New Restrictions + Vaccination Passport

Updated: Restrictions, Vaccine Passport, Shutdown? | Nearly 1K Cases Again Today

Updated 8/28/21. The Hawaii Health Department today reported another staggering 938 new Covid cases and 5 additional deaths. That came following yesterday’s highest ever 1,035 new Covid cases and 9 deaths. Of today’s, once again almost 700 were on Oahu. As a result of this continued explosion of cases, there are more changes afoot that you should be aware of. Below we’ve detailed what those are and which things are being considered in the event things get worse, both statewide and island by island.

Officials want the ability to restrict activity further as needed and are planning accordingly. Governor Ige has also said that more mandates are on the table while not stating exactly what those might be. He indicated, however, that if “we push the hospitals across that line, then we will have to go to more extreme measures, lockdowns and potentially shutting businesses.”

Could a shutdown happen?

Governor Ige said this week that he does not want to see that happen. And this time even if it did occur, it might well be different than last time. We just don’t know. Scott Miscovich, who is a state advisor on Covid, has just said he believes a four-week shutdown should occur to slow the current spread.

We continue to hear, however, that it is unlikely that anything can be done to stop visitors from arriving or residents from traveling and returning. Especially fully vaccinated ones. That would apparently not be legal, given that the federal government has said that fully vaccinated US citizens are safe to travel. The right to travel interstate cannot be controlled at the state level and is entirely within the purview of the federal government.

State officials have never indicated what options are currently available to them, should that become necessary.

What options are on the table in Hawaii?

Various means are available to the counties and to the state including various mandates and lockdowns. Those could vary from the closure of or additional restrictions on county parks, beaches, and schools and businesses, to local curfews if needed. Gathering sizes, while already reduced, as recently as today, could be further reduced should that become necessary, based on the capacity of our medical system. It isn’t clear whether any stay-at-home orders are being considered.

When Governor Ige called for travelers both in Hawaii and from the mainland to voluntarily suspend travel for the next two months, he did not mandate any added restrictions.

Hawaii restaurant vaccination passports by Labor Day.

Ige said that a vaccination passport for restaurants, bars, gyms, etc., is expected to be operational in the next ten days. He said earlier that some restaurants feel that such a vaccination mandate would “push them over the edge.”

At this point, it could well be up to each business to decide if it wants to accept only those vaccinated customers or not. That while some other destinations that have already implemented vaccination passports actually require them.

Hawaii’s new digital smart health card will necessitate vaccination cards be uploaded to a website, in much the same way as the Hawaii Safe Travels protocol works. We hope to have more on that plan shortly.


The Garden Island has the lowest positivity rate in the state and had a relatively low 35 new cases today. The mayor said that if things don’t improve, he will have no choice but to implement another lockdown. What that could look like is not at all clear. On a more optimistic note, he said, “But we don’t have to do that. If we come together, shift our behavior, work together, like Kaua’i does time and time, and time again, we can lead by example. We can flatten this curve without major sacrifice.”

Big Island.

Big Island Mayor Mitch Roth just announced new rules today. The county now has limited gatherings to be no more than 10 people, whether indoors or outdoors. “Beaches and parks remain open. With a few minor changes, pavilions will be closed. Sports may continue.”

Hawaii Island will also be implementing a $250 citation for violation of any of the county or state’s Covid regulations. That in addition to a new $500 fine for breaking quarantine.

More regulations are coming, according to Mayor Roth, that will impact businesses, bars, restaurants, and churches.

New rules for Hawaii Island parks are also being introduced. Pop-ups, canopies, and tents are now prohibited, and again groups are limited to 10 and then must be at least 20 feet away from the next group.

The Ironman World Championship due to take place in October has been postponed.


Mayor Michael Victorino is still waiting since last week for approval or rejection of his new Covid restrictions. In addition, the mayor is asking for voluntary visitor compliance in staying at their resort properties and not visiting the overcrowded Hana area.

On Monday, Governor Ige said he would “be looking at Mayor Victorino’s request about further restrictions on Maui.”


Oahu has limited gatherings to 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors.

Regarding any added restrictions, Mayor Blangiardi is not indicating additional regulations at this time. He said, however, that a stay-at-home order or other regulations could be required if Covid continues to explode on Oahu.

