Don't Even Consider Packing These For Hawaii Vacations

Don’t Even Consider Packing These For Hawaii Vacations

Whether you’re the most seasoned traveler or a newbie who doesn’t think about a packing checklist for Hawaii, today’s post will help keep your luggage under control. Your editors, Rob and Jeff, use Google Docs to keep a packing list up to date for mainland travel, and even then, something is always forgotten.

What to pack for a Hawaii vacation should seemingly be pretty easy given our general lack of dress codes, casual nature, and near-constant tropical temperatures. We say, “Keep it simple” and “Less is better.” But even then, it can get weird.

Here’s what not to pack for your Hawaii vacation.

First, there’s almost nothing you can’t buy here in Hawaii if you need it, including food and medications. Second, most of it won’t cost much more than on the mainland if you shop wisely. So don’t lose sleep if you should forget something. Leave these things off the list to begin with.

Jeans – instead, bring lighter weight, no-iron pants.

Shoes with white soles – they won’t be white after Hawaii.

Lined jacket – just a thin shell is needed. Except in winter at higher elevations.

Evening wear – casual is what’s appropriate.

Dress shoes – just not needed. Go comfortable and casual.

Snorkel gear – unless you have high-end or specialized (think prescription lens) equipment, there are many buy-and-rent options here to lighten your luggage.

Environmentally unfriendly sunscreen – it is no longer permitted in Hawaii.

Full-size beach towels – purchase a Hawaii design towel here for a souvenir and take it home. Besides, your hotel or vacation rental will provide those for you to use. On the other hand, we do like packable, lightweight beach towels.

A hard shell cooler – go with a lightweight yet tough collapsable one, like the kind Costco sells.

Expensive things that are not easy to replace. Those include designer items and jewelry. There’s a reason people walk along the beaches with magnetometers looking to find lost rings and earrings. Last night, editor Rob found an earring at the bottom of the YMCA pool. He was able to reunite it with the visitor.

Passport. You’re in the United States here.

Do pack with sensibility in mind.

Pack things that don’t need a lot of care. Consider durable products that wash in the sink, dry in a few hours, and always look good. Also, remember that if heading to higher elevations in the islands (like Haleakala on Maui), be prepared for cooler weather. A t-shirt won’t cut it.

Bring carry-on snacks for travel emergencies like this one.

We’ve had a range of food issues on airplanes and at airports. First, it simply isn’t good in most cases. Second, we had a recent problem where a flight was delayed and became a food safety issue. As a result, the airline threw out all of the food and, you guessed it, we had only what we brought with us! Check with your airline, too, and see what food is available. On Southwest, for example, they make a point of saying to bring your own.

Do pack other very useful items for the airplane.

Consider bringing your entertainment among your essentials to make the trip to Hawaii more pleasant. On our recent flight, the onboard entertainment/wi-fi system and the charger systems both failed, and there was nothing except what we brought as in downloaded books, TV shows, and movies. Bring headphones and a battery pack for your phone, as we’ve had multiple airline experiences with inoperative or underpowered USB/power ports—even last week. Bring lip balm and other things for long, often cold airline flights.

Help stay healthy and comfortable on board.

To avoid getting sick, for years, well before Covid, we have always cleaned everything in sight on the plane with Clorox disinfecting wipes. We aren’t alone in this and were doing this far before it became popular.

To stay comfortable, try versatile inflatable travel cushions. We swear they work – no joke, either to sit on or to use as back support or pillow. They can be packed and rolled up to save space. We’ve used them for years, and they are still holding up. If you haven’t noticed, the new thinner airline seats don’t have much cushioning for your seat or back.

What about a travel blanket and travel pillow? Some airlines don’t offer them. Find out if yours will. We also don’t know how cleaning them is managed with those that do.

Have you considered zip-off pants, or a pair of shorts in your travel backpack so you can change quickly upon landing in Hawaii?

We like reusable and collapsible food containers and reusable water bottles and utensils for travel. These can also be used again during vacations.

Pack an unlined waterproof jacket.

These standard-for-Hawaii jackets are very helpful for rain, wind, and even sun protection without making you steam. This is also warm enough for the plane ride and cooler nights with tradewinds. Also useful is a lightweight sweatshirt or sweater.

Other clothing do’s include swimsuits, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, running/walking shoes, sandals, hiking boots, travel pants, and casual (yet dressing in Hawaii) Aloha wear which can obviously be purchased here.

Bring hiking boots if they can be worn to lighten your baggage.

