Updated: Governor Asks That Visitors “Stop Hawaii Travel” For Now

Governor Ige held a press conference of great importance to visitors yesterday. The governor is asking that visitors and Hawaii residents consider changing their travel plans from now through October. This comes as the City and County of Honolulu has ordered canceling of all events of over 10 persons indoors or 25 persons outdoors effective Wednesday, except religious services.

Ige said, These actions will take time to make an impact on the Covid cases we are seeing. It will take 6 to 7 weeks to see significant change. So I ask everyone to do your part… Another shutdown is really the last resort.”

Ige: It is a risky time to travel right now.

He asked that visitors and residents reduce travel to “essential business activities only. It is not a good time to travel to the islands. There is limited access to rental cars (and to restaurants).”

We know that the visitors who choose to come to the islands will not have the typical kind of holiday they expect when they come to Hawaii.”

Lastly, while Ige said it will take 6 to 7 weeks to see a change, he also said in the press conference that “if we can take these actions for the next four weeks we will bend the curve of covid in Hawaii.”

The governor said he is consulting with all of the majors “We are all concerned with the surging cases. I will be looking at further restrictions on Maui”

He said lastly, “curtail travel to Hawaii. It is not a good time to travel to the islands.”

Requests but no further mandates at this time.

The governor is choosing at this time to not mandate further actions. He said he could move in that direction should it be necessary. That might include vaccination mandates for restaurants for example. He said that this situation is different than when Hawaii first implemented a mandated shutdown last year. One of the big differences he said is that the CDC has indicated that travel is safe for those fully vaccinated. In addition, as we indicated before, there is some question about the legality of further travel restrictions.

What about Big Island’s request to test all arrivals?

The governor said he is still reviewing that request from last week. If approved, and deemed enforceable, that would mandate tests for all arrivals, both vaccinated and not vaccinated.

BOH: There still has been no update from the state on this request.

Cooperation within the visitor industry.

He said he expects to see “cooperation from the visitor industry,” but did not provide any specifics. It is not clear what means are available to Hawaii, given Lt. Gov. Green said earlier today that he does not believe pre-travel testing across the board would be viable legally. That even though the Attorney General’s office appeared to disagree in that regard.

Ige is asking all partners to advise customers that it isn’t a good time to visit. He asked the HTA to help inform those in the industry and he expects them to “help in the way that they can to curtail travel to the islands.”

Ige earlier today reiterated that the majority of new cases are resulting from residents traveling to the mainland the returning to spread Covid within their communities. He said, “I’m asking all residents and visitors alike to restrict travel, curtail travel, to Hawaii to essential activities only.” Ige and other officials have reiterated as recently as today that the percentage of cases associated with visitors’ travel is less than 2%. “The number of cases due to visitors remains low.”

What is the airline industry’s response?

Ige said, “I am fully aware the airlines continue to struggle. There was a general understanding of what the healthcare conditions are in our islands. They did express support for helping in the ways that they can to deliver the message that it is not a good time to visit the islands. He said he is legally prohibited from discussing schedules, flights, or pricing with the airlines.

More news on this to follow.

Regarding lockdowns, no specifics but yes, it’s on the table if numbers don’t improve. What that could mean, isn’t even entirely clear.

Updated 8/24/21.


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177 thoughts on “Updated: Governor Asks That Visitors “Stop Hawaii Travel” For Now”

  1. Florida has 3 million Covid cases and 42,000 deaths from Covid.
    Hawaii has 55,000 cases and 562 deaths.

    Yeah, Hawaii, I don’t think you want to duplicate DeSantis’ “success” on Florida.

  2. Right now fighting with Hawaiian Airlines and Delta to get a refund on flights (a total of over $5,000). We were going to a family reunion on Kauai, to see family I haven’t seen on over 20 years, so yes I am very disappointed, but I don’t want to risk getting sick either. Even with the vaccine (and yes, I will get the booster in November), there is still a chance that I can get sick or even worse, get one of my aunties or uncles sick. Not worth it! But I sure would like a refund!
    Thanks for letting me vent.

  3. Saw a clever joke that sums up the world we live in…woman sitting at her computer she yells over to her husband…”Honey I found something on the internet that all the Scientist’s and Doctors missed!!”
    Only thing we know for sure is the vaccinations work well but may need a booster for some, masking helps and social distancing is safer then gathering in a big crowd.
    Personally my position changed from “I’m vaccinated so I’m safe and highly unlikely to spread it to anyone” to realizing I was proven wrong by the Delta variant and in fact I could spread it more easily without even knowing…..so now it’s back to masking when appropriate. Yes I could still get sick but the changes have dropped dramatically. For that I’m quite grateful. But we are all in unknown territory and just have to do the best we can for everyone.
    Aloha to all, regardless of your position on this.

