Hanalei Pier Kauai

Breaking News: Kauai To Shut Down Effective December 2.

Details on latest 14-day mandatory quarantine for all arrivals, even with negative test results.

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366 thoughts on “Breaking News: Kauai To Shut Down Effective December 2.”

  1. What if I had Covid in yhe past 6 weeks, I would still test positive for months. According yo CDC guidelines I was released fron isolaton,are no longer infectious after the 10 day isolation. Do i have to do anything but bring paperwork for proof of testing and Goverment issued Isolation release? Thank you

  2. Take a look at Barbados plan. Neg covid to arrive. Contact tracing the minute you deplane. Covid test at the resort you go to (HGC The Crane).Red wrist band at airport. Blue resort band upon arrival. Green band when 2nd civic test is negative. Isolation till 2nd test results.

  3. Can we please get over the assumption that people of Hawaii need visitors?

    While you’re at it. try to get your head around the idea that many people in Hawaii strongly believe that no amount of money is worth even one persons life.

    We may be a little different in our values here but they’re our values and thankfully yours are mostly thousands of miles away.

    I’ll bet many would be visitors are telling each other, “Dont those Kauai folks know they’re losing money by keeping us out?”


    “Yes we do, Go infect someone else.”

  4. The alarmism is dangerous. The politicians are in a role where shutting down is the easy decision. They appear to be saving lives, but the reality is they are bringing a slow death. Death to businesses, jobs and productivity. We must go back to the basics. Hand washing, and streamlining the process for the vaccines to be properly stored and distributed. Now that Trump is out, hopefully CNN will stop using fear to push their political agenda. Maybe people will get less anxious and more objective about things like returnung to work.-Thanks

  5. We have planned our vacation from 29th Nov – 7th Dec in Kauai. Wondering if hotel/car rental prices would drop in the next couple of days. Any insight would be helpful.


    1. Hi Harry.

      It is unclear how this is going to play out in that regard. So we’d suggest just checking multiple times to see.


  6. Fine, cancelled my vacation and taking my non-covid butt elsewhere, just don’t ask for tax money from the mainland to bail your sorry axxes out.

    1. No one wants you here anyway! Try go anywhere else?! Same protocols! From Jamaica, Tahiti, Fuji, and much other countries and States at this moment required some kind of protocols! Ether essential work or home related travel! Just case you have a need to get away from problem just makes u selfish…

    2. Really? Come on…We’re all in the same crap situation and doing our best to hang on and stay sane. Positivity, service, and being adaptable and flexible so we are strong is the only way to get through, all together-as a race!!

  7. We have been going to many of the islands of Hawaii for years and planned to again this December. We did by travel insurance and have canceled our trip. But you have got to keep in mind the cure can not be worse than the disease.And as righteous as it sounds shutting down the very thing that feeds ,clothes and houses the citizens of Hawaii your government is taking away.This all with a disease that has a 99% survival rate makes no sense this will affect your commitments for years to come.I am speaking because I have seen it first hand. Businesses closing never to reopen and families that have their whole life invested in their business all is lost. How do you recover from that.Also my daughter had covid 19 and has recovered just fine and many other I know. I could go on but please think of the long term consequences.

  8. PCR tests are incapable of detecting infections. These politicians that are promoting their own fake science should be sued and prosecuted.

  9. How can you say that you could not this coming? Any logical thinking person could. Cases rising in the U.S. mainland and all over the world, then opening up transpacific travel? You must be blind to not see it coming.

  10. We highly recommend to stay ocean distance away from Kauai! We do not need tourist to survive! Infact if you all stop being selfish and wait till vaccine it would be much more comfortable to visit our little islands! I have witnessed most tourist who refuse to wear mask and follow the rules! Litter and drive ignorant! They all come with no respect or aloha!just here to get their selfish fix, And locals are fed up! vacation is not a vaccine! Sit your asses down and stay put!

    1. How about no. With a 99% survival rate and an extremely low chance of catching the Sweet and Sour Sniffles, the overwhelming majority of people want to live their lives and earn a living.

    2. Well Said! That’s why here on Kauai the numbers were low,
      Now you open up transpacific travel and the numbers goes up and what makes it worse is when you have rude people with no respect come here. My opinion….Just go back to where you came from and and do what you want to do there, at your home.

