Kee Beach, Haena State Park

Why $50 Hawaii Green Fee Simply Won’t Happen

Be careful what you read in the news. If a Hawaii green fee is ever implemented, that would be years away, and here’s why.

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20 thoughts on “Why $50 Hawaii Green Fee Simply Won’t Happen”

  1. Green Fees that would benefit Green. Not the Green that everyone envisions, that wouldn’t help the other Green who undoubtedly enjoys the ‘Green’ in his Accounts and Pockets. When will Hawaiians begin to choose their Politicians Better, why do they worship them as if they were the reincarnation of Pele? How can they continue down this road of dismissive denials, failed policies, and Bankrupt Government?

  2. I love Hawaii and the Ohana
    I have been coming here for 50 plus years
    and own a second home here for 25 years.
    I do complain about taxes like many others,knowing that it is necessary to provide roads, safety and infrastructure. Having the highest taxation in the Rebublic I am amazed and embarrassed with all this massive revenue collected from tourism and taxes that restrooms at the parks in Hawaii are not maintained or cleaned to anywhere near exceptable standards. In my extensive travels I would give us a 2 out of 10 on this issue. I think this is a great forum here and miss the charm of historical Hawaii and hope we can handle the hard issues that come with growth. If we pay the most we should get way closer to a 10 on this subject.

    1. That’s because the people vote for the same crooks time and again who never spend anything fixing anything; there needs to be an accounting of where all that tax money is going.

      I have been going to Maui for 15 years and in all that time have not seen the roads fixed or anything to help the people who voted for them. Time to vote all of those people out and elect some that will actually make lives better for the people that voted for them.

  3. Your comment about “Hawaii’s bottomless pit of tourism greed” is absolutely on point. Sad, but true…

  4. Once again, name one thing the state of Hawaii does well (with the possible exception of ocean safety). DLNR is widely accepted as an inept and incompetent agency with too much power and money with little to no accountability. I totally agree with BOH that a thorough accounting of where the 18% goes, but don’t hold your breath!

    1. A Thorough, Indepth…not the typical Inept, Forensic and Current Accounting of Every Facet needs to be accomplished. From the State Level, including Every Department, through the County and Local Levels to allow the Public the Knowledge to determine Where all of the Money has gone. Possibly then the Voters will Referendum Meaningful Changes. There’s Plenty of Places in Budgets where programs can be Curtailed, other’s Cut Back! Maybe even some changes in Politicians! Take the Necessary Steps.

  5. Until Hawaii can get its Fiscal Responsibilities in Order, which also means showing where the money is being spent, nothing additional should be implemented. Collecting more money that is earmarked for different purposes should be allocated appropriately and not disappear to the General Fund or some other deep dark Hawaiian hole. The DLNR wants to allocate money to non profits, how about Not. Use the money appropriately, no giving it away, and maybe everyone will see the Improvements they Expect!

  6. All the fees, and talk of future fees, and infrastruture abuse,I agree 100 percent! The world is overcrowded. People do Not raise their children anymore, they let them do whatever. Maui Social medias are filled with folks that only want to travel to the islands to eat food, and for Gods sakes, ask what they can do on Maui! THis is just a sign of poor education, no interest in history or its people. Blaming much on “Well, it is USA” Is such a non educated quote. We ignore the real Hawaiian culture, yet, you can’t make a phone call without having a choice of pressing 1 for English 2 for Spanish! Greed, overbirth and UN-education are to blame~ Idiots are everywhere running everything!

  7. Umm…. Last I checked, Hawaii is one of the 50 states in the United States of America, where it is your right as an American citizen to travel unencumbered between states. I think so many people with their isolationist views forget that we are all Americans, no matter where you are from. Charge to get into parks if you want but it’s illegal for a state to have what is essentially a cover charge to enter it. How stupid to even consider it.

  8. Hmmm. It appears that a lot of people forgot that Hawaii is a state and not a country, and that some of the things they wanted to implement couldn’t happen. Even if they were to collect some fees the money would go to D.C. and not local.

  9. On our last trip to Maui, we had no problems paying the park fees at several stops on the road to Hanna. And I might add I even did a plumbing repair at one of the bathrooms because I needed to use it and it was out of order. I guess I should have sent the state a bill for the repair. Just wanted to be helpful. So not all tourists are destructive. Food for thought.

  10. Its simple. Revenue for the parks can be generated through an add on to license tabs/plates. Make it optional for residents and commercial activities. Mandatory on rental vehicles.

  11. Most states on the mainland that have state parks have fees for their use. State residents are charged a fixed fee for the year. Out of state residents can buy a yearly pass or daily passes for a different fee. Even the national parks are charging fees to get into certain parks. You can purchase an annual fee. This is what Hawaii should look into. As a visitor to Your great state I would not be opposed to paying a fee to use your state parks.

  12. The government there is corrupt and it has been for a long time, I’ve been going to Maui since 2008 and the visitors fees keep going up but the roads never gets fixed and the infrastructure is just going to pieces. I for one would like to know where all that money I paid and freezes going, I suspect into somebody’s pocket.

  13. Spent a couple of weeks on the Big Island and ran into some new fees. The first was a parking fee at what had been a very large Farmer’s Market. We would always go there for fresh fruits and veggies the morning after arrival. The market was way reduced in size and parking was no longer free. In fact, it was $6 for 30 minutes; turns out we should have done $3 for 15 as that is all the time needed. But, extrapolating that fee out to 2 or 3 hours simply moved the area from a shopping or dining destination. Also, payment of the fee required a smart phone. If you are going to charge fees you need some physical recipients of the fee there. The second was a $12 for 4 hours at Kahaluu Beach County Park.

    1. To continue, the folks at the Beach told us that for the first year all receipts were to go to them for use at the beach/park. After that, they did not know what the County would do. There, we were able to pay cash, in addition to the smartphone options. I don’t take my phone to the beach. This fee was for non-residents only. I don’t recall if the downtown fee applied to all or just non-residents.

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