    1. Hi John.

      Thanks for that and your hundreds of comments. Yes, what you said is what we also have been reading.


  4. Just load up the planes with some extra icu beds and some nurses and doctors for a dual work/vacation holiday.

    Maybe hawaii could give more incentives and start on affordable housing too and catch up with tiny home movement etc.

    Also maybe Hawaii should look to Florida/ desantis for advice on how to govern a SUCCESSFUL tourism driven state.

    1. Per CDC edict, as of May 1 breakthrough cases are only counted if they result in hospitalization or death, meaning they are undercounted.

      1. Ok and so if I got covid stayed home got better how would they know? There is nothing being undercounted. Get vaccinated and wear a mask. Mahalo

  5. BOH-
    I want to give you guys a big KUDOS for all you do. I think you guys report things very fairly with all sides presented equally. I wish you could report on all news!

    Yes, I believe Ige confused and scared many people. I feel sorry for the people who are now scrambling to try to decide what to do about their vacation. I am also very frustrated with the way things have been managed since the pandemic began in Hawaii. With having family there, I watch Hawaii news closely. Once upon a time I was considering moving and joining my family there, but the way Hawaii is run I have changed my mind. Ige is ruining the state. All of this was preventable! Not sure how he spent his time and all that CARES money over the last few months, but it is clear that he didn’t have a plan for short term or long term. Consequently, there is mass confusion, finger pointing, and tons of ill will. How do you fix that? How do you change the opinions of locals and visitors? What will Hawaii do when visitors decide its not worth it to go there? How do you fix a broken economy that should NOT be broken?

    1. Thanks Amy J, i am more critical of Hawaii and local attitudes, but I think its a very sad and totally avoidable situation.

  6. We that is my wife and I will be coming to Hawaii Sept 30 for a month . We both have been vac, and going to be tested 72 hours before we come over, how can we have our test be send to you? If we needed to be tested when we get there where do we need to go to have that done and how much is the cost? Thank You

  7. There are a lot of posts here from people canceling their dream vacation to Hawaii that they have been planning for months and about the ramifications of doing so (non-refundable tickets/lodging). The Governor, at this point in time, is suggesting that visitors do not come to Kauai at this time. It is not mandated. In my opinion, if you have book your trip and it will be difficult to change or cancel your plans, keep your trip. Just do it responsibly.
    1) Get vaccinated
    While it is still possible you could spread the virus if you are vaccinated, you are less likely to catch the virus (and subsequently pass it on) and way less likely to be hospitalized or killed by it.
    2) Get tested with 72 hours of departure and tested again between 3 and 5 days after arrival
    3) Follow mask guidelines and practice social distancing – particularly in indoor spaces
    4) Avoid crowded indoor spaces
    5) Try not to eat out until you have your 2nd test results

    1. Dear Mychal, My original plan was to come to Hawaii in 2020, but then virus hit. I postponed until April of this year but just recently decided to postpone until 2023 before I just don’t feel comfortable traveling anywhere where the cases are high. It has been my lifelong dream to come to Hawaii for my vacation, but what is alittle more time?! 🌍🛩🌈🌊🌞🏝🏖🕶👙🛍🩴👒🐢🐠🌺 This is the safest choice I can make for myself to stay safe & others as well. Stay safe & be blessed…..psalms 91:11😇😍

  8. unreal that Ige hasnt mandated a return to all testing to stop these infected vaccinated people from coming to the island

    thinks a vaccine passport is going to solve anything and points to NYC’s program that has only been in place for a minute, with no results to speak of, as a model

    Time to vote more responsibly, Hawaiians..

  9. I did get my vaccine, both of them. And thought that would exempt me from having to be tested before traveling. Now you need the vaccine and to be tested before traveling. SMH

    1. shaking your head at not knowing that vaccine does nothing to stop infection and spread? testing is needed, its the only way to stop it

    2. Sharon,
      At this time, there is not a requirement for testing if you are vaccinated. Many are arguing that there should be and that it is the responsible thing to do given that is still possible to carry/transmit the virus even if you are vaccinated.

  10. We have a trip for the month of oct. All our trip is paid for with no reimbursement possible. Family is fully vaxed and we do not eat in restaurants. I’m praying for the best outcome.i simply cannot afford to cancel our trip. Feel terrible about it.

  11. I find it sad that so many feel they dont need the vaccine. Had you all gotten the vaccine we would not be in this position right now and Hawaii would be wide open. I am so glad I got to come in June!

      1. Thank you for posting this I’ve been trying to get this across to people. I don’t try and sway people one way or another just try and get them to research a bit and know the source instead of just parroting what they hear. Critical thinking is a lost art. The main stream media, politicians and big pharma are the last places you want to listen to in order to make decisions.