    3. Okay, tourists throwing litter? Hmmm, let’s talk about Polihale during the first lockdown. Hundreds of Kauai residents partying and camping on the beach-no social distancing, no masks, not even using the bathroom facilities-urinating and defacating on the beach! So don’t diss the tourists about the lack of respect for Kauai-look in the mirror! Completely trashed Polihale to the point that its is still closed. Residents returning to the island from vacationing on the. mainland then not doing a self quarantine upon their return, not wearing a mask, not social distancing. Sorry, but your traveling friends and neighbors are passing it around mores than the tourists are. I am sick of all your problems being blamed on the tourists who feed your economy. Blah blah blah.

    4. I second that. Chill out and be patient, think of the people who live, love, work, and will forever be here. Not on a fun trip as a break from real life and responsibility. Think outside your self centered bubble long enough to realize the devastation that could be caused by one full plane of infected tourists arriving and staying on Kauai for one week. Half of our population could be wiped out in a month! Is a fun holiday trip worth that to you? Is it to anyone??

    5. Your comments are disgusting to those of us who treasure our visits to the Aloha state
      My wife and I have visited the islands enough times to be considered residents
      Neither of us have witnessed the kind of behavior you describe and you should be grateful for the loyalty we bring in supporting the economic health of Hawaii

    6. I would assume you work for someone. You have no reality for life. God didn’t do this, man did. You my friend don’t own the earth. I will always travel to my islands that you are allowed to live on.

    7. Thank you. I am one of those who love your islands. They are so beautiful and you as residents are kind and good keepers if the land. On the mainland we struggle with those who simply refuse to be safe also. We wish you all we can and hope the economic impacts do not weigh too heavily. Aloha!

    8. Amen! Reading the selfish comments turns my stomach. It’s all about them! I’m sure the powers that be are not going to let the families suffer extinction! The government has plenty of funds to provide. They just needs to get funds moving to everyone and fast so people don’t have the stress of living expenses on top of this.

    9. How is a local who has gone to Oahu for work going to wait until a vaccine before they come home? Makes no sense. Everyone is thinking about visitors but the real problem is locals and they will not be a ble to quarantine at home and the majority will not have hte money to spend 14 nights in a Hotel under Quarantine. Something needs to be done but I fear this is not it.

  11. This is bad , been saving for couple of years to travel to Kuai with my family, now what is going to happen with all the money I spent , is the governor from Kuai refunding us the money back , so we won’t loose it.

      1. OMGA There are at least half dozen therapies which work better than a vaccine ever will. And they are indifferent to mutations. Masks and lockdowns are not effective.
        Sweden and Finland heath ministers published a joint report. Finns have 800,000 1-19 year old students. Sweds 1.7MM. FINS locked down hard for 3 months. Sweds did not. Same disease rate. No death in either country. So much for masks lockdowns etc. Denmark. 2000 with 2000 without masks. One month later no statistical difference in infections. Marine Corp/Mt Sanai hospital found no difference in lockdowns,quarantine etc.
        Erin Sanchez rigorously experimented with the Surgical Mask. “ Filtration Efficiency of Surgical Masks” USF 2010 @0.5 micron size monodispersed poly styrene spheres 20% efficiency. 3masks 5 10 minute runs each. Pitiful. WHO on June 5 admits NO definitive evidence of mask efficacy. none. The onlhy defense is herd immunity supported by these very effective therapies.
        This is what you get when you elect an Obamacrat idelogue like Ing. He WILL destroy Hawaii.

        1. What is overlooked is the Swedes always try to be reasonable so they distanced and wore masks and cut down on socializing without being told. Where other countries had a lock down and those who prove Darwin wrongs, said Masks were no use, lock down was no use, vaccine is no use. etc.

    1. Hi, This is the second time my flight has dropped away due to Covid. The airlines are being much more reasonable than under usual times. You should be able to get a refund or at the least a credit. I know the refund is always better but either way you most likely won’t suffer the loss. There are only 9 ICU beds on Kauai and to fly a Covid patient away to Oahu isn’t always and option. Even when it is it’s a very expensive option. That isn’t a situation I want to find myself in for my own safety. So we wait until we can go and feel welcome again. It will happen when this thing is better understood and under control. I get it, residents want those beds for their own Grandmas.

