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62 thoughts on “West Maui Reopening with Grim Prospect of Visitors”

  1. I suppose it’s my own fault to have believed Hawaii’s politicians. Silly me. They should have just stuck to their original decision and said emphatically “we’re closed until further notice”. In April, I booked and paid for a week in Kauai and 2 weeks in Maui to celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. Air, car, resort stay and connecting mainland vacation plans could only be changed at great additional expense. Now, instead of helping to support the people of West Maui, an additional $2,500, half of which is taxes and fees, has been given to condo owners in Kihei for one week. Sadly, as senior’s on a fixed income, I’m cutting my losses and leaving a week early, probably never to return.

  2. Shouldn’t we be worrying about everyone that lost their homes????? Aren’t you about to kick them all out????? Disgusting…..I was planning on coming to Maui in January….now I’m not so sure I want to….

    1. No, you shouldn’t be worried about the displaced getting kicked out, and there is nothing “disgusting” going on. Qualified individuals are being given free room and board for the foreseeable future, along with several monetary stipends.

      Try not to rely on what you read on social media. I am here, volunteering for the Red Cross. Believe me when I say the displaced are being taken care of, and are not getting “kicked out”.

      This is the kind of mindset that needs to change. It is doing more harm than good.

  3. Aloha to the People of Maui,
    Although born and raised on Oahu..My Heart is Maui❣️
    Especially Napili Bay.
    God Willing, I will be Blessed to Return to Napili Bay, Maui by March 26th, 2024, so I may lay my flower Lei, to celebrate my husband (an alumni as a Lahainaluna Boarder in the 70’s),..
    It will be his 30th Year Anniversary, In Heaven.
    My Love, Thoughts and Prayers are Lifted Up Daily for the People and Aina of Maui..
    “Lahaina Strong/Maui Strong”.
    Please Take Care and God Bless🙇‍♀️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.

  4. The answer that hotels are three to to five times comparable, in other places worth visiting, continues to fall on deaf ears.

    1. This article doesnt even mention how the affected families feel about the re-opening of west Maui. Is goes on and on about how the hotels are affected by the re-opening but barely mentions how the west maui residents will be affected or if they even want their portion of the island to be re-opened. I can tell whoever runs this platform doesn’t care about the locals of Hawai’i. Btw, the Hawaiian ʻokina is never used when spelling Hawaiʻi in this article.

  5. If they need the business maybe they should not be raising the rates and gouging us we’re trying to go but everything has went up.

  6. Honestly, what do you expect. So much mixed messaging that people are just going elsewhere. After the fire people screamed don’t come to Maui, then the reality that only a part of the island experienced the full brunt of the tragedy, and the rest was going to suffer because the tourists had gone away. The message to come back but avoid the west wasn’t broadcast nearly as loudly.

    Then the Governor says West Maui is open as of October 8 (although it never was officially closed …it was discouraged), and then weeks later the Mayor announces we’ll, it isn’t fully open, we will open in phases, with no specific timeline.

    This tragedy only gets compounded by the poorly worded mixed messaging.

  7. We visited Maui in August from the 15th to the 30th of 2023 ,we stayed in kei hei ,it was beautiful, even though we were probably backlashed for going we had this trip planned for a long time ,although our hearts went out to Lahaina we weren’t going because we were wanting to see what happened there ,we were going to enjoy our vacation and I’m glad we did our prayers are with the families that lost their homes and loved ones and we just pray for all of Maui

  8. We were shocked and saddened by the news out of Maui at the beginning of August and the following days. We had a trip already booked to Kaanapali at the beginning of November and did not cancel as we thought we could still attend and support the residents in some way, donations or volunteer. However once the phased return to “re-opening” was announced we had to cancel as we are in the phase 3 zone and the governing bodies are so poor in managing the process and communication. That being said, we did re-schedule for the same time, a stay in south Kihei. We love your island and will help in anyway we can. Sending our love and prayers to all those affected. Bob and Vicki.

  9. We are totally looking forward to visiting Maui in March for 2 weeks for our 4th time.Although we do understand and will certaintly be considerate to All Maui residents as Always but more so this time because of All they are going through.We hope thst we can make a person smile from seeing people do really want to help them .We Love Maui and have no desire to take pictures of the tragic fire site.

  10. First, prayers and good wishes to all who lost family, friends and homes. Second, there is no time to waste in reopening. People need jobs and income. Federal handouts can’t go on forever. Tourism and mainlanders are not your enemy. Stand up, lean into your grief and feel it, then start moving forward.