    1. thinking 100% vaccine compliance is a solution to anything is the height of misinformed

      20-40% of people dying of covid in last few weeks on the mainland are vaccinated

      see: massachusetts, illinois, louisiana, wisconsin, and just about any other place that has real data about breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths

      1. I don’t know from where you are pulling that 20-40% number, but here’s a link to the actual numbers and they are nowhere near what you are putting out into the universe.


      2. The Illinois number is 0.003% of all vaccinated persons actually die from breakthrough infections, and 75% of that 0.003% were over the age of 65 and generally had several comorbidities. Per our update this morning, your odds of dying in Illinois are still roughly 29 times higher if unvaccinated compared to vaccinated. Vaccinated can spread Delta, however, as it’s so much more infectious, viral loads are high enough even in the vaccinated to make transmission possible – whereas that has not been true of earlier strains. Consequently pre- and post-travel testing – AND regular testing of residents especially in advance of gathering with extended family or public events – is advisable along with strict masking. Vaccinations are still key to reducing load on hospitals – at most only 0.016% of breakthrough infections result in hospitalization – but expanded and more frequent testing resources in the islands is critically needed.

  12. Why does anyone neeeeeeed to go to Hawaii now? Seriously?
    As for vaccinations I don’t think people understand you still spread the virus. Many seem to assume I’m vaccinated I can now go about my life as before. No you can’t you never could but it was sold to the public as it would let you. That’s not the case at all. People hear what they want. Vaccinations from both parties was sold as the solution while it does help this is not polio the measles etc this will be with us for a long time. If anyone thinks if 100 percent were vaccinated this would go away you need to do a bit of research don’t believe talking points from media or politicians.

  13. Dont come to hawaii, really?? Its a state with open borders with other states. Thats not political its a fact, so why would governor say that stuff?

    1. Its a state in the middle of the pacific ocean. You act like its the border between California and Oregon or something where people can just drive in. There are only two ways to get to the islands. Plane or ship.
      Funny how people scream open borders all the time. Hawaii was stolen from the natives.

  14. Aloha,
    Thank you for all you do to keep us informed!
    We canceled our December 2020 trip to Maui, and now have everything booked for December 2021. I really hope we can visit, because I miss Maui so much. We will gladly wear masks if required, and are prepared for not being able to visit our favorite restaurants. We just want to enjoy the snorkeling and beautiful scenery. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  15. It saddens me to say that we are canceling our reservations for October. But it truly upsets me that in canceling our reservations by the Governor’s request that we are being penalized by the airlines. We booked our reservations last September in hopes that we would be back to semi normal.
    We booked our flights in June. And now we can only get credits for our flights and they’re only good until June 1st! Seriously!?! Mahalo Hawaiian Air for your understanding with this unwanted situation!

    1. Dear Sharon, I’ve decided to postpone my April 2022 trip until 2023. The safest choice I can make. This virus situation is such a big mess for all human beings! I just don’t feel comfortable traveling right now anywhere where the cases are high. Stay safe & be blessed! 😍😇🌊🌈🌞🏝🏖🌏🍍🥥🏖🏝🌞🛩🐢🐠🌺

  16. I can understand them wanting less people to come however if only 2% are visitors being affected, why the push to stop visitors? Plus it is a bit late to ask tourists from coming. We made our plans a year ago. We are fully vacinated. We looked at rescheduling time shares however if we cancel, RCI also cancels all your points. Unless Hawaii goes into a full lock down or resorts close. Plus you simply can’t find any openings at our timeshares next year either. I got round trip first class for $2500 each from Boston. Now over $5000.00 each. Big difference. So easy to say don’t come. Not so so easy for us to comply.

    1. Not true. RCI refunded our points, maybe that’s because we bought insurance. They will work with you. The worst case scenario is that the exchange fees can be used toward your membership.
      We were able to get all our points back and apply the fees toward our ongoing membership. Keep asking them.

      1. I bought insurance on my flights and was told that the insurance was only good if you Actively have Covid or deceased passenger. I don’t own a timeshare anymore.

  17. Hi guys , thanks for keeping us informed . My take on this is for those with existing reservations ( flights and hotels or Condos) to still do the trip especially if not allowed to cancel for refund. the experience will likely not be up to what you expected as various limitations will be in effect. I have Been in Waikiki 2 months of 2021 with a total of 3 trips there so I have experienced Waikiki in january with no tourists and may and august with many tourists . For those still booking trips you may want to delay them til later . Things in Waikiki at least can be described as “don’t be in a Hurry for anything”. If u can’t handle that you shouldn’t come .