  12. Please get your facts 100% right. We Kauaians know only too well the entitled attitude of tourists. We don’t have the facilities for an outbreak.

    Our Mayor is in a no win situation but the bottom line is that our health comes first. The Covid rate is low because of him. I work in the hospitality industry and encounter guests that are not wearing masks and or argue with us when told to.

    We do love our guests but day after day we get people that have no respect or consideration for the local culture. Money drives a lot but it doesn’t matter if you’re dead from Covid.

    1. The people that are visiting that argue about masks are the same people that insist states rights are protected from the Federal government. So to them I say the State of Hawaii requires masks and social distancing. If you don’t like it go to a state like Florida that doesn’t care about wearing masks or your health and safety.

    2. I agree with all of that. My question is this. The Governor says the real problem is locals not tourists. How are locals going to quarantine if they go to Honolulu for work? THey cannot quarantine with the family in the family home. Are they going to be made to pay to stay 14 nights in a hotel? On Oahu lots of locals were not quarantining before. Catchign stupid tourist who post facebook or instagram shots was easy but the locals goign to times to shop or going to zippys or whatever. THat just went unnoticed. California is the big problem for Hawaii. It would make far more sense to quarantine peopel who have been in California or any other high rate state (Illinois, Michigan, WIsconsin, Texas etc. Keeping people safe is not easy and I worry this will not work because people will find ways round it.Not visitors but locals. I suppose all the flight crews will have to quarantine too, perhaps that is why Hawaiian suddenly cut som nay flights yesterday.

  13. This alliance between democrats and big tech is destroying the USA. Zuckerberg and his cronies will buy most of Kauai for peanuts. The only choice for Hawaiians will be to leave the island or work as servants. Government employees are still collecting full pay and benefits while destroying the lives of the rest of us. They have cancelled Easter, Fourth of July, and now they have ruined Thanksgiving and Christmas. When you read the comments it is obvious more and more people are fed up and not going to take it anymore. More people drown on Kauai every year than will die from Covid. Should we close all beaches so not one person will ever die at the beach? Avoiding dying is not living.

    1. Really good take Robert T,Govt employees aye-aye (making all decisions while safe & financially secure) & the drowning comparison. Thank you.

    2. Valid point. I am of the same opinion. Facts are what they are. Fact is covid doesn’t kill more people than the cold or flu. Fact is covid is not sars (which they have no cure for so you can’t make one for covid). Fact that this is not causing the death like the Spanish influenza or black plague (those are pandemics). Fact is your government doesn’t have the power to strip your liberties of movement and right to earn a living because of covid (Pennsylvania Supreme court). Thus the question that is posed by Robert is right…do you stop living because of covid? Fact is there are more deaths per year related to cancer, so quit drinking or eating food or consuming the air because you could die from cancer or from car accidents, so stop driving…if those numbers don’t make you change your lifestyle then why is covid?

    3. The people of Hawaii were once very content with living hand to mouth. People took care of one another. Family and caring was first.
      It was western values that corrupted a perfectly good way of living.

      Let them have their ways. They need not be ours.

    4. Great point!
      If you ask me, and I have lived in Hawaii, these decision makers “ain’t too swift”.
      I don’t understand why Hawaiians are being so dramatic.
      Tourists are “entitled”? What kind of attitude is that? Tourism is the very heartbeat of Hawaii’s economy. It’s a free country until Biden takes over.
      You people need to get out of your grass huts and get a grip.

    5. Close the beach if there’s a shark off shore or strong rip tide, yes?
      Kauai is dying from over tourism. Kauai is not Disney land. I say to the people who bow down to thr God of money- Please stay away.

