Hawaii Anniversary and Trivia


Hawaii will celebrate 50 years as the 50th state this year on August 21.  There will be many festivities, which we will be covering as the date approaches.  In the meantime, both Prince Resorts and Aqua Resorts have 50th Anniversary specials.  mauna-kea1

Did you know…

The land mass of Hawaii consists of over 6,000 square miles

Mauna Kea summit is the highest point in the state, at 13,806 feet  It snows in winter and is rather cold year-round.

The Nene (a Hawaiian duck) is our state bird.  It is both endangered and protected.

neneThe hibiscus, Pua Aloalo, is the state flower


Kukui is our state treekukui

Hawaii is the widest state, stretching east to west nearly 1,500 miles from French Frigate Shoals to the Big Island.  It also stretches 1,600 miles from north (Kure Atoll) to south (again the Big Island)


And last but not least, don’t forget the beloved Hawaiian Monk Seal, which last year was named our State mammal.

If you want to go crazy with more Hawaii trivia, check this out.

5 thoughts on “Hawaii Anniversary and Trivia”

  1. Yes, Jeff, the Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Big Island also offers its guests some ‘special credits’ for celebrating the 50th birthday of Hawaii. Unfortunately, the credit offered did not seem to me even worthwhile mentioning on my blog, like a $50 resort credit, which is spent with a 2-day resort fee pay.

    Can’t Hawaii hotels be a little bit more generous, especially during these times of Economic Slowdown to promote visitors to come to Hawaii?!

    Aloha Pua
    Best Hawaii Vacation Blog

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