Hawaii Beach Safety

Hawaii Beach Safety Videos to Welcome Visitors

Kauai vacation visitors will be receiving a video briefing while in baggage claim. This new approach is being championed by Beat of Hawaii fan and Kauai film producer/director Dickie Chang. His effort comes in part as a result of an elevated number of recent Hawaii drowning deaths. These include last week’s second visitor death at Kalihiwai Beach on Kauai as well as one just prior on Hakapapai Beach along the Kalalau trail.

Dickie is an important part of an island-wide effort to stem these tragic deaths, which most often results from failure to understand and heed the dangers associated with fast changing Hawaii beach conditions. Largely volunteer contributions have also resulted in all-terrain vehicles, jet skis and hundreds of beach resue tubes being added to the Hawaii beach safety mix.

Expect to see these new videos, courtesy of a Rotary Club donation, playing soon at Kauai’s Lihue airport. We also anticipate that you will see them soon at all Hawaii airports.

Hawaiian Airlines is considering running ocean safety videos on their inbound Hawaii flights.

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1 thought on “Hawaii Beach Safety Videos to Welcome Visitors”

  1. There is such a lack of understanding of the magnitude of danger in these waters. I hope this helps and it would be nice to add warnings about keeping respectful distances from the wildlife as well. Respect is such a big deal in Hawaii. A lot of visitors do not come here with understanding or respect for what these islands have to offer. Be nice to remind them before they get out of the airport to honor the ocean, the creatures in it and on it’s shores.

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