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With State Destitute, How Will Hawaii Market Itself?

What’s needed amid failed Hawaii’s tourism marketing.

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155 thoughts on “With State Destitute, How Will Hawaii Market Itself?”

  1. Just saw a SWA earnings report that said demand to Hawaii is very robust. So ….”rumors of Hawaii’s demise are greatly exaggerated”!
    Scroll down to the reply by Karen, a great perspective and the type of visitors Hawaii needs. Realistic, respectful and not spouting anger against “those democrats”. Hawaii’s beauty and Aloha has gone through a rebooting if you will. The environment has been under less strain from overcrowding and many businesses are going to come out of this ready to face the future in ways they never would have been had they not gone though the pandemic. Many employees will be returning to work with a renewed spirit of Aloha.
    The State has a very bright future in no small part because it is, in fact, a melting pot of people from many different places.
    That’s the core of what makes Hawaii what it is.
    Aloha to all and Mahalo to Beat of Hawaii for keeping us informed and entertaining some lively discussions!

    1. Hi John.

      Thanks. You’ve been a big part of the lively discussions and we sincerely appreciate it. 160 comments to date!


    2. Very flowery. The small businesses are gone. Of course “new Hawaiians” will come and try to make money from the tourist. Of course once government incentives end people stuck in Hawaii will want to go to work. And of course, when a tip is at stake, aloha will return. Your attitude smacks of colonialism. If you really want to help I can provide you with an address where you can send a donation.

      1. I could see if you might think my post was insensitive to the many struggling businesses, but colonialism is a bit of a stretch.
        I’m on Oahu and for sure some businesses are struggling, but many are surviving for the light at the end of the tunnel that is getting bigger. 2020 was a terrible year and my heart goes out to the many who were impacted, but thank god the state closed down as effectively as it did. It’s one thing to struggle financially for a couple years, but horrific to lose family members to COVID., bottom line is there was no good choice.
        By summer tourism will be recovering, rebuilding and there will be plenty of opportunities for businesses. No need for an address to send help, I give substantially the the Hawaii Foodbank and recommend everyone that can do the same.
        You can replace things but hunger is the one thing no one should have to endure.

        1. No good choice, that is so true. In the end, it’s family and health that matters the most. Jobs come and go. It is unfortunate in this pandemic, the government has failed to provide sufficient lifeboats to support the people a rescue board are on the way. It is what it is. There are huge lights at the end of the tunnel, we can all see it, but it only takes a few fools and done bad luck to collapse the tunnel and elongate the time to reach the light.

          We send our prayers again fun the Mainland to or Hawaiuan brothers and sisters for a fast recovery.


  2. I heard the state of Hawaii was going to tattoo those who received vaccine. And if you can show the special tattoo and the scanner recognizes the special ink only available to the government, you will be free to move about the state. The scanners are being distributed now.

  3. Starting today, Jan 26, 2021 anyone flying in internationally to the USA must have a neg 72hr test. May as well continue the Hawaii requirements for everyone from mainland too. Entry into Canada now has the same requirement. More authorized testing partners would be nice on the East Coast, seems they struggle having to travel hours to reach a partner. Better options for our Japanese tourists, they are the bread and butter I think. The gatherings of locals at all the beaches/parks need to be addressed by police unfortunately. Gatherings no more that 5..period. I know Family is important but it is the locals that are causing the new numbers, not the tourists. There are not enough police or hours in the day to patrol this, we have to work together. I have not heard the rules of Tier 2 repeated for months it seems. Folks need a reminder of what Tier we are in. Be Safe…Aloha.

  4. HTA was clearly not prepared (or equipped) to deal with a crippling blow to the tourism industry. Personally, I don’t believe HTA was ever needed…It’s just another unnessessarily useless government bureaucracy.

    Hawaii needs its Government to have management skills focused on its major industry, or to develop other industry to supplement, and eventually limit, the dependency on tourism.

    Tourism, and private industry, can take care of itself in Hawaii…the state actually sells itself as a vacation destination. It always has.

    Governor Ige has no control of his State. Bad decisions from bad leadership equals bad government. The State needs to get it’s crap together, and solve these issues by it’s legislative constituents, which is how it was designed to work. Hawaii is showing the world how “island time” works in Government. 😳

  5. Hospital capacity is a real limitation on Kauai. Kukuiula, a huge community of million dollar houses was approved some 12 years ago. I think over 1400 lots and shopping and restaurants on old sugar property same corporate owner over a hundred years. That development will still be under construction 20 years from now for sure. The project was approved without a hospital. The county missed an opportunity.

  6. The HTA strategic marketing plan is fundamentally racist in the current social climate. Unattainable and useless. No one cares. Only marketing needed is airlines and hotels advertising special rates and an announcement Hawaii is open for business without restriction.

