Why Hawaii Ranked Safest State During Covid

Why Hawaii Ranked Safest State During Covid

Hawaii was just ranked safest state during Covid according to the popular website WalletHub. Based on today’s findings, the state has done an excellent job of disease control while providing the safest conditions for Hawaii residents and Hawaii visitors alike. It was also ranked amongst those states with the fewest deaths per capita.

Hawaii has started to see improved Covid data as the Omicron variant spike appears to be waning, and rates of Covid-19 transmission declining. This comes as some good news for the Hawaii tourism industry as it strives to return to normality.

WalletHub said, “safety is also essential for getting the economy back on track, as the lower COVID-19 transmission and deaths are in a state, the fewer restrictions there will be and the more confidence people will have…Some states are already safer than others, though, based on how well they have kept the pandemic under control and how much they are vaccinating.”

The website compared five key metrics including transmission rate, positive testing rate, hospitalization rate, Covid-19 death rate, and highest and lowest vaccination rate.

The states ranked as follows according to their data set: Hawaii, California, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maine, Oregon, Florida, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland, Colorado, North Carolina, Alaska, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, North Dakota, Connecticut, South Carolina, Delaware, Nebraska, New Mexico, Iowa, New Jersey, Wyoming, Utah, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Texas, Massachusetts, Alabama, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Kansas, Idaho, South Dakota, Montana, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arizona, Mississippi, West Virginia, Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and Oklahoma.

In terms of scores offered by Wallethub in relation to the Covid-19 virus, on a 100-point scale, Hawaii scored 80.01 at the top, while Oklahoma, at the bottom of the least safest states, scored 16.03.

WalletHub is a well-known personal finance website, based in Washington DC that has been around since 2013. More recently they have become a personal finance social network that offers free consumer tools.

What’s your take on WalletHub’s findings? In thousands of comments, there has been a wide disparity of views about just how well Hawaii has handled Covid.



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30 thoughts on “Why Hawaii Ranked Safest State During Covid”

  1. I am Canadian and I have to be fully vaccinated and tested to enter Hawaii. The resort where I stay require to see my test results and proof of vaccines. I assume everyone at my resort has done the same and it’s a safe environment.
    Yesterday I visit with folks at the resort who are local and staycationing. They are not vaccinated nor tested. So my safe place bubble is no longer safe. I see this as a huge double standard.

  2. I mean really, I live in a Sacramento suburb and own a business in a rural community what I’ve never understood is how you can throw a blanket survey over such a large diverse state.

    I’ve felt totally safe, but if I lived in crowded urban LA or SF not so much.

    This is crap news…

  3. I’m surprised that California came in second. In the area where I live, people are dropping like flies. And that’s with consistent 65-75 degree outdoor weather.

  4. Wallet Hub, not exactly the best epidemiological source I would rely on for ratings. That being said, I feel much safer going on our long planned trip to Hawaii in May than any mainland state.

  5. I am sorry to say that I do not agree at all. I think Hawaii’s handling of COVID has been extreme, and not in a good way. In addition, it seems that guidelines have been very wishy washy, and ever-changing. In addition, as far as case rates per capita, there are other states with a better track record. For me personally, I decided when all the rules began that I will be giving other states my tourist dollar and will not return to Hawaii for some time.

    1. So why are you here? Just to dump on Hawaii? I’m sure they don’t care as they are getting plenty of business but again why are you here? Those site promotes Hawaii

    2. Lack of tourists is not a problem for Hawaii, .overcrowding going forward is. It’s clear that there are many that love Hawaii for what it has to offer and are respectful enough to adapt to the current situation. Others are more intolerant and demanding. It seems that the angry finger pointers who focus more on themselves then the overall situation are the ones saying “l’m not going there!”….that’s a good thing. Hawaii always been a better fit for the more laidback folks then the uptight ones.

    3. LOL Michelle,
      What states are you referring to specifically. You DO realize that Hawaii is a tiny spec in the middle of the ocean 3000 miles away from the nearest mainland? Its not like driving from say Oregon into washington.
      No I think the Government of Hawaii has done the right Thing all along. I have been twice this year not once was it confusing to me. The guidelines and rules were very clear. We had a wonderful time and will be back many more times. I salute Ige and the state of Hawaii.

