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31 thoughts on “High Death Toll As World Rocked by Maui Fire Devastation”

  1. Please publish a name list & room count of all the resorts from Hyatt to Kapalua, oncluding condos. People need to see the magnitude of beautiful
    Resorts & beaches & numbers of welcomingemployees

  2. From north of Lahaina, where we just cobbled together some internet where I’m at, I can’t express how thankful we are to the people of Maui and Hawaii who came to our rescue in pickup trucks, boats, jet skis, airplanes, and helicopters. The government’s relief effort has been “lacking” up until a couple of days ago, but that is a discussion for another day. Our neighbors, friends, random strangers came to our aid in our time of greatest need, and not only supplied us with the things we needed to survive, but also the inspiration, for me, anyway, to keep hope. I hope circumstances like this never arise again for me to have to return the favor, but when my turn comes, I will, and hope to live up to half the example the people who helped us out have set. Mahalo, Maui, and Hawaii.

    1. Hi Frank.

      We’re so glad to hear from you again and are most grateful you are okay! Your hopeful words are uplifting and Maui is always in our thoughts and prayers and those of countless readers and others at this time.


  3. Our hearts are broken. We love Lahaina and all the people of Maui. We are praying for our brothers and sisters in Maui. We love you! Support is on it way. God Bless all.


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