  7. The first step is to get rid of the ridiculous travel restrictions. Who the he// is going to travel there under the current regulations. A vaccine requirement is only going to exacerbate the issue. Have been to Hawaii 4 times but has been many many years. Would have liked to bring my family but under the current requirements not a chance- maybe ever! Florida has everything open, is doing fine even with a large elderly population. Hawaii is screwed and it’s your own fault. Vote in new leadership that will do away with the ridiculous restrictions. Maybe then – maybe if the damage has not already been done. Plenty of places in the world to see, Hawaii has fallen far down the list. Good luck!

  8. Let’s have Hawai’i tighten it’s belt, and at the same time sew the pockets shut on every slimball politician out there, including a pay freeze.
    If the State’s citizens are broke, Ige and his cronies should be too.
    Put every on of the politicians to work in soup kitchens, sweeping streets, clearing brush, and cleaning properties left abandoned by their owners not being able to access the State.
    I don’t know if our beloved Islands can get over the negativity blasted all over social media, for nearly a year now.
    These people who, mostly, came from the mainland and spend their time pretending to be locals telling others to go away and keep their money out of Hawai’i, are insane and need to be muzzled.
    The Hawaiian islands don’t belong to anyone, they belong to everyone!
    Mahalo guys at Beat of Hawai’i.
    You’re the best 🌺

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thank you. To our knowledge, not one of those in office has offered to forego their salaries at this most challenging time.


  9. For the past 6 years, I made twice yearly trip to Big Island for business and vacation. I have always tried to honor and respect the culture and residents. On my last trip, the “vibe” had gone from “aloha” and “welcome,” to resentment and anger from residents. I was screamed at for a mistake and basically told to leave the island, by a resident. On the bus to the airport, the driver said he hoped they shut down tourism so he could go home and get a government check. I tipped him well…but do not intend to return to the beautiful Big Island until they know whether visitors are welcome or not. It makes me so sad. I have many amazing memories of HI and and looked forward to sharing it with my family.

  10. Hawaii doesn’t need marketing. Everyone wants to go there and is just waiting until they can. So make it happen and get rid of this Covid

    1. I agree!!! Those of us that have been and totally love Hawaii are plenty of advertisement! I will return as soon as it is safe for all. Hang in there as I am from New Orleans and our tourism is suffering also. ALOHA

  11. I am not certain what everyone is complaining about. The state of Hawaii was wise in testing and getting the Covid numbers down. We come every year and will continue to. I am always willing to do whatever it takes to travel to Hawaii and to protect the locals there. Getting a pretext makes 100 percent sense.

  12. The problem with Hawaii Tourism is the coronavirus. Before the virus shutdown tourism it was great and drawing record numbers of people many of whom came back year after year. Now tourims is a trickle to what it was. Cutting the tourism budget is necessary since Hawaii is collecting much less money than it was from tourists due to the virus.

    The funding for essential service such as Police, Fire, and other Emergency Services and Infrastructure needs to be maintained. I have seen an increase in crime in Honolulu and if it is not curtailed tourism will never return to the way it was in 2019.

  13. Last year we traveled to Hawaii 5 times to help with our newborn twin grandchildren. We have more than a vacation interest in visiting Hawaii. We were not deterred by the quarantine but sometimes our negative test were accepted and other times not.

    Please consider simplifying visitor requirements.

    1) A 72 – 84 hour pre arrival negative COVID test processed by a CLIA lab. (Eliminate preferred partners. Its the lab that is responsible for accurate results.)
    2) proof of having at least one of the two COVID vaccine injections.

    If an individual Hawaiian island wants to add a second layer of testing, there could be a rapid test on arrival. Hawaii has a company Oceanit, that I’ve read about, that has developed a rapid saliva test that could be used. It looks like the cost is minimal and would go a long ways in it’s development for Hawaiian travel and opening up Hawaiian schools.

    Nothing is fool proof with this virus. (Unless you have daily rapid test) But we can do several things to minimize COVID exposure along side welcoming family and visitors to Hawaii.

    ALL Hawaii residents and visitors, young and old, need to “buy in” to Hawaii’s recovery by
    1) wearing masks,
    2) getting the COVID vaccine and
    3) continued social distancing with people outside your family bubble.
    Simple, only three safety precautions to remember.

    A consistant message and realistic virus expectations could be implimented quickly. Within a few weeks you would have loyal visitors returning. Investment in Rapid testing with Care Act funds and continued Covid precautions would open schools and Hawaiian tourism. It can be done.

    Thank you!

  14. It almost feels as though someone wants to rid the islands of tourists and return to days in the past no matter the impact to the Hawaiian people.

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