Sleeping Giant Trail Kauai

Expect Serious New Travel Delays On Kauai State Warns

Problems at Kauai Airport caused today’s alert from the state, Plus another longer-term issue you can avoid to improve your Kauai vacation.

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12 thoughts on “Expect Serious New Travel Delays On Kauai State Warns”

  1. We love that route but haven’t told a single soul since we found out years ago. Please please please do the same or it will become yet another traffic jam!

  2. Our guests are leaving tomorrow but on American. is the above comments applicable to American as well as Hawaiian? Mahalo!

    1. Hi Barbara.

      Yes that impacts all airlines and the alert is still active on their website. We just called HDOT/Airports, are awaiting a callback, and will let you know. Thanks for asking, and for nearly 700 comments!


  3. Kauai has always been our favorite of the HI islands, since our first visit in 1988. Even bought a timeshare in Princeville because we knew we wanted to keep coming back, which we did at least a dozen times. Until last summer, our previous visit to Kauai was in 2013. And while we still feel Kauai is the most beautiful, we are only going to Maui next month…and then, I’m afraid, that will be it for our beloved Hawaiian Islands for the foreseeable future. Between the costs (getting, staying, eating there) and infrastructure issues, we will spend our travel dollars elsewhere.

  4. Go to the mainland and you will realize what an absolute joke hi infrastructure and State run entities are.

    Nice mountains though.

  5. The bag scanners at Lihue Airport are antiques that break down constantly. The DOT needs to purchase new scanners to alleviate this misery.
    One airline had a flight to take off with many passenger bags unloaded in the aircraft. The TSA agents are resentful that they must perform hand checks and go about this task at a snail’s pace.
    They take out their resentment on airline employees by not assisting with loading bags on the scanner rollers to be delivered to the belt. The agents will just stack up the bags near the scanners, it is difficult to know which bags are ready and can be placed on the rollers to be delivered to the aircraft.
    TSA is most unhelpful in this matter, some agents are great, but the majority are just miserable.

  6. I understand why so many are attracted to this beautiful island. Yet, it saddens me so deeply. I can’t help but think of Izzy song over and over when I see these islands, as some say, “loved to death”. …Many are not loving the islands, just enjoying a social media bragging op. I loved the days, when i would take my old trusty camera and have the slides delveloped at home for my own enjoyment and sometimes share and bore my friends. I didnt have to get on social media and say, look at me and look at this where I am. Social media is destroying these islands in paradise….and there will be no coming back. I am in my twilight years of life and was really really sure that I could live my life out enjoying these islands.

  7. The roads on Kauai are an embarrassment to both the county and the state. This issue has been present for at least 35 years and now the county wants to spend taxpayer dollars on another study that they have no plans on ever implementing. Why haven’t the residents revolted?! Let’s just keep on putting up traffic cones is their answer

  8. As a resident of Kauai and someone who is on the one main highway I cannot for the life of me see how or why this tree trimming activity is allowed to happen. These tree trimming activities have resulted in airline flights missed, dr’s appointment missed and add any other appointment let alone arriving to wort on time. It is ridiculous. DOT(dept of transportation ( allows the employees to determine traffic flow. I’ve used my time stuck on the hwy to call the mayor and state DOT!

  9. Back in early May we headed to the airport from the North Shore and took the Kapaa bypass road only to be met with a huge jam on that road as well. Fortunately my brother-in-law was familiar with the “back way” that goes behind Sleeping Giant. save a bit of time and saw some different parts of Kauai that we hadn’t seen before.

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