  14. Thank you Beat of Hawaii to allow this forum. It is clear that all of us have interests and concerns regarding covid and travel My thoughts now are,what defines a resident? Yes,you,I live in Hawaii,Kauai but,to me it is tourism that has allowed most of us to call this home;so many of us define our home in Hawaii in different ways-“Born and raised” -tourism helps pay for the potholes on the roads/part time residents,this is your home too. -How will all of who call the Hawaiian Islands home, ,move forward,collaborate,resisting fear and division

    1. This really makes me sad. My sister just arrived on the mainland for my wedding next weekend, and now has to return before December 2nd, so she doesn’t lose out on work and pay, having to quarantine for 14 days. I wish there were exceptions for Kauai residents returning home, and perhaps quarantine the non-residents/vacationers. While I understand what’s going on in this world, putting this into effect so abruptly is so frustrating. Sorry, I’m just venting!

  15. If Kauai’s mayor can put together a list of the island’s small businesses that have goods to sell and will ship to the mainland, I would be willing to help support Kauai’s residents rather than shop here in SoCal for gifts. Could Beat of Hawaii prompt the mayor for this, then put a link on your site for us?

    1. I would do what I can to support Kauai businesses. I want you all to survive and prosper. I like the comment for links to support any business that can ship product from Hawaii. I love and respect the Aloha of Kauai. If the Beat can help us find businesses to support with links. 2020 is the first year in the past 11 years we did not spend 2-3 weeks on the Kauai N shore. We have not left our house in Indiana for 2 months as I am high risk.


      1. You are exactly the kind of guests we want to come to visit. Thank you for your care and love shown by not wanting to add to the spread. I am a Kauai resident but I spent the summer in a part of Michigan near the lake due to a family emergency. That small town had very little Covid and was feeling secure, even a bit smug. Then summer hit for real and the tourists came to the beaches. Right now their hospitals are full and the numbers are rising. It can all change so quickly.

    2. My family had Hawaii holiday plans and we rescheduled for April 2021 a couple of months ago. If we have to change plans again, then that’s what we have to do. We knew the risk we were taking when booking this travel. Until stats show a national decline in cases, I will not get on a plane for pleasure.

      I 100% respect the states decision to shut down Kauai and any other island restrictions they’ve implemented.

  16. I applaud mayor K. Anyone having bought tickets could have bought insurance.

    I am sorry but if the travel industry did not see this coming then they haven’t been paying attention. This was bound to happen as long as the virus runs rampant like right now.and folks, it’s just not going to get worse.

    We had visitors and we all knew that a covid free area depended on a second testing but that program failed. Instead we opt d for a screening ng we knew would let covid in. Even 3 out of thousand doesn’t sound like much but we’ve been relatively free until reopening. This is exponential spread in nature and we only have 9 beds.

    1. We’ve been hearing for ten months that Kauai only has 9 ICU beds. What have you been doing in the meantime? You’ve had ample time to increase bed capacity and hire nursing staff. What are you going to do when another pandemic inevitably comes along? I think that your mayor is doing you a disservice by not setting up temporary hospitals. The Army Corps of Engineers has been doing that all over the mainland.

  17. Saddened to hear this news, but I completely understand the move. . I was looking forward to coming to the islands to do my part to help the economy of Hawaii rebound. It is still my hope, but I will obviously have to put it on hold until my visiting does not put the public at risk.

  18. Aloha my name is Gary my wife and I have been too Oahu twice.We had planned on vacationing in Kaui but the Fear mongering Democrats seem determined to control everything with their Fear mongering about a virus that is not anywhere deadly enough to destroy a people’s livlehoods and buisnesess.This is about control unconstitutional control!I am glad I saw Hawaii when we did everything has changed now.

    1. Well this Democrat can’t wait to come to live permanently. But not at the expense of my health and the people of Kauai. I’m glad to see community over profits on Kauai. In a few months vaccines should allow travel to open back up. Till then stay safe!

  19. If Kauai is shutting down in 2 weeks or less it would have 0 cases. What will it do then? Open? If this is the case it could became a model for all other islands by testing all tourists coming in and have them all qiaritine for 2-3 days vs testing 3 days prior. This would be the way to keep in under complete control. Let’s just keep this in mind…are we gonna panic everytime a new virus strain comes out? This is not a pandemic. Pandemics have to meet certain criteria. This is a respatory infection. Every year new strains of viruses come out. So let’s learn and live. But not like sheep

  20. Since we are giving up our jobs and businesses by being forced to close indefinitely without a plan. Our savings will be drained- if not already. Our eviction or foreclosure will likely approach. Car payments missed, etc.
    Will the mayor and his coworkers be giving up their salaries, medical coverage and myriad other perks? Of course not. “Rules for thee not for me” is their motto.
    Unemployment is running out, food is expensive. Everything is expensive- it’s Kauai! What’s the ultimate plan? Bankrupt us, then buy cheap?

