Priced Out Of Hawaii Vacations? What To Expect

Have You Been Priced Out Of Hawaii Vacations Too?

Don’t fall over at the average Hawaii vacation cost. Accommodations is now at least five times more than typical Hawaii airfare. Don’t get priced out of Hawaii vacations.

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81 thoughts on “Have You Been Priced Out Of Hawaii Vacations Too?”

  1. I’m not promoting timeshare but our maintenance fee is the same whether we stay in Poipu or Branson. We haven’t always been happy owners, but currently glad not to have to consider accommodation costs when planning Hawaii travel. With a kitchen, we plan on one meal out & use the Ultimate Guidebooks to research local places with good food & moderate prices. We scout out Happy Hours & Early Bird specials. Thanks for the tip on using massage schools. Heading to Kauai 2023 & will scout one out.

  2. In our 70’s now and after getting married on Maui some 10 years ago, and probably 10 trips to the islands since 2001, it breaks our heart that we may never be able to return. Now doing a lot of travelling in and around Nevada and Arizona.
    Aloha Guys.

  3. We are timeshare owners – bought 15 years ago – so that helps a lot. We bring our own snorkel gear and blow-up kayak. We eat out probably 3x/week because we can’t get fish like that in Tucson, and we hardly ever eat out at home! We do a cheaper whale watching boat ride because that’s just to die for and why we only go to Maui in Jan/Feb! The big issue now is the huge car rental cost. We looked into using a shuttle but that would be half the cost of a car rental, so not worth it – might as well pay twice as much and have a car! So many places to go! We would be spending just as much to go to Europe – we don’t think of Hawaii as a “domestic” trip cuz we’re crossing an ocean! Thanks for all your great reporting, BOH – so valuable!

  4. Our family’s favorite island is Maui, and for as long as I can remember, we have tried to travel there at least twice per year. I completely understand that inflation has been a game-changer for the islands, but when we can now book a trip to Europe (specifically Spain) for close to $3500 (4-5 star hotels, car service and air), compared to Maui that comes in just over $8000, I am definitely leaning towards Europe. Once the prices in Hawaii calm down, we will be back.

    1. Yeah, I think one of the problems is the strong US dollar right now. Great for European vacations, not so good for those based in the states, including Hawaii. I’m sure it will moderate some time in the future, it always does. It will also give wages a change to catch up to inflation. These things go in cycles.

  5. After going to Oahu and Maui for the last 20 years we have decided to forgo any further travels to the islands. Outrages prices on accommodations, high prices on food and rental cars, and the general attitude of locals disliking tourists, we’ve had enough. I’m sure, in the larger picture, we won’t be missed.

  6. My trip to the Big Island is in 13 days but so far the cost has been stellar. Two R/T tickets from Las Vegas to Kona $756. on Southwest. We will leave our car at a hotel in Henderson cost $0 Oct 31 one free night hotel stay prior to departure and one night on our return Nov 8th $68.74. Uber to and from the airport with tip $108 Car Rental in Kona with Budget an economy car booked through Undercover Tourist for seven days of unlimited mileage $267. Two nights at a time share compliments of our son $10.64, four nights at our daughter’s house by the black sand beach, $0. One night back in Kona (to be close to the airport) at an Air BnB with a private pool 1 night $163.75. We will owe for our food and entertainment entire trip under $2000.

    1. Excellent, Carol, that’s the spirit! Instead of whining, you were proactive. Using points, short-term rentals, local car companies, and searching out the places where the locals eat will save you a ton. Congrats!

  7. I adjusted our travel days for our upcoming spring break trip. We were originally planning flights on the weekend, but we saved thousands of dollars on airfare by changing to Monday-Monday flights! My kids will miss one day of school after spring break. Thankfully, I was able to change our timeshare reservations to match the flights (although instead of one place, we now have 4 nights at one place and 3 at another). Our timeshare will have a kitchen and laundry facilities, so that saves money. I’m still rechecking rental car prices to see if we can get a better deal on that.

    1. Like I told Carol, your proactive, positive attitude is really refreshing! A little research and creativity goes a long way!

  8. Just got back from the NCL cruise and it was awesome. Ship is sailing at 40% capacity so lots of upgraded rooms available. Ocean front view at Motel 6 priced

  9. TLDR; we’re not doing a 2023 trip to Hawaii.

    Just got back from 3 weeks on Hawaii Island and Oahu, with three types and timeframes for accommodations. Here’s what I saw (these are all for 2-BDR’s):

    A reservation originally made through VRBO in 2019 would have been 60% more.
    A reservation made in late 2021 would have been 53% higher.
    The Marriott timeshare “sales” reservation would have been 200% higher.

