204 thoughts on “Breaking: Kauai Proposes Complete Travel Shutdown”

  1. Is anyone reading the fact that nearly half the cases are from returning residents? If you halt tourism and don’t enforce the basics like donning masks, gloves, sanitizer just like the rest of middle US states whose numbers are skyrocking it doesnt make you any better than them. Proper safety protocols ensure the safety of others all while allowing some of the basic freedoms. Florida’s crucial mistake is not enforcing anything – idiots. Bars, restaurants arent limited for indoor dining, nobody wearing masks, etc. Compare FL to places like NYC and San Diego where guidelines are strict but not the point of shutdown. The fault lies in those who dont abide by the basic preventive measures. Further fault is local government not enforcing the policies which in the end hurt the tourism industry. Im shocked about the lack of common sense in the midwest and theyre paying for it now – heard too many people say “virus not real” serious?.
    Dont put blame on people who are coming to help boost economy safely if you cant control the locals who arent doing the right thing. Be just as harsh with them as with the rest of us mainlanders. Now how many people are really wearing masks?

    1. the problem isnt tourists or residents, its anyone coming to kauai from the mainland without quarantining. which includes noth tourists and residents.

  2. We have out tickets and plans and have completed the safe travels app. No easy feat navigating through it. Ordered our NAAT’s at 119.00 each. We just want to see our children after one year. I do understand the tourist travel to this beautiful island but it would be nice to see exceptions for family members.

  3. It may be interesting to everyone trying to figure out how to keep Kauai safe, which is the priority and their decision to do so. CDC is reviewing reducing to quarantine for those possibly exposed. So it’s possible if the science does support it that mandatory quarantine could be 7-10 days. It is best if you have had exposure to a case or have traveled to get tested at the earliest on day 5-7. I think having a little more patience, aloha is in order. Traveling by air to a remote island is not the best idea in a global pandemic but if you must, planning, and displaying humility and love to the island residents is an absolute must.

    1. Thanks, all good but returnign residents are the bigger problem and source of infection. How do they have patience? THey are not going to be able to pay to be quarantined in many instances and will not be quarantined at home with the other family members and will need to go back to work. The idea is not thought out. I am inclined to agree that the Mayor is looking for publicity. Let’s follow the advice, get the three day retest which you pay for, always wear a mask in public, keep 6-9 ft apart, no contact, hand washing and where possible eat and drink in outdoors. That will cut infection risk and everyone can do it. SIck of goign to the grocery store and people line up fine but once inside it is back to push shove normal. .

      1. Rich,
        There is an ingrained culture on Kauai of blaming tourists and newly arriving residents for pretty much any and every problem. A regular joke is to blame all of the abandoned cars (a true pandemic on this island) on tourists.

        FWIW, the quarantine system was working from April to October, if by “working” we mean little to few known infections, even though many lives were slowly being damaged and eventually destroyed economically, emotionally, etc. In any event, thousands and thousands of people went through it. Almost all of them returning residents, or new arrivals intending to stay.

        A lot of states/counties throughout the US have had and/or still have quarantine rules, not just Hawaii/Kauai. I’ve not heard of any state try to order its own residents to be locked up in a hotel room like a jail at the person’s expense. Hawaii/Kauai not any different in that regard.

        Here’s a question for the blog guys or commenters:

        How has the state of Hawaii been dealing with destitute arrivals? For the last several decades, people fleeing whatever life’s problems manage to scrape up enough for a one-way airline ticket to magical Hawaii, but cannot afford a hotel for one night, let alone for 15 nights(OK, maybe one or two nights at the Tip Top). Has Hawaii/Kauai been doing the old “put them on a bus out of town” trick, by paying for a one-way ticket to ship them back to the mainland? Have they been putting them in jail? Where are the newly arriving homeless and destitute people being quarantined?

    2. Because I have business and family interests I feel that interisland travelers should be given some form of exemption,interisland travel should not be in the same category as leisure travel-thank you.

  4. My husband and I have been traveling to Kauai to use our timeshares for over 20 years. We have been sheltering in place where we live. If we don’t use our condo, we basically lose our points. I know this is difficult but I hate to think of what will happen with our substantial investment.

