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232 thoughts on “Decline In Hawaii Tourism Starts According To State”

  1. Not sure I want to visit somewhere I’m hated because of what other people did a hundred and twenty years ago. They appreciate continental Americans in the Caribbeans, it seems, rather than hate them for what other people did like they do in Hawaii.

  2. With less tourism coming from the mainland in coming months and the lack of repeat visitors the dependence on Japan and Asian markets will be needed, but will they? Recession and Inflation has Japan belt tightening and Asia the same, will they loosen their belts to splurge on Hawaii or mostly stay put? No one knew that anything could rival Covid, but will this be the next death knell to Hawaiian Businesses at a time that they were making a comeback, only time will tell. As I have heard it told many times, watch what you ask for you might just get it. Maybe You Shall!

  3. Let Hawaii tourism die, the tourist market’s have been gouging tourist for decades thinking that the fools with their money will keep coming.
    It’s time to spend your traveling dollar elsewhere.

    1. My feelings are truly mixed, we love Hawaii. That being said, the sentiments conveyed by Hawaiians have been received and loom large over any future trips. We have enough memories but had hoped to make more, it may not be Hawaii but some other amazing island where we are wanted, appreciated and more. Maybe an excursion across the Atlantic or Asian Paradise awaits, so much to choose from. Hawaii is a “place” like some others we’ve been to, believe it or not but you’re not so exclusive. We can vacation more often if we leave out Hawaii, money goes much further elsewhere. No one trying to pilfer through fees, taxes and everything else like Hawaii, in that respect you’re not even close to the perfect destination. Maybe some day you’ll grow up!

  4. Hi Pat G, you are partially correct. Council on Oahu, soon to an Island where you live, keep increasing the minimum number of days you are able to rent your property as well as the maximum number of times. Currently they want 90 days minimum rental and can only rent it for 2 90 day periods per year, that will eventually decrease knowing them and their motives. It’s an Abusive Situation effecting only this type of rental. It doesn’t effect Hotels/Motels/Resorts, then again when does it ever? Unfair and very Unjust, time for significant changes in what Edicts Council can effect without Recourse.

  5. Hi Eric, the cost of living is going crazy everywhere and Hawaii is considerably more than anywhere. I can’t imagine living there! Where is all of the money going? Residents are paying sky high taxes, but why? This is what everyone should be demanding to know, recently I’ve seen where Elected Officials have been going to prison for schemes and bribes, it’s time that they all do. No more donating the bribes and staying out of jail and in Office. Accountability 360°, do the crime and Time. Stop electing thieves! Demand Better.

    1. I recall speaking with several Airbnb owners in 2018 when this hit the fan. The “non-Waikiki” condo owners were put out of business almost overnight. Most I know are resident entrepreneurs who worked hard to finance the purchase of one or 2 condos for their small businesses (vacation rentals). They were accused of denying rental access to locals and were declared illegal. When they tried to rent their condos to locals after the change, the rent they had to charge to just break even was more than the market would bear. What a mess!!

  6. Hi Karen S, what will eventually start out as 1 or 2 lawsuits will probably be continued with additional ones. Council has been running roughshod over a certain segment of rentals and not doing so for any others, times will hopefully be changing. Requiring a minimum, and unrealistic, number of days rental agreement and limits on how many times per year are ridiculous and a severe restriction on the owners of rental properties. Hopefully the Court’s can give reasonable relief and Admonish local Government. They are doing nothing to help out residents.

  7. Hi Pat G, very interesting observations that you have made and yet Tourists somehow will be blamed for the Majority of problems. I believe that some Tourists are to blame for contributing to the existing problems without any doubt. The sheer numbers make it easier to see how an occasional problem could easily, and quickly multiply in places. When the problems are homegrown all too often assigning blame to other’s is just subterfuge and Diverting attention, such a shame. Everyone should take responsibility and clean up after themselves. Thank You.

  8. We looked forward to returning to Kauai after 6 years. The biggest shock were the fees being charged by state parks ($10 per vehicle and $5 per person) and the need to reserve a spot at Ke’e Beach just so you can walk along the Na Pali coast. It turns out the reserved spots had been taken within minutes of their being made available! So how are you suppoded to get to enjoy that area?? Besides, the whole reservation system seems ridiculous. It was never needed before the pandemic. So much for welcoming tourists back to Hawaii.

  9. We Love Hawaii. My wife and I fell in love with Kauai on our first visit in 2008. We made it a retirement goal, purchased a small condo in Lihue when the kids moved out and moved here this year. We love it here!

    However the costs associated with a family vacation to Hawaii have gotten to the point that many will go elsewhere.

    A two week cruise can cost less than a vacation in Hawaii, for the near future. Last minute cruise deals include balcony rooms for $100 a day per person with all the taxes, tips and fees. Add on’s for beverages and it’s around $300 a day per couple.

    We were going to island hop this winter, instead we’re headed to New Zealand for the same cost.

    Hawaii tourism stakeholders must beware.


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