When hiking here in Hawaii, we see many people with the wrong shoes. Like hiking in either flip flops/sandals or high heels. Seriously. We love dual-function Hoka One One running shoes that are both waterproof and let you hike comfortably.

The mandatory luggage scale we wouldn’t leave behind.

If you’re still planning to check bags, travel with an inexpensive, lightweight luggage scale to keep them under 50 lbs. This remains a “can’t travel without” item at Beat of Hawaii and about the best $10 you can spend.

A lightweight, quick-dry beach towel in your beach bag can also be used at a gym. This is key to still hitting the sand after you’ve checked out of your accommodations.

Consider a multi-purpose soft insulated bag for everything including the return trip.

Consider bringing or buying collapsable insulted bag for extra luggage on the return trip. After you go shopping, you may need it. And that will keep everything cool on the way home. Yes, you may pay for it to be an extra checked bag (if not flying Southwest), but it might be cheaper and more convenient than shipping all that stuff home, even by Priority Mail.

What’s on your packing list for Hawaii that we’ve missed?

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45 thoughts on “Don’t Even Consider Packing These For Hawaii Vacations”

  1. No jeans? I grew up in Kaneohe and wearing jeans was as normal as breathing. Most of these suggestions are odd at best. Bottom line is that you should pack and wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

  2. These are great tips, most of which I’ve followed myself for years. My 2 exceptions are 1. I always have my passport card because I don’t have an enhanced ID drivers license from my state & 2. I do bring my own snorkel gear because I have very wide feet and finding fins that fit at rentals is very difficult.

  3. How can I get a better price on first class or business class on Hawaiian Airlines? I am traveling from JFK to Honolulu via JetBlue and Hawaiian Airlines. Thank you so much.

  4. I live in Alaska and my hiking boots are heavy! When traveling to warm weather places for outdoor adventure, I opt for sturdy sandals that are made for trekking, like Tevas or Chacos. Look for models with the appropriate strap placement and arch support. These sandals may not be the best option for those who need ample ankle support, but they are a good choice for those that want to travel light, are ‘adverse condition tolerant’, or who’d rather do 100 push-ups in the middle of the airport than to have hot, bulky, constricting footwear 🙂

  5. I have followed most of these for years. All except the one about leaving the beach towel at home. I have at least 6 at home and don’t want or need any more. However, I always bring one with me on the place. It serves as a blanket if one is needed or as extra padding under me otherwise.

  6. Forget beach towels. Sarongs from Ross about $8. Make sure no tassels. Towels weigh too much. And do not dry quickly. Sarongs do. Please name one or two brands of un- lined waterproof jackets. Mahalo.

    1. Hi Richard.

      We don’t have a preference. The waterproofing on all of them is pretty short-lived. Amazon sells a ton of them.


    2. Unless you’re expecting a lot of rain, a cheap plastic poncho works great.
      That said, I often just let myself get wet, if it’s warm enough. My family once played a round of mini golf in the rain on Kauai and loved it.

  7. Depending on the length of your trip, I always bring two rolls of toilet paper. Most vacation rentals only leave one or two to get you started and the rest you’re on your own. Toilet paper is expensive. It’s just easier to have a roll so you don’t run out when you least expect it.

  8. If you do not have a state issued “Real ID” then get in the habit of traveling on domestic flights with your passport in hand. Your passport is a form of “Real ID”.

  9. Wear your hiking shoes on plane, buy slippers when you get here. If you come big island, bring pants and a sweater for going up mountains or volcano.Costco has beach chairs and soft coolers, but if staying Vac Rental ask if they have. All boat tips have own gear, and if you want to exploring on your own it’s way easier to rent. Tour companies are you’re friend and want to tell you everything about the place they live and love!!

  10. Definitely bring a refillable water bottle. Local water across the islands is excellent and plastic is killing the Earth.

    1. Yes thank you Steve for the comment about the reusable water bottle! And thank you BOH for mentioning it in this post. I am wondering if you would consider doing a current post about potable water in Hawaiʻi? I am saddened every day by the pallets of bottled water that I see visitors purchasing at our grocery stores. Perhaps they just need to be reminded that water from our taps is clean and drinkable, and also, that plastic bottle recycling facilities donʻt exist on the islands.

      1. Amen Jen!

        I wish plastic bottles could be banned everywhere and especially in Hawaii. There is just no where to get rid of them. Alaska air has boxed water now and hopefully more businesses will follow suit.
        Mahalo! Nani


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