    Yes, spending 90 minutes saying “No” to a timeshare salesperson is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I can deal with it for a great deal.

    Rented SUV’s (2 of them) for about $70/day. Due diligence re-checking rates paid off.

    When I look forward, I see nothing but bad news for Hawaiian travel, and will beg off 2023.

  10. Aloha,

    Big Island resident here 🙂 One suggestion for the $117 beach towel at the hotel: buy a beach towel at Costco or Walmart for under $20. Same for flower leis, under $20 for a double set. Safeway carries a good assortment of tropical and Mainland flowers. Best deals are found at the farmers market in Kona and at the intersection of Queen K and Henry Street on Saturday. It’s an impromptu flower stand with tropical bouquets from a flower farmer. Many wedding planners shop there.
    As for room rates, there are plenty of AirBnb’s under $200 per night in Kona and South Kona that offer excellent quality and top rated hosts. The accommodation cost can be kept under $1500 per 7 nights.
    Curious what hotel charges $117 for a beach towel?

  11. The Target in Lihue on Kauai has been selling beautiful orchid leis for $12.99 and others for a little more! It’s a great deal …

  12. Extremely happy we visited the islands for over 40 years when they were not very crowded & prices were reasonable. Always rented condos from owners here in NorCal. Ate out occasionally–always the Ono for breakfast in Kapaa–but packed lunches & went to the Sunshine Market weekly. Often had the plate lunch for dinner from the Pono Mkt. Sometimes bought fish off Terry’s boat in the canal. Also frequented #1 Chinese Takeout. Those were the good ‘ole days! Thks to you two for the N/L. Other than a friend in Waimea, you’re our last link to our much loved Kauai. However have hooked a son on going there frequently.

  13. We’ve been to Maui 15 times since ‘15, just returned on 10/12 from a 19 day stay and have a trip booked for next May/Jun….but after that who knows. We love the island but it’s getting to the point where the value becomes less and less worth it each visit. Between the locals who don’t want us there and the “money grabs” that are increasing with each visit it just might be time to use our $$$ in other places. Hard to believe that just a short while ago they were begging us to come back but now we are disposable. Be careful what you wish for Hawaii, you just might get it!!!

  14. Although I’m nearly 74 and way past the age of a timeshare being a great investment, in August we bought with Hilton, primarily to avoid the exorbitant resort fees. Condos also allow for eating in, as I Used to find eating out was the biggest unnecessary expense. Not going to Hawaii is not an option because my only grandchild is there. I also refuse to rent a car—the bus will do.

    After years and multiple trips, on this last one a week ago I finally encountered rude tourists on Two occasions. No wonder the locals don’t want us.

  15. Headed for Honolulu soon–used points for the bulk of my flight cost, staying at one of the very few hotels in Waikiki with no resort fee. Sadly, with the recent price increases, this might be my last visit.

  16. I have free airfare with my miles and it’s still not worth it to go. I was going to split my time between Oahu and Maui for 10 days and it’ll still run me about a 1k a day with average type hotels Hilton village and kbh on Maui. From the line at Maui airport to upcharges on parking etc it just gets to a point where you feel like you aren’t welcome and you are just getting milked of every dime you have. For 10k I have better things to do. I lived there almost 20 years and visited for 15 annually spent 10k a trip but that was at the high end places halekulani and kahala and grand wailea etc. but the Maui resort especially are insane !!!!

  17. We’ve been frequent visitors for 10 years but this year opted for Alaska, 2 weeks for the cost of what our Kauai condo ran last January and included a cruise. Next year 30 days in Ireland, Croatia, Portugal and NYC for less than 2 weeks on Kauai. Sorry not sorry. Let foreign travelers pay the premium.

  18. There’s always a way to travel more economically if one chooses to do so. We just came back from the Big Island. We stayed in a VRBO property where have have stayed before, small but perfect with an incredible view, off the beaten track for $140/night. I know that doesn’t work for everyone but it can be done…

  19. BOH, I notice that you tend to talk about and compare only hotel rates. Why not also describe the average short-term rental rates on different islands and on different parts of the islands? Those rates are about 1/3 of the hotel rates, even today, making a Hawaii vacation a LOT more affordable.

    Of course, we are only talking about legal, licensed and registered vacation rentals. You might even only include the rates at condo complexes, because of the sensitivity of neighborhoods towards the renting out of single family houses.

  20. This bubble has to burst. It’s crazy. I was once paying $130/night for a condo for a month, not it’s $300/night. I won’t stay as long and I won’t spend as much money. Luckily the beaches are free (for now).


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