Summer Guide to 2021 Hawaii Travel During COVID

Revised November 2021 Guide to Hawaii Travel During COVID

Tips, essential Rules, latest changes. Save Time and avoid Worry. What to know before traveling to Hawaii.

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595 thoughts on “Revised November 2021 Guide to Hawaii Travel During COVID”

  1. I’m a little confused with this new guidance. I’m flying from Europe, with a 24hr layover in San Francisco before continuing on to Hawaii. I’m fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine. I’ll be getting tested in Europe before flying to San Francisco.
    Will I need to be tested again during my 24hr layover, or will my vaccination records be efficient to allow me to enter Hawaii?

    1. ED: The best thing you can do is keep up to date on the State of Hawaii requirements. For instance, if vaccinated in the US, only proof of that is needed. But how that applies to visitors from other than the US – you would need to keep up to date on that by checking the website. PLUS what is the rule now may not be the rule when you finally travel.

  2. Mahalo guys for the updates.
    Whilst all the testing and the protocols are a little bit of a nuisance, once you’ve got all the details in your head and can cope with having to fulfil them, then (hopefully) everything should be fine.
    I’m certainly hoping so for my New Year’s visit.
    Here’s fingers crossed.
    Aagain many thanks.

    1. Hi Michael.

      You aren’t the average traveler and are ahead of the game. For many people it is very confusing.


  3. Thank you so much for your detailed information. We just returned from Maui last week. We will be returning in February 2022. We have visited throughout Covid and follow you along with the state website. The Pre Clear from the airlines before you board cuts down in so much time – a game changer. Hawaii’s Safe Travels and the process has been better each visit. Until Feb…..

  4. Dear BOH Bros & anyone who can help me better understand this….is it correct that fully vaccinated people don’t have to provide a negative test result to fly to Hawaii? I understand that people flying Internationally have to provide test result. I just like keeping up to date on all this. I will not be coming until 2023, so I’m wondering what it will look like then. Thank you for everyone who will answer me!! God bless everyone & stay safe! Psalms 91:11😇🌍❤🌈🥥🍍🎉📆🌸🌊🏝

    1. Hi Andrea.

      Thanks. Yes that’s correct. Fully vaccinated flying from within US do not need to test. Who knows what will be in 2023.


      1. Dear BOH Bros, yesterday I learned alittle more about Hawaiian culture I didn’t know. My coworker sent me the info in a text. Women wear a flower in their hair on left side for married & right side for being single. When I go to Hawaii I will definitely be wearing my flower on the right side!! 🌸🌈🥥🍍🏝

        1. ANDREA… You wear your flower on the left – i.e., over your heart – when you are in a committed relationship – usually a marriage but in this day and age, a committed relationship.

          1. Dear Barbara, I’m single so that means my flower wearing will be on right side. Take care of yourself & stay safe! God bless you…psalms 91:11😇

          2. Dear Barbara, it has been my lifelong dream to go to Hawaii so for right now I’m dreaming of the day when I will be sitting on 🛩 coming to Hawaii🌸💕🌍🏝🍍🥥🌊🎉📅👓🩴☀️🌈😊👒👙

  5. Quick question, if I have been fully vaccinated, do I still need to take a covid test within 3 days of my flight from California to Oahu?

    1. MIKE W – No! But you do need to complete the Safe Travels site which includes uploading your Covid Vaccine card AND the Health Questionnaire 24 hours prior to your flight. You will see the circle icon for asking for the Vaccine Exemption – that’s where you’ll upload your card.

  6. On a similar note…Canadians need to make arrangements to get a pcr test to return to Canada. It is getting busier on Maui and tests are becoming harder to find and/or schedule to get results on time for your flight. Doctors on Call in Wailea has turned people away two days in a row because they can only do so many tests in a day. No one tests on Sundays and usually the last test on a Saturday is before noon.

  7. Somewhat confusing this is. So just to be clear, if someone is fully vaccinated there is no need to be tested prior to traveling to Hawaii?

    Thank you kindly,

    1. Hi Harvey.

      That’s correct. Testing or vaccination is the current requirement for domestic travel to Hawaii. Not both.


    2. Harvey… But be sure to complete the Safe Travels website plus the Health Questinnaire 24 hours in advance of your flight. Be prepared to upload your Covid Vaccine card when you apply for the Vaccine Exemption.

    3. Dear Harvey, keeping up with everything is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!! Lol🏝🍍🥥🌈🌸👙🎉📆🌍🌊🛩☀️🕶🩴👒

  8. It’s ridiculous that they will accept a positive covid test and a letter from a doctor as proof that you have had covid, but they will not accept an antibody test. My dad died, my boyfriend was in the hospital for 10 days, I saw no reason to go out in public and get a test and possibly infect someone. But I do have a great antibody titer value… I shake my head at the stupidity of it all… Hello Florida!

    1. RONALYN… Please define “layover”. Plus if you actually are staying on Oahu, you will be checked for either Safe Travels Vaccine Exemption or Safe Travels Covid Test expemtion when you arrive in Honolulu IF IF IF you are leaving the airport. If you do stay over on Oahu, there is no further testing required for interisland travel.

  9. Hi there. I have a group coming to Hawaii (Oahu) from Canada for a large work conference in January. I have a few team members who have mixed doses (Astra Zeneca & Moderna/Pfizer); I had read somewhere that Hawaii was only accepting two mRNA vaccines and mixing wasn’t allowed. Can you confirm if this is still the case? THANK YOU in advance.

