Bill To Require Visitor Fees at All Hawaii State Parks

Statewide visitor fees coming to Hawaii state parks, public beaches, trails, coastlines, etc. Here’s what is being planned.

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59 thoughts on “Bill To Require Visitor Fees at All Hawaii State Parks”

  1. I qualified for and received a Senior Pass from the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass. Does anyone know if this will exempt me from any additional state charges?

    1. I also have the senior pass and still pay state park entrance fees everywhere I’ve been. They’re different jurisdictions.

    2. I believe they will only work on federal parks and not state parks, if you use them at any Hawaii park it would not be a issue the locals will be working those gates and are nice and would let you in free, tell them you are kapuna.

  2. Yes charge a heavy price, to many tourist are visiting island’s especially Maui born raised , enough these tourist that dislike the fee come for a week and leave and go home we have to live here, and we pay a lot in taxes, you people pay 300+ for a hotel room and 100+ for a rent a car, relax pay up your fees stop complains about what Hawaii charges, you don’t like fees don’t come go to Mexico they have zero fees, no we don’t need tourist, we will not starve give locals a brake.

    1. Hawaiian residents are always complaining about all the taxes and fees you have to pay as a resident. You blame the tourist. Your tourism boar has advertised for years that Hawaii wants visitors You really need to blame the politicians you voted into office. They are the ones they have taxed you to the limit. Taxed you until you won’t stand for anymore taxes and fees.

  3. It cost my family of 5 roughly $15k to spend two weeks in Kauai. Almost $4k goes to various taxes and fees! I’ll pay a state park fee 1. money actually goes to park upkeep. 2. Residents that use the same parks also pay a reduced resident fee of 50% of what visitors have to pay. Also don’t blame visitors for your high cost of living and taxes. It’s your greedy politicians and all of their taxation of locals, and now visitors.

  4. This proposed bill is discrimination pure and simple. The government of Hawaii keeps getting stupider and stupider on a daily basis. At this point WHY would anyone from the mainland visit Hawaii with all their proposed fees specifically aimed at visitors? Pretty soon only the rich and famous will be the only ones able to afford to visit Hawaii. How long before the money-hungry government expands these fees to locals as well?

  5. I’m happy to spend the extra money to help out Hawaii. If you want to go to the Caribbean or Mexico instead, go for it.

  6. PegM

    Hawaii greatly benefits from being a US state. Hawaii is not a country and Federal tax dollars pour into Hawaii from out of state tax payers. If US visitors are required to pay these additional taxes, so should locals.

    1. Hawaii is one of three states included in the top 20 states that recieve more federal benefits than they pay in taxes.
      Not sure if you understand the logistics of getting all those products you enjoy while on your interment trips to the islands. Just saying

    2. I’m local we pay enough in taxes, for tourist that come and leave rubbish and go of trails and wreck the land,
      Charge tourist big time, let not mention the rescues we have to pay for because people from America feel they can jump over rails fall from cliff, or dot care about warning signs, we as locals pay millions in taxes for tourist getting hurt .

  7. What happens when you purchase a yearly pass for your 5 day trip and the weather forecast is poor. Do you still go hiking because you already purchase the yearly pass? Is the state/county going to charge you additional fees for the flash flood rescue? What a scam.

    How about Hawaii finding a sustainable economic industry rather than sticking to the visitors?

  8. Thanks for the informative articles.
    In California there are several types of annual state park passes, and pretty much all developed state parks (parking lot, restroom, signage) require an entry fee or annual park pass from everyone, visitors and residents. I am happy to pay for park access if the funds go to the maintaining and improving the park system, in California and/or Hawaii just as I did at Hapuna Beach and the other parks I visited on the Big Island on my recent trip there.

    1. It all used to be FREE…. Could the list of millions die to Covid restrictions have something to do with all this??

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