Hawaii Trip Insurance In The World Of Wild Fires

Extent Of Maui Disaster Expands Exponentially As Search/Rescue Begins

Ghastly, grim, and overwhelming details about the Lahaina fire on Maui are coming to light even just since we last wrote at 1 am this morning. The totality of the Maui disaster appears incomparably worse than previously revealed.

This is fast becoming what could be the largest natural disaster to ever strike the Hawaiian Islands. It is a lot to digest, and we find ourselves reeling from both the intensity of the news and the scope of the devastation.

Details just coming to light overnight here in Hawaii leave us emotionally exhausted. These include a plethora of new, shocking, and very concerning information not previously known.

“When you see the full extent of the destruction of Lahaina, it will shock you. It does appear like a bomb and fire went off.”

Governor Josh Green. 8/10/23.

“Our prayers are with the people of Hawaii, but not just our prayers: every asset that we have will be available to them.”

President Joe Biden. 8/10/23.

Death toll to soar; search and rescue starts with over 1,000 missing.

The death toll on Maui is now expected to rise, perhaps exponentially. The realization came last night that deaths reported thus far were only the most obvious. Search and rescue efforts are only now just beginning. Cadaver dogs are beginning to search in this first death discovery phase. Governor Green said last night that many, if not most, burned buildings have not yet been cleared. He also said about the number of casualties, “Honestly, we don’t know.”

Last night Governor Josh Green, himself an emergency room physician, warned further of what is to come. With residents expected to be able to return to see the results of the fire sometime later today, he warned that “they will see destruction like they’ve not ever seen in their lives.”

The two most critical emergency officials on Maui were both off-island.

It was reported last night that the Maui Fire Department chief and the Maui emergency management administrator were not there on Tuesday as Lahaina burned to the ground. Fire chief Bradford Ventura returned to Maui the day following the disaster. Herman Andaya, whose agency was responsible for evacuation orders, was also reported to be away from Maui and returned subsequently. We aren’t sure how the two most important people can be allowed to be gone simultaneously, but there you have it.

Further, on Thursday, county officials couldn’t or wouldn’t say when or if the evacuation order for Lahaina was issued or how those plans had unfolded two nights earlier when fire swiftly consumed the town, leaving at least 67 people confirmed dead.

Role of Hawaiian Electric power lines in fire and recovery.

The governor pointed out that some 11k people still have no power because twenty-nine power poles (many still active) are on the ground. He said that even more people could be displaced due to electrical issues forthcoming. He and Maui’s mayor Bissen are expected to have significant further announcements today.

Mayor Bissen added that the power poles had not been deactivated during the crisis, which leads to questions about their role in the fire. The second-worst wildfire in California history was sparked by power lines coming in contact with trees. At this time, we don’t know what procedure the utility company may have had in place in this regard, but power should have been cut off, which -per the mayor -did not occur.

Curfew and FEMA coming to Maui.

Governor Green warned yesterday of a likely upcoming curfew, which others on Maui have also confirmed, details of which have not yet been released. In addition, he said that those who have remained in the area will finally be allowed to leave.

FEMA will be on the scene at Lahaina with Hawaii’s governor and other officials Saturday.

World’s most extensive emergency alert system was not activated.

Hawaii has said its public warning system for all emergencies consists of 400 integrated sirens linked across the entire state. Yesterday, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency spokesperson reported that their records indicate that those sirens were never activated on Maui. Instead, as was confirmed by those there to us directly, the only emergency alerts received were via cell phone alerts through whichever towers were still broadcasting, and what was available on television and radio.

Residents reported no warnings issued and worse.

We reported yesterday that we talked with our friends on Maui who were at home in Lahaina when the fire erupted. They told us, as others have confirmed, that not only were they not told to evacuate, but that police had advised them that they would be safe and did not need to leave.

Subsequently, the winds accelerated to more than 80 miles per hour, and fire rained down on them directly. Our friends could barely escape with their lives as their house was aflame. They took nothing with them. Editor Rob’s cousin in Lahaina also fled, losing her home, work, and belongings.

Lack of firefighters and equipment.