  11. Aloha! grim, is right…With Many friends still living at hotels and with the non-existent available housing for them, the “coconut wireless” is on fire..many are receiving Red Cross texts “did you find a place to live yet?” (no); “we suggest you go live on the other side of the island or move to the mainland” (most want to stay here near family and/or jobs)….I don’t know how we go forward with “phased opening”…you need more visitors to open profitably!…yeah, beaches are mostly empty; restaurants are not “usual business” and most stores are closed still…again, inept inconsistent messaging from government does not help…People need work to make a living!

  12. What should I do with my 2 BR timeshare week January 4th at one of the newer Starwood/Marriott properties? I’d like to donate it to locals but when I call, I’ve been told that weeks don’t help. I’ve been a temporary Hawaiian for almost 50 years. Anyone got any suggestions?

  13. Aloha everyone ! Hope all is well.
    Just returned home last Wednesday from a big trip for Bill’s 70th.
    Originally were going to be in Honolulu then at our time share in Kaanapali and finish with 5 days in Kihei.
    With the horrible tragedy in Lahaina, our plans like everyone else changed.
    Extended our visit to the Ohana in Honolulu and had a big birthday party. Canceled Kaanapali and decided to keep the last 5 days in Kihei.
    Everything and everyone was kind and sweet and welcoming.
    In Kihei we were welcomed and the locals said all of Maui was heartbroken and needed tourism to help recover.
    Best wishes, safe travels

  14. I love Hawaii, every island. We haven’t been able to travel for the last few years because of family obligations. That’s in the past now so we are looking forward to a trip there. And this time we will be able to stay longer.

  15. My wife and I just returned Friday (9/29) from 5 wonderful days in West Maui (Kahana area)! We were surprised at how many restaurants were open! and how grateful people working in restaurants were that we were there!

    West Maui restaurants open (as of last week):
    Beach House Bar & Grill
    Hawaiian Village Coffee
    Maui Brewing Company
    Miso Phat (sushi)

    Duke’s Beach House
    Hula Grill

    Miss Arepa
    The Fish Market
    Honokowai Okazuya
    Java Jazz Bar&Grill
    L&L Hawaiian BBQ
    Pizza Paradiso
    Shave Ice in Paradise

    The Sea House
    a’a Roots
    Napili Coffee
    Mama’s Ribs
    Maui Tacos
    Joey’s Kitchen

    1. Thank you very much Dave; your list put many of our concerns to rest. Might add that Gas Buddy far from encouraging regarding gas stations on the west side; as of 10/4, GB only list the Aloha station as being open. I checked Yelp and found that the nice Shell in Honokowai is back in business.
      Maui here we come!

  16. Social media and news reports state the cause of the fire is still being investigated. A tire, some underground burning logs after the firefighters left and reignited. The electric company issue etc. Rebuilding won’t happen until all the legal issues are hashed out. As far as locals I understand it’s their home but all emphasize wages and mostly tips to survive. Hawaii is the most expensive state to reside in as far as the United States. Utilities are also the most expensive. These people can’t survive on just wages. We are talking big tips. My gosh. Don’t you have 49 other states to choose from? It’s only gonna get way way more expensive. Good luck.

  17. Not only was the government messaging bad, but also social media was filled with regular Hawaiians insinuating that they wanted nothing to do with the Americans and that they have basically not Americans which I don’t understand I have wanted to come to Hawaii for a very long time my aunt has been three times now I feel very unlikely that I will have a visit certainly don’t want to come if I’m feeling unwelcome

  18. We are scheduled to come to West Maui in February. We would like to support Maui by coming there and volunteering as needed. However, we don’t want to displace locals or arrive and fi d there is no place to dine. We have donated Maui Strong and think about those who were devastated with the loss of loved ones and destruction of the community.

  19. So much to see and do on Maui. Lahaina was quite a tourist destination but Kihei along with Waialea are more appealing. Maalea harbor and the Aquarium are world class. Haleakala, Hana, Kipahulu (Lindberg’s gravesite), Kula, ulupalakua upcountry winery, Northshore world class surfing and Paiia and touristy makawau. Don’t forget the many Churches, flea markets, fishing, Kahalui shopping, Queen Kaahumanu Mall , the list goes on.

  20. Continued thoughts and prayers over Maui and all of the people who are displaced, and have lost so very much including family and friends, and so many have lost everything.


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