      1. This, Pua! Say it louder for the tourists in the back, please. I am so sick of hearing tourists say they are “so upset” that they cannot come to our home to vacation. This is an unprecedented time, no one should travel during a global pandemic! It shouldn’t even be a choice. The residents of Kauai should not have to pay the price of someone wanting to make a foolish decision during a national health crisis. I wonder Deb B., is it that awful to think of the people who live here as people with lives and not people who depend on tourism or that are here for your vacation pleasure? The tourists and returning residents were not getting the 2nd offered test (without force). You can have a negative pre-test and become positive while on island because you get it traveling in that aluminum can you crawl into for 6 plus hours. Please stop with the privileged talk of losing points and pick another location…go Bahamas or something. Kauai needs to think about its own residents. The decision was not an easy one, but it is what is right for Kauai right now (nine ICU beds…why would you even think of traveling to a community who has such limited health care resources right now? That is the more important question!).

        1. Reply to Chris K…
          We have been coming to Kauai for 30 yrs and have always respected and admired your island and its people. To hear you blame “tourists” as the problem for Covid cases is absurd. May I remind you that the “locals” have responsibility regarding Covid as well. I recall reading back in April that hundreds of locals were partying at Polihale for days and trampling your ancestors burial sites…the police had to remove locals, clean up the area, and close the area for some time.
          I believe residents need to follow guidelines and take responsibility to stop the spread by wearing masks and social distancing…and law enforcement start enforcing mandates and fines.
          I suggest that Kauai go on a total lockdown for both incoming and outgoing flights…no residents should be allowed to leave the island (except for work and emergency) for a period of 30-45 days for example. That would help quell the spread and protect all residents.

          Let’s concentrate on working together to find a solution rather than playing the notorious “blame the tourists game”. Mahalo

  5. Mahalo Barbara M for you thoughts. Hawaii is one of the most expense places a person can go to begin with. I believe that most likely and I have not researched this but testing is available to 75% or more of travelers without having to travel to do so. If the mayor has his way you would be paying for a second test on Kauai and being in quarantine for 3 to 5 days which will ruin most peoples 7 day vacations or half 10 days. 2 tests on the mainland and a full vacation and no quarantine while not shutting the economy by driving away the travelers is going to cost most people the same. Maybe a solution based on your comment is 2 mainland tests like I have suggested for those who can do it and no quarantine or one mainland test uploaded before boarding the plane and a 3-5 days quarantine for a second test on the island and result. Protecting the residents is a priority but also a balance needs to be reached that protects their livelihood, small businesses and easing stress that causes suicides, domestic violence and drug and alcohol overuse. People are simply no going to come if they have to quarantine in a motel or hotel prison with front desk guards. Many rent condos and timeshare for the family the cost of multiple hotel rooms and lost vacation time will drive ways most travelers. The mayor wants 2 tests so give the option of 2 on the mainland or one mainland and one Kauai with quarantine. I suspect most would opt for 2 mainland tests and a relaxing full vacation.

  6. Kauai just admitted that it did not have a single Kauai island death from corona until last week,.
    Kami wants a complete and total collapse of Kauai economy,. Kauai will only be for the super rich and the surging number of homeless,

  7. Thank you for all the updates BOH. We were able to make an informed decision because of your posts and have cancelled our plans to go to Kauai and decided to just stay in Maui. Have a happy thanksgiving.

    1. Hi Inah.

      Sorry to hear that didn’t work out for you to visit Kauai this time. Enjoy your time on Maui. Happy Thanksgiving.


  8. I understand that his proposal is health and safety concern. It is completely fine not allowing to have visitors to his island. Please don’t even start pre-test plan to begin with. Why he used visitors’s money and time to test the reopening plan. Now, everything is booked. Such a short notice. It is very difficult to cancel the trip. Do you think he should give us a month notice?