  6. Just think, if Hawaii had remained a territory the Gov. could have closed the airports and the count would have been much lower.

    1. Your just miss informed. Numbers show that covid-19 related positive test were by far greater if you were a resident than a visitor!

  7. While Hawaii was not perfect, (who was?) they pretty much did what they had to do considering their circumstances. Business’s (some)suffered, but lives were saved. You can recover from a bad financial situation, you cannot recover from death, whether it’s you or a loved one.

  8. I visited Hawaii during the holidays and felt very comfortable with the covid protocols in place. In fact, I felt much safer overall than I do at home. Thanks to Hawaii for taking leadership to be as safe as possible during the pandemic.

  9. Kudos to the government of Hawaii! We felt very safe the two times we have been to Hawaii this year. And we will definitely be back!

  10. Aloha Guys-

    Returning to Kauai in May. Could you remind me of something? When you get your green QR code through Safe Travels, at what point do you get a green check mark next to “screened?”


    1. Hi Jon.

      What others have reported is that if you are vaccinated in the US, you should likely get it right away after uploading documents and trip details. If your situation is different, please ask and I’m sure someone will lend a hand.


      1. Flew back to LIH Sunday. Got green QR code with one green check from safe travels which meant delay for screening in LIH. Was told screening and wrist band were obtained at check-in for Hawaii flight which was not available for those of us connecting through.

      2. You do not always get that green check right away. We had to wait until we got to Kona last week despite having everything correctly uploaded. No presceen wristbands for us this trip even though the same documents got them for us in October. Many on our plane were in the same boat but the screening was very fast at the airport.

      3. What does a Yellow QR code mean? We’ve uploaded Vaccine Card & Trip Details but the QR code we received is Yellow. Thanks!

      4. Aloha again Jon,
        I was listening to Lt Gov Green this morning, he said that he and the governor would meet in a few days to talk about making any changes to Safe Travels Hawaii. It would appear that they may not make any changes to Safe Travels at all.

    2. Aloha Jon.
      It happens quickly, just follow the directions on the Safe Travels Hawaii.. You will depart that info/QR code at the airport before leaving to Hawaii. It’s always on the last leg of your trip. You will need to ask your airline where that counter is for your wrist ban. Keep in mind that the state of Hawaii is in a few weeks going to update their Safe Travels Hawaii program that will soon require a booster shot info too. Just upload all your vaccine cards info to Safe Travels.

      1. Thanks Roy. I have downloaded all my trip info and card. I received a green QR card via email. There is a green check mark next to the word “exempted and above that red X next to the word “screened.” At what point/what does it take to get the rex X changed to a green checkmark?

        1. That QR code is what want/need. Your home safe. At the counter at the airport they will look at all your info to make sure it’s correct, that’s when you get the green light. Have a good trip.

    3. Jon D,
      You don’t get the 2nd green check until you are prescreenied at your departing airport. If your airline isn’t doing it, you won’t get it until you land in Lihue & are screened there. I flew to Kauai in October & was able to be pre-cleared in Seattle. My next trip is to Kauai. I’ve uploaded the info to Safe Travels. Airlines in Seattle & some other cities are doing it based upon available staff. So who knows. My vaccination card is on file.

    4. For my trip last week, after entering my trip info, I uploaded my vaccine info to qualify for exemption from quarantine. The box under the green QR code then showed “(red)x Screened:no”. Note there is another section further down that shows “(green)check mark Exempt:yes”. At my departure airport, I showed my ID, and received my wristband before boarding my flight. The box under the green QR code then changed to show “(green) check mark Screened:yes”.

  11. We have been the safest state because we shut down! Our political leadership listened to medical experts and took immediate action. Of course there were financial repercussions- but lives were saved. 1/23/22: “The state Dept of Health reported 1,112 Covid-19 deaths in Hawaii as of Friday, which is a grim statistic for a small state. But if Hawaii had suffered the same per capita death rate as the rest of the nation during the pandemic, the death toll here would have been more than 3,600.”

    1. It appears they had a relatively high rate of vaccination…by and large the states with the lowest vaccination rates suffered the most. Doesn’t hurt that Florida has a lot of seniors and no matter their politics, have a vested interest in taking precautions I would guess. No matter what anyone wants to say, you are more likely to die from Covid if you are unvaccinated.

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