Will Videos Instructing Maui Visitors On Aloha Help?

Are Videos Needed to Instruct Maui Visitors On Aloha?

Both the County of Maui and Hawaiian Airlines have released the first of mulltiple videos designed to instruct Maui visitors on appropriate behavior, aloha, and respect. Is that instruction what’s needed at this time? We’ll ask you.

First videos from Hawaiian Airlines on Travel Pono.

The airline said, “While you’re on Maui, remember to Travel Pono — to travel responsibly and thoughtfully — and show your aloha for our cultures and communities. Respect areas that are healing, support local businesses, and take your time to appreciate this extraordinary place.”

We like the third Hawaiian Airlines Maui travel pono video below the best.

It brings home the idea to support local businesses, visit Farmer’s Markets, dine at local restaurants, and more. In the video, there are some thought-provoking statements from places like Mama’s Fish House, where diners can walk in for lunch without a reservation, while before, it required reserving a table months in advance. And another Paia business saying parking is easy to find in town now whereas before it was not. You realize how much tourism has declined and just how much your vacation dollars can help the local people and economy.

At the same time, we wonder if visitors need to be reminded of the obvious need to act appropriately when traveling near the site of the deadly fire that was at the top of international news headlines for weeks. And how to be Pono and not take selfies with Lahaina in the background. Our sense is that visitors to Hawaii are already largely very respectful. And as for those that are not, they will not be changed by these videos.

Is this the “welcoming” Maui’s mayor promised? Watch the video below and add your comments.

The financial need for returning visitors is obvious. Last week, Maui County announced that is already facing a $20 million shortfall since the fire. And that is just the beginning. While the community needs to care for each other, we believe it also needs to care for tourism, which can help the people of Maui survive and move forward.

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130 thoughts on “Are Videos Needed to Instruct Maui Visitors On Aloha?”

  1. I agree with your assessment that the overwhelming majority visiting Maui aren’t rubes and disrespectful people . It’s probably time to end the hand wringing and get back to the business of tourism before the 20 million shortfall becomes 200 million . The tragedy is apparent to everyone but survivors won’t be helped if they remain laid off or jobless .

  2. Hi boys, glad to hear that the resort hidden cost are being addressed, truly “bait and switch”.
    I watched the “pono” videos, they seem to be common sense for any visitor, are there videos on Maui TV on how they should treat tourists now? A little more Aloha, a little less haoles go home.
    To all tourists;
    Be kind, be respectful (pono)
    Live Aloha (smile, be patient, let a car in ahead of you, hold a door for someone, say Mahalo.

  3. If you’re sensitive this may get your feelings hurt, please do not continue to read this post.

    Ok Hawaii is we are all sorry for your loss but it’s time to pull your pants on and start acting as an adult. If you do not do this soon the pull up you Huggies and continue to act as a child. People are starting to see that as other people in the American you are not capable of making decisions and actions as a responsible adult. Many people today will continue to act as sheep. At the end of the day it’s your decision.

    1. I’ve never read something so callous, and so tone deaf in my life and believe me, in today’s climate, callousness and tone deafness seem to be the norm in certain segments of the American population.

  4. I spent two weeks in southern,Italy; ; I felt respected,;it was genuine hospitality. I felt safe and protected,young people were kind and intelligent.
    Hawaii has been my home since 1975;but on return I experienced aggression,rudeness,,and I don’t feel as safe as I did in Italy,especially as a senior ..It’s very sad ,for all the emphasis on aloha; I feel Hawaii has become the epitome of American Entitlement

  5. So when Hawaiian residents visit Las Vegas for vacation, do they stay in locally owned lodging, gamble in locally owned casinos, eat at local farmers markets, shop at and purchase locally made souvenirs, volunteer and help the original residents of the area? The answer would be no!
    Practice what you preach.

    1. Maui and Las Vegas are two totally different places. Maui is small with a deep rooted culture and tight knit community. Regardless, I still wouldn’t go visit Vegas right after part of it burned down.


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