    1. Dear Tim, I’ve decided to postpone my trip to Oahu in 2022 until 2023 because right now I don’t feel comfortable traveling anywhere where the cases are high. Safest choice to make. Stay safe 🙏 be blessed😇

  18. Thank you for the reporting. The dysfunctional governing is scary. We’re planning a trip to Maui Oct 1st that is already paid for (~$10k) and even though insured it seems such a wrong direction to restrict visitor travel when it is only 2% of the caseload.

  19. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    I guess Hawaiian Airlines didn’t get the governors memo. Today when I opened my email there’s an ad from Hawaiian Airlines pushing fall travel to Hawaii.

    You talk about mixed messaging.

    No wonder why people are so frustrated on Hawaii.

  20. The vast majority of Hawaiian Covid-19 cases are community spread. The tourists aren’t the problem. Why is Gov Ige doing this?

  21. Aloha,
    We have trip planned for 9/2/21-9/13/21. We have already rescheduled it twice. We are very much looking forward to returning to our favorite place, Hawaii. We usually go once and year, sometimes twice if we can fit, it into our budget. We stay in a condo on sugar beach. We have already paid for everything, including the car. We don’t need tourists stuff. We are fully vaccinated. We just want to snorkel, walk on the beach, boogie board, etc. as long as we can go to the beach and grocery store to get food and drinks we will be content. My husband has a very stressful job. Hawaii is the one place that he feels absolutely relaxed in.
    Do you think that we can still achieve this type of trip? Do you think that we need to cancel? Your advice is appreciated. Thank you for keeping us up to date about Hawaii.

    1. Hi Janet.

      You will need to decide for yourself. We already said we don’t have anything informative to add at this point. It is complicated and confusing. Obviously, we’ll keep updating this as more is learned. The governor suggests you don’t come during the next two months. We don’t have a crystal ball and honestly just don’t know what is going to happen or whether further restrictions could even be put in place. If you are able to reschedule that would certainly seem to be the very best plan.


      1. Thank you for your speedy reply. We are hoping to make our trip. We will be respectful, social distance, wear a mas and pass along only aloha spirit.

  22. It is my pleasure to comply with the Decree. In fact, I’ll go one step further and never return to Hawaii. I don’t spend my $$ in places that view me as a problem.

  23. Our plans to visit Kauai are scheduled for 9/11/21 arrival. We rented a condo for our stay because we wanted to have a kitchen in case of difficulty with restaurant dining. I guess we have to see if condo owner is willing to refund our money, because as your article says the Governor is asking for cooperation from the travel industry to help in curtailing travel through October. What are my chances the owner will?

  24. With the death rate at 2 or less for the last 6+ months and the delta endemic to the unvaccinated, if you are vaccinated your health is safe. The only thing that is not safe is your travel dollar due to the politicians’ uneven and illogical responses to the delta uptick. Deaths are the true stat to watch not positives, ESPECIALLY if you are vaccinated.

      1. Just to elaborate on and how truly false that is, just google it yourself.
        This is typically what you will find, as of July 31st……

        The hospitalization rate among fully vaccinated people with COVID-19 ranged from effectively zero (0.00%) in California, Delaware, D.C., Indiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont, and Virginia to 0.06% in Arkansas. (Note: Hospitalization may or may not have been due to COVID-19.)
        The rates of death among fully vaccinated people with COVID-19 were even lower, effectively zero (0.00%) in all but two reporting states, Arkansas and Michigan where they were 0.01%. (Note: Deaths may or may not have been due to COVID-19.)

        ….you are either purposely lying or like so many others, the victim of misinformation. It’s bad enough that the unvaccinated have caused all this, they have, but to try and convince others to play Russian Roulette with their lives is incomprehensible to me. Really, I get some people have odd ideas, look at the people that believe in Chemtrails….but what possible line of reasoning could make you feel you need to convince others to feel like you? Why do the people so hell bent on saying their personal freedom is more important then anything are so quick to try and convince others to do what they want?

        1. Well if it’s in google it’s gotta be real lol.

          Check this outta Israel

          The bad news, doctors say, is that half of Israel’s seriously ill patients who are currently hospitalized were fully vaccinated at least five months ago. Most of them are over 60 years old and have comorbidities. The seriously ill patients who are unvaccinated are mostly young, healthy people whose condition deteriorated quickly.

        2. So if what you’re saying is true JohnW, the governor should be welcoming vaccinated tourists with open arms. Why is he telling the vaccinated to stay home?

      2. Jamie L. you really need to stop spreading this fake news. It’s really irresponsible.


  25. Any info on Southwest? We have flights in late September to HNL booked on travel funds. The flight is late September and funds expire October. If we heed the Governors request we lost $1800 since our funds will expire. Has SW considered extending travel funds if we adhere to the State of HI request? If not we will have to ignore the Governor since we are vaccinated and losing that money is too much.

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