15. Yes, the hurt, pain and mourning will take much more time, if ever, to heal. But that sorrow will get better if they can pick up and move their life forward. Getting back to work and life is what’s needed for many. I know I would need that if I had been caught in this disaster. Hope they can see that need to move on. I think Oct 8 is a reasonable date.

  16. I do not understand why only West Maui is not allowing tourist in this area. All of the other parts of the island is open for tourist. The area that these tourist would be going to is everything from Kannapali north, and would not be going into Lahaina. If these tourist are coming from the airport they would be coming on highway 3000 onto Keawe St and then be making a right onto highway 30 going west. Many people work at these hotels, time share units and restaurants in this area.

  17. We love Maui. We visit West Maui every year. We share your grief. If we can help we would love to. We have plans to come back in February. Let us show you our love. You have always shown it to us.

  18. Can out of state residents sign the petition to delay the opening date of tourism (October 8th) to West Maui?
    If I am eligible, what do you suggest?
    I want to support the people who want to resume working as soon as possible. So to do that, I should not sign the petition.
    However, as the opening date was decided in a pretty much closed-door meeting (no real public in-put), I want to support the people who feel there are a lot of other needs that have to be resolved.
    What do I do?
    I hurt people either way.

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