The Hawaii Firefighters Association said yesterday that fire suppression didn’t happen due to a lack of personnel. There were only 65 firefighters across the three islands in Maui County, and the firefighter association indicated that crews could not address fires until they approached populated areas. Association president Bob Lee said, “You’re basically dealing with trying to fight a blowtorch.” Lee further said, “You’ve got to be careful—you don’t want to get caught downwind from that because you’re going to get run over in a wind-driven fire of that magnitude.”

Maui has known of this catastrophic potential for a decade.

Studies from as far back as 2014 pointed to the possibility of such an extensive fire without measures to prevent it. While the Lahaina area has remained one of extreme risk, drought conditions have worsened since then as population density has simultaneously increased. The perfect storm was created with the introduction of the hurricane-driven winds that struck earlier in the week.

Elimination of agricultural crops and fire proclivity.

The West Maui landscape was previously dominated by agriculture, including sugar and pineapple. With those gone, there is little replacement. Most of the former land used for crops has become dry guinea grass, which is the perfect fuel for wildfires after being entirely dried out by the blazing Lahaina sun and fierce dry winds.

The burden on the State of Hawaii is to change or be further decimated.

Hawaii may be able to make changes that could reverse these tendencies towards extreme wildfires. But given that it has known about this situation for a decade and has done virtually nothing about it, will that even happen? It isn’t just Maui; the entire island chain could be at risk of a similar disaster. Alternatives to complacency and destruction may include the maintenance of appropriate firebreaks, the rebuilding of native forests, and allowing grazing of grasses to reduce the “fuel load” currently present.

FEMA arrives on Maui to face the unknown.

Fema is sending search and rescue teams to account for all those still missing. Regarding other immediate needs, they are also providing communications equipment to resolve mass outages. They are setting up a distribution center on Maui which will provide food, water, and cots for those needing shelter. FEMA will remain on the scene for an undefined timeframe to support the ongoing recovery needs.

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48 thoughts on “Extent Of Maui Disaster Expands Exponentially As Search/Rescue Begins”

  1. I’m saddened by the devastation that has happened on Maui. A couple of years ago, we visited my sister in law, who lives near Makawao, she took us on a PWF cruise to see humpback whales. Afterwards, we ate at the restaurant across from the banyan tree. Then we walked along on the shops and we stopped at one jewelry store where I bought a necklace for my daughter for her 2022 high school grad gift.

    I currently work for the San Francisco water department and there are two special buildings dedicated to pumping seawater to provide emergency water for firefighting. There is also a high pressure water system from some of the reservoirs to provide the fire department with their regular supply of water. Maybe the hawaii head of emergency services can contact the SFPUC to see how our water system is set up to help them design a system to prevent future major fire issues. I hope that what we have in San Francisco can help Hawaii implement something similar to protect the islands. I’m also hoping to retire on Oahu in a couple of years and would hate to see any major fires happen again.

    My prayers and thoughts for all Hawaiians!

  2. Our hearts are broken as we were just in West Maui (Kahana) for our 35th visit to Paradise. We live in Oregon and are way too familiar with wild fires they are unforgiving.
    We received a notification on our phones last night with a level 3 evacuating for the Lookout fire up the McKenzie River. It was shocking but a chance for people and pets to get away …houses can be replaced.
    I can only hope that from the ashes the resilient Aloha spirit is able to heal from this deviation. We are sending not just thoughts and prays but are contributing to funds for both humans and Maui humane society. I wish all of you peace and a safe recovery in this sad time. Aloha Nui

  3. For over 10 years our Governors Mayors and officials knew this tragedy would happen and did nothing about it.
    Now we pay the price.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Maui.
    I am very surprised that with the Fire Department chief and emergency manager not present, that another person was not in charge. That is not the way the Incident Command System (ICS) is supposed to work.

  5. Whoever had the responsibility to Alert everyone by every method possible, including the siren system that most likely would have alerted more people than cell phones, tv, and radio, which all went down, should be held accountable. Those sirens can be heard for miles. How sad, your government failed you and also ignored potential wild fire risk. Shame on them. lives could possibly have been saved. My condolences to those who lost family, friends and loved ones, and to the people who lost homes and businesses.