  9. Aloha…frankly I cannot see this kind of misguided and misinformed decision making to continue. TOTAL NONSENSE. The Governor has continued his weak position not taking reins for ALL islands. Seems we focus on cases yet deaths (albeit regrettable) are minimal in comparison. The fact is most cascade fakse/positive. Get tested in one area and yourcpisitice. Tested in another area and your negative. Most “cases” are resolved. This bickering, Opinionated confusing saga must STOP…that is of course unless there is another underlying reason(s) for this to continue???????

  10. Hello,
    We are scheduled to fly into Kauai on Nov 29. If we arrive before the proposed Dec 1 traveler shut down, would we still be able to enjoy the activities we have booked there for the week or will they be restricted? We are sure hoping to enjoy this beautiful island and respect keeping the locals safe as well.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Lori.

      It would certainly seem as though you would be fine since you will be arriving prior to that. We can’t say that with certainty and we will all need to await further decisions from the state.


      1. Thanks for the updates. Can you let us know when the decision is suppose to happen. We leave on the 3rd for the big island and than suppose to head to Kauai on the 10th. Need to know how to navagate this! Thank you!

    2. Don’t go!!!!!!!! We just experienced a nightmare on Oahu. Went there on Tues with negative tests and were forced to either quarantine 14 days or return home!!!!!! We were put in a room to decide WITH police put at the entrance of where we were!!!!!! We decided to return home after the thousands and thousands of dollars we had spent to go there and then the thousand dollars extra we spent to change our return flight!!!!!! we arrived on Oahu at 2 pm, could not get a return flight until 8 pm AND guess what???? We were held in a room with at least 2-5 police officers standing guard and were told “if we needed to go to the bathroom, to let them know and they would escort us there” !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you even believe this???? We could not go anywhere!!!! They held our bags from the plane and then eventually they had a policeman esccort us to reclaim our bags and to check in to recheck our bags and then back into our “room”………..then we had police escort to our gate to leave Hawaii!!!! What the heck!!!!! We were treated like criminals!!!!!! I’m not making this up people!!!! It was a nightmare!!! I would encourage everyone not to go!!!!

    3. Hi Lori,

      If you are worried about any new travel or local restrictions effecting your pandemic vacation and you are traveling to Kauai, may I suggest traveling to a different locale. There is a very high probability of Kauai moving down a tier before Monday or while you’d be on island which has stricter limited on number of being allowed to gather which could effect your excursions.
      The best way to keep locals safe isn’t to board the plane on Monday but since you insist on coming Monday 11/30 you shouldn’t be effected since the Governor isn’t listening to Kauai’s mayor who has the support of his county council in implementing stricter rules related to incoming travelers to Kauai. Please also if you choose to come participate in the post travel program offered for visitors because testing people who have travels is an extremely important part of keeping Kauai safe.

    4. Lori, I’m a little confused…just cancel your trip to Kauai. It is clear we are struggling and there will probably be more changes in the months to come because we can’t grow health care resources in our backyards. I am trying to be positive when responding to visitors, but your statment is why residents struggle with tourists to begin with. I can’t imagine carrying out vacation plans to a place that is asking people not to come…maybe you can help me out with why you are choosing to travel during a global pandemic to begin with, much less to a place with such tiny hospitals and health care access. You do know if you happened to get sick here from your travels you would be heading to our ONE hospital that has any capability to care for Covid and even then you are limited. Oh and Big Island and Maui numbers aren’t great either…I saw an article that Big Island is asking for the same thing that was just approved for Kauai…just fyi.

  11. We live in Kauai.My family, our friends all agree with Mayor Kawakami.
    Please listen to our Mayor. We need the vaccine first. The residents of Kauai mostly consist with elderly seniors, retirees and people with disabilities. There not much opportunities compared to other islands and the mainland. (Most people do not stay here if they want to get ahead in life.) Bring the vaccine first, then the tourist. The residents here will have a better chance of survival. Thankyou

    1. Listening to Mayor Kawakami, is the best way forward for keeping Kauai safe!

      Much love to you and our Ohana!

  12. Well the mayor has gotten his way with us. I don’t see him backing down and this is going to become a huger mess during December than it already is. I just pushed our visit from Dec to March hoping things will get better for everyone on all sides. I will conitinue to follow you BOH and appreciate your quick info and content.

