Will Videos Instructing Maui Visitors On Aloha Help?

Are Videos Needed to Instruct Maui Visitors On Aloha?

Maui County and Hawaiian Airlines have released the first of multiple videos designed to instruct Maui visitors on appropriate behavior, aloha, and respect.

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130 thoughts on “Are Videos Needed to Instruct Maui Visitors On Aloha?”

  1. I agree with your assessment that the overwhelming majority visiting Maui aren’t rubes and disrespectful people . It’s probably time to end the hand wringing and get back to the business of tourism before the 20 million shortfall becomes 200 million . The tragedy is apparent to everyone but survivors won’t be helped if they remain laid off or jobless .

  2. Hi boys, glad to hear that the resort hidden cost are being addressed, truly “bait and switch”.
    I watched the “pono” videos, they seem to be common sense for any visitor, are there videos on Maui TV on how they should treat tourists now? A little more Aloha, a little less haoles go home.
    To all tourists;
    Be kind, be respectful (pono)
    Live Aloha (smile, be patient, let a car in ahead of you, hold a door for someone, say Mahalo.

  3. If you’re sensitive this may get your feelings hurt, please do not continue to read this post.

    Ok Hawaii is we are all sorry for your loss but it’s time to pull your pants on and start acting as an adult. If you do not do this soon the pull up you Huggies and continue to act as a child. People are starting to see that as other people in the American you are not capable of making decisions and actions as a responsible adult. Many people today will continue to act as sheep. At the end of the day it’s your decision.

    1. I’ve never read something so callous, and so tone deaf in my life and believe me, in today’s climate, callousness and tone deafness seem to be the norm in certain segments of the American population.

  4. I spent two weeks in southern,Italy; ; I felt respected,;it was genuine hospitality. I felt safe and protected,young people were kind and intelligent.
    Hawaii has been my home since 1975;but on return I experienced aggression,rudeness,,and I don’t feel as safe as I did in Italy,especially as a senior ..It’s very sad ,for all the emphasis on aloha; I feel Hawaii has become the epitome of American Entitlement

  5. So when Hawaiian residents visit Las Vegas for vacation, do they stay in locally owned lodging, gamble in locally owned casinos, eat at local farmers markets, shop at and purchase locally made souvenirs, volunteer and help the original residents of the area? The answer would be no!
    Practice what you preach.

    1. Maui and Las Vegas are two totally different places. Maui is small with a deep rooted culture and tight knit community. Regardless, I still wouldn’t go visit Vegas right after part of it burned down.

  6. If this donation is embedded into your room rate then the state of Hawaii can tax it by 10.75 percent as well as the Hawaii transient tax of 4.75 percent so in reality you will be taxed 15.50 percent total when it’s done. Sorry forgot the Maui state sales tax of 4 percent. Sounds like a way for the state to tax your contribution in which the hotel donates in their behalf..

  7. With all the victims being evicted from hotels wouldn’t a better video be to inform travelers how to deal with “Hey sir, mam, You got an extra 10,20,or 50 you can spare senerio every so many feet from any open restaurant or hotel entrance. With hotels making room for tourists this problem has to exponentially get worse? Wait maybe this is where the aloha spirit now is alive.

    1. Don: With all due respect, I don’t believe anyone is being evicted from anywhere. True they are being moved out of Hotels so that they can have a more liveable space (think cooking, washer/dryer), but no one is being moved to make room for a revenue guest.

      1. Fire victims apparently really are being evicted. We are going Oct. 19-31 and the cake I got from the resort front desk confirming our arrival also talked about losing her living quarters at the end of the month.

        1. Diana B: The fire victims are being moved to more liveable quarters – think kitchens, laundry, etc. They won’t be homeless.

        2. The article you posted says that they aren’t being evicted yet. The board extended the maximum stay length so that they can stay until Dec 1st. What troubles me more is the attitude of some of the owners who don’t want any “refugees” in the building. So much for Maui Strong and Aloha.