    1. I think Hawaii’s civil alert system has been aimed at the sea (Tsunami) and a couple of volcanoes for so long, it just didn’t occur to them for a fire. Until it was too late. Hard way to learn a necessary lesson.

    2. Just watched todays press conference where the governor barely mentioned the death toll is now 89. I couldn’t believe my ears when he congratulated the police and fire for the good job they have been doing.
      I hate to imagine how many people would die before it would be a bad job.
      Watch for yourself on YouTube, the bulk of the time was spent talking about money, as if that will make any difference to the deceased.
      Questions about lack of warnings were dismissed with anger or refused an answer. No surprise the Emergency Management representative was too busy to attend. They all seemed guilty and defensive, trying to blame climate change for lack of planning.

    3. Can someone please post a verified donation/support link that guarantees the funds will go to the needs of the people on Maui? Not just the foundation in general. The one on CNN for example is a farce and will not guarantee even a portion of the donations go directly where you want. Pffff,

  6. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    As stated in previous post, I’m a survivor of wildfire that leveled Paradise California in 2018.

    The winds that fueled our fire were no different then the ones that fueled Lahaina’s fire.

    You cannot relate to a fire like this until you’ve experienced one for yourself. One minute the fire is 2 or 3 miles away 5 minutes later everything is burning around you, I mean everything.

    The asphalt road was on fire. Driving down the road vehicle tires were on fire. Everything was melting inside our truck.

    I’ve visited Lahaina several times with its narrow streets and old wood framed buildings with a fire moving that fast even if warning alert was sent out I don’t know how much good it would have done.

    We knew for years that our fire was coming many of us are here today, because we didn’t wait for an evacuation order it would have been to late.

    You can play the blame game, but even if everything work right with the alert system with a fire that moves 60, 70 miles per hour I don’t know how much good it would have done.

    Maui residents are going to……almost 5 years later I still have moments when I see a friend survivor and we both break down.

    5 years…..

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am on the mainland but worried about family and friends. I have been crying and wanted answers. You have brought some understanding of this horrendous situation. My family is safe. God bless you.

    2. Oh Richard, thank you for bringing balance and Aloha to a tragic situation. I am so sorry for what you’ve experienced – so grateful for your willingness to engage.

      I fly to Hawaii weekly from Arizona. I offer live, hugs, compassion and grace to all.❤️

    3. Well said, Richard. As I mentioned in an earlier post here, money simply “thrown” at this situation as an afterthought is useless. Bury the power, telephone, and cable wherever reconstruction is needed and figure out safe rooms so people can “shelter in place” for brief periods during hurricanes, tsunamis, and, God forbid, another fire like this. We have seen that evacuation with this street system is not viable.

  7. What a devastating loss. Good summary of the multiple reasons this tragedy was able to happen. It is so reminiscent of the Camp fire and loss of the town of Paradise where both my mom and grandparents lost their homes. I was really surprised by how soon they were letting people back into Lahaina with it being an active recovery scene. It was a month before people were let back into Paradise. My heart goes out to the people of Maui as it will be a very long and difficult road to recovery. The Red Cross and Hawaii Community Foundation are great ways to donate to the fire victims. For the victims, the Small Business Administration provides low % loans for rebuilding (I think my mom’s is 2.5%) and is for residents and businesses. 💕 Maui Forever Strong

  8. In December 2021 Boulder County in Colorado experienced a wildfire. 100+ mile an hour winds, 1084 buildings destroyed, 6026 acres burned 2 people died and 6 injured and took two days to put out. Cause was determined as a detached power line and residential embers that the wind uncovered from a burn pit on a farm. My heart goes out to all the have lost their homes, business, and life. Going to miss the great downtown area.

  9. This is a horrible tragedy! It is very devastating, especially to the people and island of Maui. As an Emergency Manager, my first thought as this evolved was, was there a disaster plan? Who was responsible to initiate it? You always have a backup to the backup. The plan would have have clearly delineated who was doing what? Who was the Incident Commander as defined by FEMA? The risk seems pretty clear, and with a yearly risk assessment fire should have been rated pretty high. As for both being off island, there should have been a hand off to someone else. Maybe there was, I am sure that will come during the review. As for staffing, unfortunately it happens all too frequently that budgets are cut for Emergency personnel. As we remind our financial and politicians all the time in Emergency Management, there is a real risk of horrible consequences. And we see decisions made to not be adequately prepared. The bottom line, it appears as this disaster exploded, the people of Lahaina appeared to be fending for themselves. That is heartbreaking!!! Lots of lessons will be taken from this in exchange for destruction and human lives!! Paradise has been lost.

