Hawaii Visitors/Residents: Honolulu Cameras Issued Over 2K Traffic Citations

Caught on Camera: Honolulu Visitors/Residents Just Issued 2000+ Citations

Running red lights is a serious problem here in Hawaii. First, it results in deaths, injuries and other crashes at intersections with signals. The state says that between 2015 and 2020, 1,879 crashes resulted from red-light and other traffic signal violations.

Hawaii is one of 26 states without automated traffic enforcement on their public roads. Federal data suggests, however, that automated traffic enforcement can help reduce costs, lessen the danger to officers, and increase traffic law awareness among drivers.

Following are the locations of Honolulu red-light cameras that are now active and issuing citations.

  • Vineyard Boulevard and Pālama Street Live for citations. 602 citations.
  • Vineyard Boulevard and Liliha Street Live for citations. 243 citations (north-west approach) 581 citations (south-east approach).
  • Vineyard Boulevard and Nu‘uanu Avenue. 131 citations.
  • Pali Highway and Vineyard Boulevard7 citations (north-west approach), 70 citations (south-east approach).
  • Pali Highway and School Street. 444 citations.
  • Likelike Highway and School Street. 0 citations (north-east approach) 4 citations (south-west approach).
  • King Street and Ward Avenue. No warnings or citations to date.
  • Kapiʻolani Boulevard and Kamakeʻe Street. 85 warnings.
  • Beretania Street and Pi‘ikoi Street. 112 warnings (west-bound approach), 220 warnings (north-bound approach).
  • McCully Street and Algaroba.

How these came to be.

In 2019 the Hawaii legislature created a two-year pilot to evaluate the enforcement of red-light running.

Last year, The Hawaii DOT and the City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services selected intersections for placement of the pilot cameras based on crash and traffic information. That was followed by engineering studies.

How Honolulu red-light cameras work.

When a red light is run, images are captured by the red-light system, recorded, and encrypted. The files contain multiple still images, videos, and other data pertaining to the potential red-light violation.

That information is transferred to a processing center for screening to confirm the violation and match data to license plate data. Only those deemed to be potential violations are sent on for additional screening.

The Honolulu Police Department reviews and finalizes a decision to approve or reject the violation. Violations are printed and mailed within 10 days of the violation. The data can subsequently be reviewed by the recipient online. Payment is then also handled online.

How much is the fine?

First-time fines are up to $200. Subsequent violations cost more.

Where does the money collected go?

The state says that “All fines collected under HRS Chapter 291J shall be deposited into the photo red light imaging detector systems program special fund. The fund can only be used for the establishment, implementation, operation, oversight, repair, and maintenance of the red-light safety camera system. The vendor is not paid based on the number of citations given by the system (see HRS 291J-4).”

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84 thoughts on “Caught on Camera: Honolulu Visitors/Residents Just Issued 2000+ Citations”

  1. Wheather cameras are to generate money, it’s only from the reckless drivers that run the red light! Slow down, watch speed limit, try not to block intersections!
    IF this saves 1 life, 1 serious injury, Then the cameras are doing the job they’re meant to do!!
    How do you explain a loss to someone? Using this logic? to only make money?

  2. Beatofhawaii, I was once a resident of Hawaii. I moved to California in 1996 live there since, in California we had the same system there it didn’t quite work it would be thrown out of court because lack of evidence, than the cost to run these cameras was astonishing costing the state too much moneys, so they discontinue the camera system. So my suggestion is up your red light penalty fines, California is $351 first offense, second offense is $891, the third license suspended of license & $1021 fine

  3. This process lacks due process and is unconstitutional and the cameras need to be immediately removed. This needs to be taken to the Supreme Court.

    1. …Or people can stop breaking the law, trying to find ways to get away with it, and take some responsibility for their dangerous actions.

      1. I would say that the fines that are usually given when you break a traffic law and give me a citation are usually pretty big and therefore most are taking responsibility for their actions when they’re caught there’s no need for cameras to be put everywhere in a race to be violated we don’t need that to happen in order to be safe it’s called policing we’ve been doing it for a very long time and it should be the same still we should not allow cameras to take over the jobs of policeman, we should not allow cameras to take over everything and watch every single thing we do every single minute !, we are free people and I’d like to stay that way! No, we don’t want to be policed every second of everyday by cameras!! think about it
        thank you

    2. Actually, Kai, I believe due process will be afforded to you should you want to contest the citation. You can go to court where the video and stills will be in evidence and given full due process.

