Shrinking Spaces, Soaring Discontent Includes “Mini” Lavatories on Hawaii Flights

It virtually takes a contortionist or the smallest and skinniest of passengers to not take note of what has happened.

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32 thoughts on “Shrinking Spaces, Soaring Discontent Includes “Mini” Lavatories on Hawaii Flights”

  1. For what it’s worth, I wrote a complaint describing these “compact lavatories” to the Dept of Transportation in DC. I recently listened to a broadcast on NPR that talked about the airlines reducing seating space for passengers. It began after the government deregulated airlines. Gov’t hoped that it would promote more competition and avoid monopolies (HA!). I don’t necessarily want more regulation, but sometimes it’s important to have. (eg. Food and Drug Adm.). Writing to the individual airlines will do absolutely nothing.


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