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Updated: $50 Hawaii Visitor Fee & Reducing Tourists Confirmed By Next Governor

With visitors in an uproar. What are your feelings about the fee proposed by Green in addition and all of the other Hawaii taxes and fees?

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270 thoughts on “Updated: $50 Hawaii Visitor Fee & Reducing Tourists Confirmed By Next Governor”

  1. I believe fees can be charged at accomadations other than residential homes. For example, any home that wants to rent out using air bnb or equivalent, bed and breakfast type homes, and hotels. It should also be charged at beaches and any visitor area. Places that are off limit should be off limit. If someone visits and only eats at restaurants, I don’t think they should have to pay to keep beaches or parks clean. It’s the homeless and drug addicts that are leaving majority of rubish as well. I don’t think we need to pay just to be alive and have to fly for medical reasons. Fee’s will make people choose worst health over important needs. If they want to charge us for flying then they should charge ships bringing in illegal fireworks/drugs.

  2. Just the mention of the 50.00 fee is working. Maui is being so overwhelmed by tourists that it’s destroying what made Maui so magical in the first place. So yea better go someplace else and leave Maui to those who really want and understand what Maui is/was all about.

    1. On our recent trip to Maui we noticed a dozen or so vagrants hanging out at the entrance to the closed Longhi’s restaurant in Lahaina. They were smoking, drinking, and using profanity. Is this what Maui “is/was all about?”

  3. There should be no fees or taxes without clear and explicit accountability where the money goes. I think if I’m paying for parking at the beach, paying daily per head for my family to be on the beach, paying to “look at the view”, excessive car and vacation stay fees, and now green fee, I want to know exactly what improvements have been made with these collected taxes and fees. Definitely it should be a yearly report and made available when you arrive at the airport! Hawaii seems to be a money pit. There’s a heck of a lot of money coming in from existing excessive charges, but a mystery where it goes.

    1. I know where it doesn’t go, to clean up the streets, if one is in Waikiki, one block off Kalakaua, is Kuhio, if one goes to the Foodland, you’ll be passing a gauntlet of barefoot homeless with open bleeding sires on their legs and feet, so be sure, not to be barefoot, this is 1 Block from the Moana, Hyatt, Kaialana, every day, any time of day, that’s on the State and residents, not Tourists. If one takes the Nimitz in from the Airport rather then H-1, just before Sand Island, will be a series of bridges all at Sea level, with maybe 3′ clearance, look to your left as the unfortunates who live beneath them come out and work their way to Honolulu and beyond. This is on Governor Ige, his predecessors as has been there since 1986!

  4. Completely wrong headed with no positive environmental impact. Why doesn’t the governor just say,”we don’t want you here.” We will accommodate such policy while watching the state starve and sink into the ocean as the sea rises.

    Multiple tons of carbon are released every year as the islands are served by a never ending supply chain of ships and planes arrive these most isolated islands on Earth.

    50 bucks ain’t gonna cut it. Rethinking the occupation of the islands may. In any case Nature will take of it in the end.

    1. That’s $400 for a family of four that will not be spent to help the local economy for a problem created by government approving too many vacation rentals. Why is the government’s solution to problems usually just more fees and taxes.

  5. As a frequent visitor to Hawaii (Maui) your idea of a “Visitor fee” is appalling. My husband and I always spend money on the island to help support locals and local businesses. We also try and plan our excursions around local businesses and conservation companies(Pacific Whale Foundation, Maui Ocean Center) I live in Las Vegas which is also a tourist destination and we as locals rely on tourism. As a city we would not charge a visitor fee as we are hopeful that people will spend money here to boost our economy, help keep locals employed, and keep businesses afloat.

    1. Of course charge a visitor fee.No brainer From reading previous comments the fee which is partly to reduce the number of tourists would achieve that goal and raise money to finance changes protecting our state from the over tourism Venice is a good example of this.

  6. It’s already costing me an arm and a leg to visit my beloved Kauai… but I’m running out of limbs. While I do feel like use fees for parks, etc. make sense, but to charge a hefty $50 fee when I step foot on the island just because I’m labeled a visitor doesn’t make sense.

  7. I live in a tourist state…Nevada. guess we should start charging anyone from Hawaii a tourist fee too. We made numerous vacations in Hawaii. It was always so wonderful. But now with all the extra taxes and fees added to room rates as we’ll as car rental fees, I guess ill never get back. My granddaughter has begged to go. But it’s just priced way out of my budget now. Goodbye Hawaii.

  8. It should be reciprocal if implemented. Hawaii residents visiting other states should then pay $50 fee. Let’s call it carbon offset fee, it’s a long flight with a lot of carbon emissions.


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