    1. Hi Carla.

      We have not heard that and did not see that in yesterday’s announcement from the governor.


    2. We had a large conference (500+) scheduled in early December at the Grand Wailea Maui that just was cancelled due to the overly restrictive outdoor gatherings.

  10. Hi! I leave for Maui on Tuesday at 7:50am and I have just scheduled for my covid test on Saturday at 9:30am does this fall within the 72 hour time frame? Also wanting to make sure the rapid test was sufficient. I copied this from the site:
    Walgreens – Available by appointment at their website. There are no out-of-pocket costs for eligible individuals ages 3 years or older that meet CDC criteria. Either the Rapid Diagnostic Test (ID NOW) or the Diagnostic Lab Test (PCR) will be accepted.

  11. Hi! I leave for Maui on Tuesday at 7:50am and I have just scheduled for my covid test on Saturday at 9:30am does this fall within the 72 hour time frame? Also wanting to make sure the rapid test was sufficient. I copied this from the site:
    Walgreens – Available by appointment at their website. There are no out-of-pocket costs for eligible individuals ages 3 years or older that meet CDC criteria. Either the Rapid Diagnostic Test (ID NOW) or the Diagnostic Lab Test (PCR) will be accepted.

    1. STephanie… Assume you are not vaccinate as you would not need testing if flying from the US. Otherwise, yes, Walgreen’s is a Trusted Partner and the two tests you cited are the only ones acceptable.

    2. Dear Stephanie, how was your trip? Do share😊👙👒😊🌈☀️🩴👓📅🎉🌊🥥🍍🏝🌍💕🌸🛩🐠🐋🐢💺⏰

  12. Hello, my spouse and I would like to visit Maui to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. We are citizens and residents of Canada. I’ve had 2 Pfizer vaccinations and he has had 1 Astra-Zeneca and 1 Pfizer vaccine. Are we required to have a negative covid test within 72 hours of arriving in Hawaii? Is the US accepting a mixed dosage vaccination regime? Thank you in advance for your response.

    1. Hi Judith.

      We are expecting an update in that regard for Canadian and other International visitors to Hawaii shortly. Please stay tuned for that.


  13. Thanks so much! Appreciate it. 🙂
    I found this lab earlier today (can’t remember how I found the link) They seem to have various locations and provide services for people needing testing for travel.

    1. Hi Carol – We have travelled a couple of times from Kona to Canada and have used S&G Labs in Kona for our test to come back to Canada. WE have never had issues and they are easy to make an appointment with.
      Hope this helps

    2. CAROL… You didn’t say whether you were using that lab for testing to come TO Hawaii or to RETURN FROM Hawaii. If TO HAWAII, you might want to check – they have to be a “Trusted Partner”.

  14. Hello! I’m hoping that someone might be able to help me. I’ll be visiting friends on the Big Island in November. I am required to get a PCR test before my return trip back to Canada. Would anyone know if I would be permitted to use the same testing facilities that are open to locals? Or would anyone know if there are specific clinics/labs for travel testing that I could access? Any help would be appreciated – thanks

    1. Hi Carol.

      We’ll ask others to lend a hand here. We’ve seen it stated that the local testing is not for travel. There are many sources for tests. You might start by looking at for travel testing partners.


  15. We will have a child traveling with us, age 9. What are the requirements for her? Is the 72 hr negative result the only needed documentation? And can we get the test at our local doctor?

    1. Yes a 9 year old needs a negative test result less than 72 hours before departure. Check the Hawaii Safe Travels website for approved testing facilities. A test by her doctor will not be accepted. Many airports offer quick approved testing but usually for a fee.

  16. We are travelling from Canada so will use Air Canada’s trusted travel partner for our pre travel test as we have done in the past, my question is- we are both double vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine – Is that going to be an issue? I have heard that Hawaii doesn’t recognize that vaccine. Will we be ok with our double vaccine proof and our pre-travel test?

    1. Hi Troy-Anne.

      We are expecting clarification about changes to international arrival rules soon. At present, only those vaccinated in the US are exempt from testing here in Hawaii.


      1. Thank you – yes we understand we need to get tested. We were there a few months ago and I don’t think the international traveler rules have changed since then. I think regardless of what vaccine we received, as long as we have our negative test we will be ok.

        1. Hi Troy-Anne.

          Yes, you’ve got it. It should change soon since international travel has started being much more a part of the Hawaii government talk recently.


  17. I previously input a non-stop trip in Safe Travels (SJC-HNL) & now want to update it to a new trip SJC-OGG & OGG-HNL. Same date & final destination.

    I will only be in OGG for 40 minutes to change planes – will that be enough to go through any arrival in Hawaii process? I am hoping to be pre-cleared in SJC but want to be prepared if it doesn’t happen.

    When I pull up the vaccination exemption it shows the non-stop trip I previously input, do I need to request a new exemption for the new itinerary?

    Thank you in advance for any advice!

    1. Hi Kelley.

      If the airline allowed you that connection when booking as a single itinerary, then you should be accommodated even if you miss the connection. If you booked these flights separately, then you will, of course, not be protected.

      We suspect you do need to receive a new exemption based on the changes made. You can contact Safe Travels to confirm that of course.


  18. I would prefer if all passengers vaccinated or not had to provide a negative test 72 hours before departure i think it was a mistake to make vaccinated travelers exempt from pre flight testing!


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