Summer Guide to 2021 Hawaii Travel During COVID

Revised November 2021 Guide to Hawaii Travel During COVID

Tips, essential Rules, latest changes. Save Time and avoid Worry. What to know before traveling to Hawaii.

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595 thoughts on “Revised November 2021 Guide to Hawaii Travel During COVID”

  1. Hi,
    I are traveling from San Diego to Maui in mid January. I am vaccinated and boostered.

    As of now, is that sufficient or do I have to test a Covid test.

    Thank you for your time!!

  2. You stated that tests for Covid for travel to Hawaii range from free to 250.00, do you have a list of free or low cost tests? We are travelling from California to Maui and although my husband and I are vaccinated our daughter’s husband refuses to get or allow our daughter to get vaccinated.

    1. LORRAINE L… We used Walgreens and test cost $200. It is impossible as it appears to vary from state to state, city to city. For instance, using Vault Health costs (I don’t know what) but in New Mexico, the state subsidizes it and Vault is free. You just have to check locally.

    2. wow so the husband dictates whether his wife gets the vaccine or not? Sound like you have bigger problems than just getting tested. Hope he allows her to get it soon

  3. Aloha again
    I think I’ve got the rules for getting to Hawai’i from Ireland & U.K (Covid test 1 day prior to departure). Overnighting in LAX – Covid Test to be booked for departure to Kaua’i next day. So far, so good.
    Rules have just changed for return trip to London. Have to get a NAAT Test 2 days before return. (AAAgh!!!) So, can you help me. I will be staying on Oah’u for the conclusion of my vacation, so may I ask where I can get a test for travel?

    1. Hi Michael.

      If you do a search for Honolulu Covid testing, and then use the maps tap, you’ll get quite a long list, starting with the ubiquitous pharmacies. In the past when there was testing for interisland travel, another place that was mentioned favorably in comments was Hope that helps.


  4. I just received this notice from my timeshare
    All travelers to Hawaii must provide proof of negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of departure, HOWEVER, effective July 8, 2021, fully vaccinated travelers will not be required to take the pre-travel Covid test. Be sure to upload your test results or your vaccination card (whichever applies) into your Safe Travels account (required).
    I am vaccinated so I just need to download this into safe travels and I do not need to test?

    1. DEbI B… this is so old news. Your opening sentence caused panic for us until we read your whole post! Please be more considerate on what you post! Getting tested within 72 hours of travel is a logistical no formate for that we’ve been grateful to see pass. Your post caused panic!

  5. This has been helpful information
    My spouse and I are both in middle seventies. This technology is stressing me
    We are hoping to make it to granddaughter’s college graduation in December

  6. a quick four day turn around to Oahu, painless, smooth and easy. All were kind helpful and had a great four days. Will be back for my birthday in February

  7. Hi, I’m a bit nervous traveling soon with all this info. Is getting the PCR test from a military base overseas in Japan acceptable? I’m not showing any info on that but I did get the correct covid test.

  8. Thank you for the comprehensive info. I’m on the site and am unsure of what to enter under “traveling to”. My destination is Maui with a layover in Honolulu and therefore I have 2 flight numbers but it only allows me to enter one. Do I just choose Honolulu as my destination and enter that flight number? Want to be as accurate as possible. Thanks!

    1. Hi AB.

      We believe that should be Honolulu. There is no Safe Travels between Honolulu and Maui.

      Best bet for you might be to contact the Safe Travels help desk to confirm at 855-599-0888.


    2. Dear AB, I hope that you have an awesome, fun, & safe trip to Hawaii!!! Enjoy 😊🌈☀️🩴🛩📅👓🌸🎉🌊🥥🍍🏝🌍💕

  9. I am traveling tonight and still have not received an email from the “safe travels Hawaii” website (where I did dutifully create an account last week) and when I tried to access the site I get an internet “404” error?!?!?!?!? Anyone know what’s going on and how I should proceed??

    1. MICHELE B>>> You don’t receive an email from Safe Travels. Once you have completed the Health Questionnaire portion – which must be done within 24 hours of your flight – you will see a green checkmark next time you log in to Safe Travels. Then you’re good to go.

  10. Nice job Guys, Mahalo. Tried to get straights answers and they just kept saying check when you are due to travel as the wrinkles are being shook out. Looks like CDC compliance has been accepted and foreign vaccinations will be accepted on indirect flights via the mainland. Very sensible.

  11. Ever more change. Ever more confusion. Ever more lack of progress.

    “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
    – Albert Einstein

    1. I have searched but can’t confirm the answer- does my 3 year old grandson need a Covid test when traveling directly from Canada to Hawaii? We booked a tear along with his parents but would still like to know. Thank you!

      1. Hi Troy-Anne.

        Hawaii’s requirement is testing at a minimum of 5 years. The issue is the federal government requirement which we believe is 2 years and above.


  12. Are results from an AZOVA + Lucira™ Check It COVID-19 Test Kit with Video Observation for Travel acceptable for Safe Travels compliance?

  13. I have a friend who is fully vaccinated and was going to travel to Hawaii. Took a PCR test just to make sure and was positive. Under these rules he could have still flown to Hawaii by showing his vaccination card. It does not follow the science and does not keep Covid out of the islands if you don’t require testing for everyone coming in!

    1. True, but it cuts out the majority which is better than no precautions. Stats show that the program is working well.

    2. IF they tested positive, they would still have to answer the questions that are asked within 24 hours of flying. They would not be able to fly under the rules. If they lie, then they would be subject to arrest if they are caught like anyone else. And the facts are that vaccinated people are 6 times less likely to test positive and 12 times less likely to die from Covid based on data collected by the NY times. So you please follow the science.

      1. The point is that vaccinated people are getting Covid and unless they test before traveling to Hawaii you are letting people with the virus come to the islands! If they have no symptoms, then they answer the questions truthfully and they can still be carriers.

        1. Correct, it is not no risk but it is much lower risk. Interestingly on Kauai basically all cases recently have been locals either returning or through community transmission since the vaccine exemption came into place. From that data alone, it can be observed that tourists flying to Kauai (and Hawaii in general) with a vaccine or test exemption (not requiring both) are very low risk and don’t contribute to Covid spread appreciably.

  14. ‘Travel to Hawaii, from outside the Country’, Vaccination or 72 Hour NAAT Test, yet here, it needn’t be from “a trusted partner”, why? The rationale favors those traveling Internationally, where even less is known about their ’72 Hour Test’ and where we’ve seen recently a great disparity in accuracy to some. That, and the Booster or nothe Injection has proven that the effective period can be but 90 days, while still allowing the Vaccinated to both contract and pass the virus! What of China?

  15. So let me get this straight. Any foreigner entering Hawaii from another country: “Testing for direct international arrivals does not need to comply with partners and test requirements associated with Hawaii Safe Travels”. So international travelers from abroad don’t need to have a “Trusted Partner Test?” Makes no sense whatsoever. Who the hell is coming up with these unconstitutional rules? An international traveler can enter without a trusted partner test, but a resident of Hawaii can’t.


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