  10. Rob and Jeff:

    Thanks so much for this cryptic and informative post. Some mainland companies observed Aloha Friday today for the first time to honor those who were affected by the fires. The idea was to both acknowledge and honor Hawaii native beauty as well as wish recovery to all residents. Hindsight is 20/20 in many situations like this and we hope that solution planning is swift and comprehensive. Beware of willy-nilly spending of taxpayers money. I would suggest looking at history for recommendations of urban recovery from huge fires, like Chicago (even though long ago) and San Francisco. The restructuring of Lahaina power grids should have safety first, not just replacing existing poles.
    With the extent of damage it might be prudent to go underground with downtown Lahaina.

  11. Incredible update. My heart goes out to the people of Maui. As if this tragedy were not bad enough, to think that a combination of complete mismanagement, bad information and the ignorance of local officials to head the warnings of 10 years ago just makes this situation even more devastating. How many lives, homes and jobs were lost because of these mistakes and ignored warnings. The people of Hawaii need to get angry, and not at the tourists. They need to ask their leaders where is all the tax money the Hawaiian government takes from them and the tourists going, because evidently it is not going toward improvements that could keep something like this from happening, or at least help keep the losses to a minimum. God bless all those beautiful souls lost to this horrible tragedy and grant the loved ones left behind the strength to go on.

    1. It is easy to be a back seat driver or use hindsight and second guess things.

      But. Yes where does all the Tax Based Revenue From Tourism in Hawaii go ?

  12. Please continue to post the organizations of where folks can send donations. I have been searching and I cannot find a legitimate one.

    You should include this information on every post for the next year.

    1. Maui United Way will provide funds directly to survivors. United Way helped us after the Tubbs Fire 2017 and we continue to be grateful.

  13. Lahaina should be re built mindfully,utilizing its potential for both wind and solar power,restoring old fishponds and endemic plants,; mindfully aware of climate change ,perhaps rebuilt further inland with emphasis on pedestrian mobility -Lahaina rebuild has the potential to be a model for Maui residents,Hawaii residents,and the world

  14. Mahalo for this information update. Their is also comments from a Mrs Davis interviewed by Kitv 4 .. She stated that her neice father is a firefighter and he informed her “they have run out of water and should evacuate asap”. This was around 3pm Tuesday. There were zero first responders and firetrucks in Lahaina town before, and during the fire.. 3:30-8pm Tuesday..just devastating. The emergency sirens could’ve saved more lives. Also note many were trapped in gridlock as 2 roads out of Lahaina were blocked by cops.. leaving only 1 way out of town.

  15. You are way ahead of any other reporting I have seen. Thank you for already addressing the real issues here of the inept, unprepared, and possibly criminal emergency response.

    Unlike the California fires, it seems like the Maui victims won’t be able to find deep pockets like PG&E for the California wildfires. How will the State of Hawaii and County of Maui compensate for what already clearly seems negligence and probably worse. Also wonder how insurance companies that are already going broke from mass claims be able to compensate?

    Also interesting to note is the increased revenue the counties have been collecting on short term rental property taxes (at least in Kauai). Where has this money been spent – certainly not on emergency services.

    Devastating, and I will continue to look to Beat of Hawaii for the most accurate source of information in this crisis.

  16. It would be great if we didn’t get into finger pointing at this point and just help those who need help and report on the facts.

  17. Now is not really a time for finger pointing, but it does appear that emergency services have been under funded for too long.

    In the current situation it’s hard to think about rebuilding but the time will come, and idea to think about when rebuilding begins is that there is/was much talk of eco tourism. Maybe ask tourists to volunteer a little time to help replant native plants in the barren farm lands. It would take time but in the long run would make a great difference.

