Hawaiian Hoary Bat

Bats in Hawaii: No April Fool’s | Islands’ Only Native Land Mammal

How they arrived here some 10,000 years ago. And other fascinating facts about the Hawaiian hoary bat and bats in Hawaii.

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12 thoughts on “Bats in Hawaii: No April Fool’s | Islands’ Only Native Land Mammal”

  1. Aloha Rob and Jeff!
    This is a great article about the cutest mammals in the islands!
    I’ve never seen one, but it’s always because I’m going a thousand miles an hour and don’t always take the time to pay attention to the awesomeness around us.🌺
    I lost my best friend on Saturday and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she was fine a couple weeks ago and then gone. She forgot to live like there’s no tomorrow. We’re never promised another day.
    Mahalo for reminding me to look.

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thanks for checking in. We both send condolences on learning of you’re loss. She they is an important message.


  2. Love bats. I watch them all summer from my second deck here in Arizona getting bugs. I see them from my light shining on my American and Arizona flags. They fly circles in the night to get bugs. Very cool to watch. I would love to see them from my place in Kauai. I even had one fly in my house in the summer and circled the ceiling fan several times but luckily he found his way out of the French doors. Fascinating creatures.

  3. BOE,

    We have bats in our backyard – in the summer, we watch them dive down to catch flying insects. Southern California, high desert.

    I don’t understand why bats that arrived there 1,000 and 10,000 years ago are endemic – doesn’t that mean “native to?”


    1. Hi Rod.

      They’re considered native and yes, they arrived here 10k years ago. Both are true – we aren’t sure why that is. Hopefully someone who knows more can help.


      1. Thanks. Maybe if something has been in a place for a very long time, and obviously adapted, it’s endemic/native.

      2. Endemic is when something is only found in an area, another example in Hawai’i is the nene.

  4. Mahalo, Guys I will use this information as I talk about a lot about Hawaii being the extinction capital of the world. I also mention your web site often as you were so helpful explaining the ins and outs of the Covid restrictions.

  5. Anything that eats mosquitoes is OK with me. Are there still red dragonflies on Kauai? I remember seeing some there.

  6. Aloha BOH,
    We have seen the Hoary Bats at sunset at Napili Bay on Maui – my husband had binoculars and we were both surprised at the sight of them flying out of palm trees! Thanks for this information!

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