      1. Thank you AL. So many are so spoiled that it’s heartbreaking. Their vacation is more important than keeping a small island safe from this potential killer.

  21. Hi We have a cruise coming up in the first week of May with Norwegian. We don’t know if we should cancel! Opinions would be really appreciated!
    Thank You,

  22. Why does everyone have to be so ugly about all this!!! Every one has their own opinions of the Mayor, of the consequences, etc but why does it have to turn into a political rant!?!?!

    99.9% of the “tourists” who are sad to not be able to visit our beloved “second home” understand both the pros and the cons of the island closing. We’re not stupid!

    But if you would like us to not come back ever again – just keep telling us how “stupid”, “greedy”, “selfish” and “unwanted we are – we just might not come back – ever. And then where will your “tourist based” economy be!

    This is hard to everyone in one way or the other – please – just be kind!

  23. We have moved our 50th Anniversary vacation to Kauai twice. Thanks to the lack of leadership of Hawaii’s Blue crew, we will be spending our money elsewhere.

    1. Sorry to hear the bad news. While we try to save lives this virus is killing people’s livelihood. Praying for all the Hawaiian citizens

    2. Shame on you, your money would likely be better spent else where! Your words speak volumes. This whole virus is no one persons fault.

      The only fault was not giving the proper information when they were informed, shame on them too!
      Great “con-men”!!

      Not just the Hawaiian islands, all of American is suffering, dying, get a grip, don’t threaten stuff that may or maynot hapopen, find alternatives. There are many programs to get through this together. Country is so divided its unfortunate, took only 4 years in a lifetime we’ve never seen anything like this, “oh, what about me, me, me?” Personally sick of it.

      Do you really think Hawaii will go broke without your money? Go somewhere else, see if you live how far into 2021? Give that some thought while you educate yourself on the virus ….

      shame on you….

  24. Thanks BOH for being an independent voice about the State and County’s handling of Covid19 (i.e., not mindlessly repeating their press releases). The County of Kauai Covid19 website says that as of 11/27 there are 18 active cases on Kauai, with zero hospitalizations. This is after, I believe, 48 positive cases had been detected that came from travel (either resident or visitor) since mid-October. So while math isn’t my strong suit, that mean cases are dropping, not increasing, and community spread is a non-issue. So when Kawakami says “we are facing alarming Covid19 numbers on our island,” it is totally false.

      1. This year is the first time I haven’t been able to come and see my family &friends it’s a heartbreaking moment I would of been to Kauai twice by now but cant come back. Merry Christmas To All

      2. We have just returned from 10 days on Kaua’i. The island was busy with restaurants full and locals very happy and appreciative to see visitors. The mayor decision comes from wanting to protect the community, I get it. But that said, he is causing the economy to
        shut down which will also hurt the local community. A better solution would be a 3 day quarantine with testing after arrival, rather than the 14 day quarantine. Also the outdoor dining without masks was out of control which probably did not help the situation!
        We had a wonderful time and helped the businesses we love and hope will still be there when we return. Malama pono Kaua’i!❤️

  25. This is very sad. We love this island. The economy will collaspe because people are afraid to live their lives. But if Hawaiians dont want us there then tgere are plenty of other places to go in the world. If you wash your hands and keep your distance you can function pretty mormally. Good luck.

  26. That has been tried all over Europe and has not worked. There is, in fact, overwhelming that lockdows do not and will not work. We love the islands, Kauai is our favorite, but we don’t plan to visit this leftist paradise again for a long time, if ever.

