Did You Know the Russians Were Coming to Kauai?

Find out why the Russian Fort (Fort Elizabeth) was built on Kauai and the role it played internationally during the rule of King Kaumualii. There are much-related politics and intrigue that we’ll learn more about. More so than the popular movie of the 1960’s, “The Russians Are Coming, The Russians are Coming.”

Dr. Peter Mills, professor, and author of “Hawaii’s Russian Adventure: A New Look at Old History,” will lead us in this live Zoom presentation, to be followed by questions and answers. This is part of an excellent series by Historic Hawai‘i Foundation and is in collaboration with Friends of Kaumuali‘i.

A German doctor, George Anton Scheffer, convinced Kauai King Kaumualii that Czar Nicholas would help him break free of King Kamehameha’s rule. Scheffer received permission from the King to build the fort. But Czar Nicholas withdrew his support and Scheffer was forced to leave in 1817. King Kaumualii continued to fly the Russian flag, perhaps trying to play one foreign power against the other.

Delve into the history of Pā‘ula‘ula (locally called Russian Fort or Fort Elizabeth). The site located in Waimea (Kauai), is part of King Kaumualii’s village and is considered an important “wahi pana.” Hawaiian cultural wahi pana are noteworthy, legendary places of special historical significance. Built in 1816, the fort was part of the King’s residence when Kaumualii formed an alliance with a Russian-American Company.

Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1962, Russian Fort Elizabeth is the last remaining Russian fort in the Hawaiian islands. In 1972 the 17-acre property was acquired by the state in order to preserve it and make it available for public access and learning.

When: Thursday, September 10, 2020 | 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. Hawaii Standard Time

Sign up: Register here for this free presentation.

We recently watch another of Historic Hawaii’s presentations, that one was on Unique Hawaii Shipwrecks and Maritime Heritage Presentation. It was fabulous.


5 thoughts on “Did You Know the Russians Were Coming to Kauai?”

  1. Thanks for the history lesson. Back to the current day. If you choose to come to Hawai’i and go into quarantine at a hotel for 14 days, is there a way to get food, etc? Thanks for the information updates.

    1. Hi Ann.

      Yes, we hear that you can get food delivered. Not sure how easy it would be, and then, it is probably easiest on the more populated islands.


  2. I thought perhaps they were coming to collude with Mark Zuckerberg to influence the (perhaps) election 😉

  3. I’m shocked they ever got that through planning and permitting on Kauai… would never happen today.


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