  13. Our Mayor have been keeping our Island people safe for the past months and I say this for myself and my family. Thank you so much for what you’re doing, to keep our community safe. I was shocked to see the numbers of cases within a month. It has doubled and it’s scary. You are truly for the people of Kauai. What you have done since this virus had come to Kauai, you really showed me that it’s the people that you care for right now and not the money. Our economy is hurting right now but we can and we will survive this virus as long as we do our part. We as a community must bind together with you for the sake of our families and our Island. Thank you again for all what you’re doing to keep all of us safe. You have my backing. God bless and keep us all safe.

  14. I have one question for Kawakami: If he is concerned about the economic health of Kauai small businesses why does’t he reduce or eliminate the real estate taxes on them instead of taxing them as if their businesses are healthy and operating as before the Covid pandemic. His quarantine actions are partly responsible for the economic problems of the small Kauai businesses that depend on tourism. He does not because then as mayor he has to sacrifice from his budget and not be able to pay himself and all the county workers who are working in the slow down mode. All he did was to extend the payment deadline for summer bills to November 18 along with lots of threats ( 10% penalty, 12% interest if not paid before November 18).

    1. Thank you for your comment. There have been a lot more suicides and drug overdose than covid cases on Kauai but people here don’t dare talk about that. We need to open with caution or the effects will last for a generation.

  15. We have our family vacation planned to Kauai Dec 5-12, then traveling to Honolulu for 3 nights so we don’t have to take the redeye home. We are in quarantine now, no thanksgiving party in California this year. Will be taking the COVID test from the airline 3 days prior to takeoff. When we return to California it’s another 14 day quarantine from the kids school. See you soon Kauai!!

    1. Hi Jason,

      Friendly reminder that there is a chance that Kauai could have a mandatory 14-day quarantine starting December 1st… Or heck maybe the governor may decide to approve Kauai’s emergency rule #22 for the 3 day quarantine before taking a second COVID-19 test to be released to roam the island if you choose to take part in Hawaii’s safe travel program. However, if neither of these rules are in place and the Governor is still forcing Kauai to remain in the un-safe travels program please do the island a favor a participate in the voluntary post travel testing program offered to visitors.

      But here is the real reason that I’m commenting on your post: you said your kids will have to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival back in California before they can head back to school. Why won’t you show the residents of Kauai the same curtsey of a 14 day quarantine upon when traveling here as to prevent COVID spreading? I get that you say your are quarantining in CA now and not having a thanksgiving gathering etc but an airports and airplanes are great places to catch COVID-19.

      1. Sarah R…

        You are obviously extremely knowledgable and well versed on the status of Kauai and it’s economy and health at the moment – so as you appear to live there, do you have any generalized comments for us as to what is open, what is closed – what “favorite” places are still available to us – realizing that is the situation today and not tomorrow or the next day.

        Will be appreciated.

      2. Absolutely correct Sarah. I can guarantee all flights will have an infectious person on board. Also, Hawaii and Kauai in particular are doing the best in the nation compared to other states on the mainland. Let’s keep it that way!

  16. Here’s Resolution 2020-57 from todays Kauai council meeting

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Kaua’i County Council requests and
    supports Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami’s advocacy for a 2-test plan, where visitors
    pay for the second test at their own expense, with an enforced quarantine before
    they take the second test, regardless of what opening strategy the rest of the State

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should Governor David Y. Ige deny
    Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami’s request for a 2-test plan, the County of Kaua’i
    supports Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami in completely opting out of the State’s single
    pre-test requirement and return to the 14-day quarantine for all arrivals.

    Kawakami has the support of the other council members.

    1. I’ll be happy to send every member of the Council and the Mayor the list of my Kauai friends who can’t afford to buy food. Perhaps they should amend the Resolution to include payments to those folks. (But having said that, I wouldn’t want to be them right now – remember the Bible story of the two women laying claim to the same baby!)

      1. Hi Barbara.

        We both know people who we are concerned about here, who work in the hospitality sector and have been unemployed since March.


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