      1. The Supreme Court has already ruled. On traffic cameras, they’re going against the constitutional rights of the people of Hawaii knowingly, This is systematic and deliberate that they Steal your constitutional rights and force you to challenge it in court. We need to start asking for sanctions and make the legislators pay out of their pocket for unconstitutional laws

        1. Kai, here’s some friendly advice: instead of hyperbolizing basic public safety concerns into a faux constitutional crisis, maybe concentrate on not running red lights and keeping your fellow citizens safe and healthy. Mahalo for your kokua, and drive safely!

  4. Aloha Beat of Hawaii

    I thought of you this morning when the rocket failure happened.

    I’m in awe of the Huge failure.

    We’re blessed.

    Mahalo for all you do.

    1. I wish you would have thought to look into it before commenting as it was not a failure relative to their goals. It more than exceeded their goals.

  5. Just because you’re a visitor does not exempt you from traffic rules. Traffic rules are same nationwide and not state to state! Know the rules or don’t drive

    1. No they are not, traffic laws differ state to state lol…
      Anything to be snarky to a visitor it seems🙄
      Peace and love to all

      1. Brooke
        Traffic lights are the same nation wide! Also painted road lines.
        Does this mean you can plead stupidity of the law? Then why even drive in paradise? So if you run the light or injure someone or worst kill a person. You can plead traffic laws are different? Stupidly is not a excuse

    1. Do you mean speed limit signs? If so, totally reasonable. If you mean signs that they could get a ticket, definitely not.

  6. 1) I remember being 20 and getting a fine. I couldn’t afford to buy food for two weeks. (My car broke down and was then “illegally parked” – thus the big parking fine and towing bill.) I think fines should reflect the income level of those being fined. (Like the best Democracies do in their countries.)
    2) The fine should also reflect the infraction. Stopping just past the line on a right turn or stopping just past the line at the stop light should not be worthy of tickets unless it is a repeat offender who has been warned many times. Even then, I’m not sure it should be ticketed. Yet I’ve read that that those are the most common tickets.
    3) Studies to justify camera use are highly distorted to justify city income at our expense.

    1. Tonyd, no one is forcing you to drive or run a red light. It’s totally up to you. As the City said, the revenue from this program is not going into City general coffers…it’s to fund a program that punishes those who are a danger to our communities.
      Did you take your case to court? I’m pretty sure you would have been taken off the hook for your parking offense.
      Btw, I’m curious to hear which countries bases their traffic fines on the offender’s income level?

      1. MiTOB – My comment should have mentioned that the vast, vast majority of camera tickets are for stopping over the line on a right turn. The second most common type of ticket is for stopping over the line at the intersection. I’m 100% in favor of safer streets and using lots of cameras to do that. But right now cameras are primarily being used to generate revenue. I’ve actually taken the time to read many of the camera studies, and they intentionally don’t mention the increase in other types of accidents at those intersections (people stopping short at camera intersections.) They make huge sums for the companies installing cameras. The goal is getting our money for minor infractions, while usually doing surprisingly little to make us safer.

    2. If you go to court and mention your fiscal problem and why, the judge may adjust the fine it make you eligible for time payments, or both.

      1. Well, we’re getting off topic here, but when I went to the judge she said that since I didn’t have a car repair bill then I had to pay. I had gotten the car running myself and said so. I should add that this was decades ago, and I’m doing fine these days. But I still viscerally remember the anxiety of trying to figure out how I would manage to eat for those weeks. And I still remember the “I don’t really care” attitude of that judge. I was working and trying to survive, and she really didn’t care. Remembering this makes me feel anxious even now, decades later.

  7. Thank you for implementing something. Drivers in Hawaii are pretty bad almost comparing to San Francisco. It’s so dangerous to walk now even on the side walk.

  8. I’ve that some places adjust the yellow light by reducing the time it is on. It’s reduced just enough to make running a red more prevalent.

          1. Nope: ww2.motorists.org/blog/6-cities-that-were-caught-shortening-yellow-light-times-for-profit/

      1. The federal Department of Transportation recommends (not requires) be between 3 and 6 seconds long. Many cities change this to the lower about of time.

        Naperville (Chicago area) has yellow lights 3.5 seconds long.

        The recommended yellow duration is 3.5 seconds for streets with speeds limits of 30 mph. Out of 22 intersections monitored, only 5 met or surpassed the 3.5 seconds recommendation.

    1. Yellow lights are very fast in Europe. However, their interpretation of yellow is different. You have to stop on yellow, unless your car is already in the intersection.

  9. And what of all the rental cars driven by tourists? How will that get sorted as the driver is not the registered owner? Dismissed or dropped?

    1. The car rental agency will forward the bill to the driver. They must pay or be sent to collections and have a mark on Hawaii’s DMV.


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