“Bribes To Ensure Good Service:” Hawaii Tipping Goes Insane

One person said if you can’t tip generously, don’t come. Another said, for goodness sake don’t tell customers that. Five huge issues with tipping in Hawaii.

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127 thoughts on ““Bribes To Ensure Good Service:” Hawaii Tipping Goes Insane”

  1. We just got back from Maui, and this report hit the nail on the head. In fact some restaurants sneak the grat onto the check, and Then include the additional tip menu. I now go down to 10 or 15% if I find the tip ask is overly greedy

  2. I’m all about leaving a good tip for good service, I also work in the industry, It’s out of control all over the united states’ not just Hawaii, Good Service = Good Tips ,It shouldn’t be forced in service fees or gratuity, Here’s a tip do your job better get better tips

    1. @joshJ If you work in the industry, then you know that there are some things that aren’t in the server’s control. The kitchen might be running behind, for example. This is often taking out on the server in the form of a bad/no tip. As I’ve said before, if tips were truly just for quality of service, then that’s one thing, but they aren’t. They are a way for company’s to underpay people and then force us, the customer, to make up the difference with tips. I personally prefer the system they have in Europe where you don’t tip at all, or rather just tip a small amount for extra good service and the servers are paid a living wage.

  3. The tipping issue isn’t limited to Hawaii. It is the same thing here in Washington State. While in Hawaii, we try to eat in the local restaurants and food trucks that are moderately priced. We have never received anything but outstanding friendly service (even when everyone was talking about how bad things were in Hawaii) and are always happy to leave a nice tip. We are on vacation enjoying someone else’s home after all. I kind of agree with the person who said if you can’t afford a tip don’t come or at least don’t go to a place where a tip is warranted. We put tips into the budget anytime we take a vacation.

    1. AJ we also put tipping money into our spending plan wherever we vacation and travel, services deserve acknowledging. Hawaiian Food Trucks have amazing foods and most other venues that we have eaten at haven’t disappointed us either. With monetary conversions being different around the world and wages at many non-US resorts actually meeting or exceeding a living wage, seeing the workers satisfaction in their job is wonderful. Giving a Dollar tip can convert into a $25/$35 dollar local currency rate, over 10 days that can, and does, make a significant difference in the lives of hard working and friendly servers. Employees happily help support their parents and other family members, here that isn’t a possibility.

  4. This all started with chip card technology, chip read transactions cannot be edited and changes once the the sale has been run as a result the tip is asked for up front, I told people developing this stuff it would be a while for people to accept and get used to this. Most restaurants are supplying your bill with the tip line all at once so tip is already part of the full amount of the transaction. Places that have both sit down dining and take out are not doing this on purpose everyone is held to chip card logistics is not logical in this instance but it is the way the banking industry designed the technology and all merchants must follow regulations as set forth by the industry.

  5. Lee I agree with you, however, I also believe that there’s things going on that most people are not considering, let’s call it the “BJ” proposal. It’s extremely disheartening to see the Exodus of people to Las Vegas and the Elected Politicians are unconcerned by it. Why would that be? The “BJ” proposal, as I call it, is an initiative that will solve big businesses concerns. Big Business and Your Politicians colluding to eventually import to Hawaii Illegals, Border Jumpers (BJ), to train and fill the positions necessary to operate effected businesses. Housing concerns would be taken care of by the employers, not saying that they would be acceptable to us, and everything would be good. Don’t doubt this, it will occur.

  6. I Tip when I am served in a restaurant. If I order at a window, pick up the food and seat myself, there is nothing to Tip for and no Tip is provided. Anything else? Forget it. I’ve seen this “request” on credit card purchases and my standard response (Hawaii or elsewhere) is No Tip. No service, no Tip. If your employer isn’t paying enough, why are you working there?

  7. It’s not a complex problem. If you can afford to have someone package or prepare your fresh food, the person handing you your product because you are advantaged enough to hire people to prepare your food probably needs money a bit more than youu. What’s the deep psychic philosophical issue that makes this a worthy topic?

    1. James you’re assuming that anyone, and everyone, that consumes food from a takeout is better off than those who are working there and many times that may not be the case. Have you ever considered that many people purchase the food after Saving a portion of their meager earnings as a Special Treat for their child or children? Similar situations arise and for whatever reason it’s easier than driving home when running errands or attending appointments? Of course Some People are better off than the workers, perhaps they should go elsewhere with their money and put more people out of work? Comments can have unexpected results that can be counterproductive. Capitalism is Sound, Socialism weakens and falls apart the very fabric of society.


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