Petition To Delay Reopening West Maui October 8 Under Way

What’s your feeling about reopening West Maui on October 8? Has the state rushed the decision or waited too long?

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66 thoughts on “Petition To Delay Reopening West Maui October 8 Under Way”

  1. Lahaina town and village must remain closed except to owners and residents.
    The rest of west Maui can reopen to locals and tourist.
    Fires at this magnatude must never happen again.
    Elected oficials, do your job and let us do our’s. Praise God.

  2. Lahaina town and village must remain closed except to owners and residents.
    The rest of west Maui can reopen to locals and turist.
    Fires at this magnatude must never happen again.
    Elected oficials, do your job and let us do our’s. Praise God.

  3. There is no “good time” for the victims who have lost so much to this horrible fire, but I agree with the governor, we have to save Maui and get business up and going again asap.

  4. I think you should open Lahaina when the local people feel comfortable having visitors there again. We love Maui, one of our favorite places on earth to visit, but we don’t live there. So I think it’s important to let the locals decide, not outsiders, when it’s a good time to open up again. Our hearts go out to the local Maui workers/residents.

  5. As a resident of Oahu, I’ve been closely following the government response in the aftermath of the Maui fires. My biggest concern is the lack of transparency by the Maui mayor, who has basically avoided all contact with the media for the past three weeks. As for this petition, it really should be open only to West Maui residents. Only they should have a say in when West Maui should open to tourists.

    1. Yes, Mayor Bissen needs to resign and criminal investigations should be started now. Island TV- KITV, reported yesterday that Bissen had the legal duty to evacuate Lahaina and failed to do so.

  6. Those of us who were not born on Maui, but have been long time part year residents (for us 5 weeks a year for over 20 years), we have shared in the sorrow at the devastation of Lahaina and the loss of life. We may not have Maui in our blood, but we hold Maui in our hearts. We are to spend 3 weeks in West Maui in October. At the first announcement by the Governor, we were cancelling our travel, but at the second announcement we reestablished our travel plans. To try to block our travel at this time would be a major disappointment. We respect the opinions of those opposing reopening West Maui and sympathize with those still displaced, but those who had been housed on our property have obtained shelter elsewhere. Our property is open.

  7. We hope to commit to an early 2023 reservation in Napili on Oct 10. Hopefully, we will play a part in the overall economy of our favorite island.

  8. I just watched an interview with Lahania residents who like many others suffered a loss of either family, home or property. They said it was ‘too soon’ for tourists to visit and to not expect to a warm greeting. Again, conflicting messages about wanting tourists and not wanting tourists. Why don’t these folks/businesses that feel it is too soon, just stay closed, or don’t work if it too difficult? I respect that some need more time, but I’d like to support those that want my support. No one is forcing you. The only way I can tell that you don’t want my support is for you to stay closed and I’ll steer clear, but don’t penalize businesses who are opening and want the support.

  9. I will be watching this closely as we will be in Maui in late October. I want to do the best for the people of West Maui. We will be staying in Kihei, but would be happy to spend some time and money in Ka’anapali if that would help, and happy to stay away if that is what is best.

    1. Just know all the locals that depend on tourism are hurting with the visitor numbers so low, including those businesses and shops in Wailea, Kihei, Makena, Paia, etc… So whether you spend money in West Maui, South Maui, in and around Kahului or all the way in Hana, you will be helping many people.

      1. The money you spend at Marriott, Hilton, Westin, Hyatt, Walgreens, etc. helps employ people but doesn’t help them in the same proportion as the money you spend at an independent food vendor or other very small business.

  10. My daughter flew over two weeks ago to give her help and support to the Lahaina recovery groups. She stayed in Wailea area and drove up to Lahaina to help every place. She went every place she went to eat, Everyone said thank you for coming. All the restaurants in West Valley that were open and the hotel in Wailea so appreciated Her tourism. I think opening it and giving it a try. It’s worth it.

  11. We just returned from a trip to Maui from 9/9-9/15, and we stayed in Kihei. We were originally booked before the fires in Napili, but we were able to rebook away from West Maui. We did many excursions, ate out at every meal, and explored much of the island. We did go to West Maui twice during our trip. It was devastating to see Lahaina, from what we could see from the highway driving by. We respected the area and did not stop or take pictures. We stopped by many of the West Maui businesses we love and were open, and supported them with large purchases and tips. Saw more tourists on the island than we thought we would, and all were buying and supporting. Already rebooked for next year. All that can, go to Maui and help support!

  12. I am known as a rare over-conscientious individual. My tears and heart have grieved since the fires and I do not have or know anyone personally on the island. This is such a fine line. Unfortunately, I just read a post where Hawaii is seeking “mindful” European tourists with their excellent spending $$habits. As a businesswomen, I believe for the island (resorts) to thrive, they must reopen. It;s a shame they had to over build, & it would just be more rundown resorts if they dont get back to business. Government needs to get longer term housing off the resort sites and onto some local lands for the displaced. There are daily disasters anymore, and life has to go on. Habitat for humanity where are you!?!

    1. Sandi you are correct about the housing. If this had not happened in a resort town, where would the people go. They would find places for them. These people need places with kitchens as they have no jobs and just stipends. What a mess Hawaii’s Governor and Maui’s Mayor have made.

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