  27. Mahalo to the Mayor of Kaua’i, Derek Kawakami for putting his people before himself and protecting them. I believe Kaua’i can be sustainable and we don’t need to be dependent on the tourist industry. Hey! We did it in the 60’s,70’s and 80’s. Go back to the original design and keep Kaua’i how it used to be. Regulate over population and desecration to the environment that over traveling of visitors did to the natural resources of the island. Since c19, the traffic has been stable, the ocean sea life and reefs are coming back to life again and pollution that tourist had no respect of our islands is bringing back beautification. Keep Hawai’i – Hawai’i and Keep Kaua’i what it’s supposed to be. Stop over population and over development.

    1. Seems like you want it all.tourism is what you promote..most businesses can’t survive without tourists..there must be a happy medium in all this..covid won’t be gone by lockdowns, but more will go bankrupt..I love Hawaii, but not leftist control..thank you

    2. With all due respect this isn’t the 60’s 70’s, or 80’s. How do you propose the island survive financially. The sugar and pineapple industry went to lower labor cost countries long ago. As far as the beautification of Kauai have seen the increase is homeless and the result of that. Your comment has many holes in it. Be realistic. There is no going back to the original design. That design is gone.

    1. Yes, it will! But for us, we have changed what would have been our 44th trip to Kauai in 25 years – 3 weeks each trip – because we just don’t trust what will come next! You cannot imagine how sad that makes us to not visit our “second home” at all in 2020!

  28. Everyone should have seen this coming when the governor opened up transpacific travel….The number were still spiking on the U.S. Mainland and also around the world for that matter. We all know that this year was like no other in recent history and everyone should treat it as such. The more we push against scientific proof that this virus is real and look the other way, it’s going to get worst and more and more people will die and it might be your own love ones. On visitors to the Islands… some of you don’t have any respect period! You don’t like the way we in Hawaii do things then go back where you came from, or are you trying to run away from something you created there just to do the same here? We don’t need people like you here in Hawaii. Stay Away.

    1. You are going to eat those words someday
      when all of Hawai is in poverty.
      I’m curious as to how these people who support shut downs make their money.
      They have to be either wealthy or working remotely with mainland companies or on government assistance. They definitely do not own a business that’s going broke for good. How do you all think people will have money to by food?

      1. Are there people out there who actually think that our mayor wants to see our economy go down? That is ridiculous no mayor any place would want to see their County go downhill. We actually have somebody who cares enough about the health of the people and not the wealth. Yes it is very hard on Kauai right now , it is hard everywhere in this world. For those of you who think the virus is no big thing that’s fine it’s your opinion but you should vacation someplace that they feel the same way. Those of you who say you won’t come back here again , that is fine- we can do without you because there are many visitors that will come when the time is right and we will give them Aloha once again.

  29. Aloha BOH “R U Surprised by this”

    You shouldn’t be.

    Here’s my take on this. Residence of Kauai have complained long and loud about over tourism and how to many businesses benefitting from tourism are owned by outsiders.

    Covid has allowed Kauai to return to the good old days of fewer tourist and locals are liking it. They’re going to be the ones who pick the winning and losing businesses in this game, but wait there’s an evil lurking behind the scenes looking to take advantage of ignorant locals.

    When this plan is finally in place a huge tech giant is going to be picking up commercial and residential properties for pennies on the dollar. Due to a lack of opportunity you will see an exit of young residents off the island looking for greener pastures.

    Soon the island will have maybe 1 or 2 high end resorts not unlike Lana’i all owned by the tech giant.

    He’ll use his money and political power to eliminate short term stay rental condos and time shares. Soon everyone left living on the island will have to bow to their tech giant king.

    Larry Ellison did it to Lana’i now Zuckerberg wants to do it to Kauai.

  30. We are in a pandemic. Keep repeating that sentence until you get it through your thick heads! We tried letting people come without quarantining and it was an epic fail due to inaccurate test results. What good is boosting our economy if people become sick and can’t work? Then visitors wont come because we have high numbers too. They’ll go somewhere else. Is getting yourself or others ill worth your non-essential travel? Hawaii is not going to just “live with it.” We are trying to stay safe and healthy until this is over.

  31. It would be important to note in your article that Kauai only has 111 hospital beds, nine of which are ICU beds. We have fifteen ventilators.

    We simply lack the healthcare infrastructure to resist a large scale outbreak.

    That bit of data was likely critical to the decision made by the governor. Please add that to your article. Thank you.

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