          1. Joerg…. I don’t think it’s fair to take the supposed actions of a few and think that paints the whole picture….incredibly difficult situation with many people in many different circumstances and beliefs, exasperated by social media altering reality on a daily basis at the expense of the most vulnerable. Nobody is being denied help and I’m personally aware of Lahaina victims being very well taken care of…given the circumstances of course. There is a long road ahead that can’t be traveled without the return of tourism.

  8. That would be the final straw for me! I have visited Hawaii annually for over 25 years and have invested quite a few $$$$ there. Because I love it and am Always respectful wherever I travel. You are correct; those of us who do not need to be talked down to in that way will find it annoying and I for one will resent it. Those who need to hear it are not listening. It will change nothing. Hawaii made the conscious decision to be totally reliant on tourism. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you or find other ways to support your state.

  9. Just got an email from Costco selling “Maui vacations with Aloha”
    Imagine the nerve of them telling me to have Aloha!…..(that was sarcasm)

  10. It is absolutely infuriating that people think we need instructional videos on how to act and be respectful. We always have been and always will be respectful. Those that are obnoxious will not be changed by these videos. One of my favorite references in a recent news article referred to the “rich white tourists.” Now that is exceptionally disrespectful! We are not rich. My husband and I have worked very hard to save for these trips to Hawaii because we loved experiencing the culture and the beauty. If that’s how we are to be treated then maybe another destination might welcome us more. We have donated in several ways to various Maui funds to help support. But that’s how we are to be treated? Rich white tourists that need education?

  11. “Our sense is that visitors to Hawaii are already largely very respectful. And as for those that are not, they will not be changed by these videos.”
    This statement says it all. It is so sad that there are so many who will not be changed by these videos. And it’s those people we hear so much about and that make others wonder about the treatment of visitors to the Islands.
    The videos are a good reminder to us all about what aloha is all about.

    1. Glenda, your point about most tourists don’t need it is very true. But as social media has proven, it doesn’t take many to drive the ship….the haters have a much larger voice then they should, I believe the vast majority don’t need or mind seeing these videos.

  12. Wow, you thin skinned folks are missing the obvious with your self righteous “I don’t need to be told how to act” comments……good for you, but there has been some pretty rude and disrespectful behavior by some. Otherwise no one would have ever thought these videos were needed. Tough times for all but the last thing Maui needs are tourists that act like some of the self righteous angry “anti Hawaiian” folks that are posting here. Will the video’s work? I’m not so sure but if keeps a few of the angry chip on their shoulder crowd away they are helping.

    1. I am anything but “anti Hawaiian”. Over the years I have observed tourists totally ignoring rules, encroaching on sealife, taking stupid selfies where they can get hurt, total disrespect at Pearl Harbor, etc. These videos will Not speak to them. They are selfish, self entitled people and this video will not change that. They will not be offended like those who have spent many years loving and supporting these islands. They will find it amusing and continue to do as they please. I think Hawaii needs to decide whether it wants tourists or not because you cannot just accept “good” tourists. It doesn’t work that way.

  13. I think the videos are a waste of time. There are people in this world who treat everyone with respect and kindness, and then there are the types, like the ones who get out of their cars in Yellowstone and try to take close up pictures of wildlife, that dont get it and never will. They dont know how to act with resepect and decency and a bunch of videos are going to knock that into their clueless brains.

  14. The Hawaiian Air video is excellent….nothing wrong with their sharing some local perspective……It’s no different then if you know someone that lives in a place you are visiting, whether it be Hawaii, Australia, Europe wherever, it’s nice to get this kind of insider information upon arrival.

  15. If a person has to be reminded of the need to act in a kindly, compassionately, responsible & gracious manner, they lack basic morals. I’d like to think that type of tourist is in the minority. Pretty sad to think its beginning to be “locals” vs tourists. I’ve never been treated with anything but kindness in my 30 yrs of visiting Maui.


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