  18. You bring up an excellent point about the power lines and brush. In the 9 years we’ve been in Kihei, it seems like we’ve seen a drastic increase in wildfires. I had reached out to the (former) mayor’s office to ask what steps the County could take for better fire prevention. No response. I think you are absolutely correct about the contribution of the power lines and brush. I know underground power lines are more expensive, but you can’t put a price of a life. Seems worthy of investigating in light of this tragedy. I hope our elected officials take action and focus on fire prevention and warnings for the communities. Thank you for the insight and information. Our hearts are just broken.

  19. Looks like some people dropped the ball. Really think it comes down to ignorance, inexperience, and a false sense of security. It is just too bad and heartbreaking that it also came with so much loss because of it. I am sure that all who were in charge are crushed. My 💔 breaks for Maui.

  20. Being a Northern California native with extreme wildfires, it appears that the powers of Hawaii and Maui have been derelict as was NorCal in their preparedness. This devastating event was certainly mishandled. This is just so sad.

  21. We were at the Westin Maui at the time of the fire. The fire started off Lahainaluna Road many hours after the electricity went out at 5:00 am. The county response to the fire was tragic. They were not prepared for a multiple structure fire, and they failed to provide an adequate evacuation notice/order. All cellphone coverage went down early in the day, so there was no way for any of us to get updates about how the fire was growing and spreading uncontrollably. Emergency crews should have manually notified people in person like they do in California, but that did not happen. We could tell by the huge smoke plume flowing offshore from Lahaina that the fire was getting much worse. We could see the fire and glow from the fire quickly spreading towards Kaanapali through the night. All the roads were closed, and there was no way out. The county emergency response failed everyone and resulted in many unnecessary deaths.

  22. Are misplaced residents reaching out to other islands for place to stay? I’m sure many Oahu residents would help if asked. Myself included.

  23. Heavy information.
    It is unfortunate that lives have to be lost and pure devastation of an entire town for Hawaii to act on age old problems. Hopefully act… citizens of the islands must not let elected officials forget how this tragedy was allowed to happen.

  24. I hope every Hawaii resident reads the quote from firefighter Bob Lee, “you don’t want to be caught downwind from that”.
    We’re the firefighters thinking of themselves or
    Those they are sworn to protect?

    1. Mahalo Beat of Hawaii.
      We were at the Costco in Kahuli when our world was shattered. It was like listening to Orson Wells, “War of the Worlds” We thought a bad joke, but smoke and ash said otherwise.
      No cell service, no landline, no power for days sitting in car. Thankfully we just bought a case of water and food, bought gas.
      We were allowed to go back and are staying with ohana in Wailuku.
      They’re saying def curfew.
      People are helping people. First responders incredible!!! All heroes.
      I can’t believe we lost everything. Could be worse. Still have car and Wailuku side ohana. Thankful.
      Family and friends in Lahaina not accounted for.
      Pooches not either.
      We’re all shell shocked.
      This was a natural disaster, unmitigated by complacency.
      There will be plenty time for placing blame.
      Right now, be kind.
      Stay safe and blessed.
      Please people!! Help each other by staying off the roads.
      Please get word out to stay away from west Maui.

      1. Hi Pam.

        We were thinking about you over there and are devastated to now hear of your loss. The number of people we know there who are suffering keeps growing.

        You’re in our thoughts and prayers as is the entire island. Thank you for taking the time to let us know what is going on. We look forward to hearing from you again as you can.


        Rob and Jeff

  25. Mahalo BOH for keeping all of us not on island updated. My heart aches for all affected by the horrible devastation; your losses are unimaginable.
    Love, always Love.
    Donations are very much needed by all…whatever you can afford will help.
    Cecily (CA)

  26. I live on the mainland, but born and raised on Oahu, and lived on Kauai and Maui as well. This is all so disturbing. My family on Maui is ok, but I did not know that for 2 days. I have been in tears and upset that the things necessary to sustain Hawaii, like fire breaks are neglected because that does not bring in $$. So many people have lost lives. So many people now have nothing. Hawaii’s people deserve better. My ohana and friends deserve better. Many prayers.

  27. Maybe going back to growing pineapples wouldn’t be such a bad idea? Or something that might help the soil and not burn quite as enthusiastically as dry grass…

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