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116 thoughts on “Updated: Restrictions, Vaccine Passport, Shutdown? | Nearly 1K Cases Again Today”

  1. Dear BOH,
    Please help. We have a family trip scheduled for mid-late December. We’ll have a total of 16 adults and children in our group. We will all be staying in the same family/residential unit at the same address in Kona. It would seem that based upon the current “Social Gathering Limits” in the County of Hawaii our group would be exempt from the 10 individual indoor and outdoor gathering limit, i.,e., “Members of a single residential or family unit who share the same address are not restricted”. It would also seem that since we are not so restricted we could, as a group, visit a beach or park together as long as we maintain proper social distancing from other groups. The county says groups using parks and rec. facilities must maintain 20 feet between groups. Finally, if we did maintain proper social distancing between our group and other groups or individuals, would we have to wear masks? The guidance from the State and County would imply that we wouldn’t as long as proper social distancing was maintained. The State’s and County’s FAQ’s don’t seem to address single residence group situations like ours. Any advice you could give us would greatly appreciated.
    Thank you! Bob

    1. Hi Bob.

      A couple of thoughts. The first is to contact the health department for the Big Island for definitive answers. Second, masks aren’t required outdoors. We hope it goes well.


      1. Dear BOH,
        I did call the County of Hawaii’s Department of Civil Defense with my questions. While our group is exempt from the county’s indoor group limit we do have to comply with the outdoor group limit of 10. I was told that if we all went to the beach together, we should separate into groups of 10 or less and social distance at 6’ between groups. To quote the person I spoke to, “As long as you don’t look like a group of 16 you won’t have a problem.” That seems doable. Regarding the at sea memorial service for my father, because we are all living at the same address we don’t meet the social gathering definition. We can all participate in the service.
        Thank you for your help.

        1. Hi Bob.

          Thanks for letting us and everyone else know. Much appreciated. We’re sorry to learn about your loss.


  2. I just watched a video of Honolulu mayor yelling at a constituent outside the capital protesting mandates. It was very disappointing to see a person of leadership behaving that way. People are peacefully protesting and it was not a good look for the mayor.

  3. Thank you for the information. How can one be tested for Covid when the developer of the test said it was faulty and not intended as a diagnostic tool?

    According to the Canadian government, they were never able to provide proof in court that the Covid strain was isolated. All mask & test mandates were dropped since they could not provide proof in Canada!

    Since tests are 95%+ faulty and the strain has never been isolated, it is very misleading on the unaware public to continue with false propaganda.

    There can be no vaccine (experimental injection) if there was never a proven isolated strain.

    Ppl are awakening to the propaganda that is injuring our children. Masks don’t work since the supposed virus is smaller than the masks. It’s like a mosquito flying through a chain link fence. Wise up or be removed. The government works for the ppl.

    1. Wow, where are you all flocking in from? This used to be a site dedicated to Hawaiian travel not FB “medical” advice. Sad days, indeed.

  4. An island state has a unique advantage to control the spread of Covid. Hawaii does not have infected people driving into their state. Please require pre-arrival testing of everyone coming onto the islands…. vaccinated, non-vaccinated, and Hawaii residents returning home to Hawaii. Viruses are not flying over the ocean on their own to enter Hawaii.

    1. This sounds like freedom lost. Read the Constitution. Many have lost their lives for this Republic and for our freedom. If children were not indoctrinated in school and taught how great these United State were, the sick would stay home like all flu viruses until they were better.

      Civics needs to be taught in school again so the citizens understand how our government is supposed to work.

      The ppl employ the government not the other way around.

  5. CDC also admits this. Meaning they actually conclude nothing significant in healthy people only in those that are ill and have signs of illness. Meaning 90% of “Cases” are false and just spread unnecessary fear. Clearly also fooling all the Officials making all these MANDATES and creating mega chaos for Hawaii’s economy.
    Lets stop testing unless there comes a new test to the awareness that does actually test for the Delta Variant bcause the Covid 19 is already obsolete. Lets all follow the science like is repeated by all but only a few do understand. Out side wearing a mask is absolutely not needed as the humidity and sunshine kills all viruses and many bacteria, per the science.

    (Edited – warning on not adhering to

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