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113 thoughts on “Hawaii “Closed Without Notice” Signs Include Guy Fieri Find”

  1. I think the truth is getting pretty obvious, because of an inept government Hawaii is getting worse and worse…if you want to save her, elect new people who understand the complexities and don’t just spout what people want to hear.

  2. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!

    Please continue to draw attention to this problem. Your comment “Where does it end” is exactly what we keep asking ourselves daily as we all get closer and closer to throwing in the towel as well. We own Menehune Coffee Company in Kona and are obviously faced with all of the same issues you mentioned.

    If something doesn’t change soon, we fear that only the larger companies will be able to hang on while all of your small family owned/operated, unique, local companies will be a thing of the past.

    Please continue to keep this going. Urge all affected businesses to write letters to the State. What happened to the restaurant revitalization funds that were approved but never distributed?

    Thank you again

  3. Nick A, it’s that Foreign and Mainland Investment in Property that should have been forced to become an equitable partner in low cost and low rent quality housing for those in need. Instead too much development occurred without that stipulation, just recently it has begun its infancy. The Blame sits with State and County Government that didn’t require this from the beginning. Housing Starts Employ Construction Tradesmen, local jobs, that benefit many others along the way. Assign the Blame where it belongs, the Governor’s Mansion and County Governments.

  4. This is what happens when you allow foreign and mainland investors to buy up whatever they like in Hawaii and convert it to short term rentals. There is limited to almost no long term housing for the folks who serve you and what is available too $$$ for the working class. Not to mention, it is incredibly stressful working in a constantly short staffed restaurant/ bar as well as catering to entitled and impatient guests, so there is a mass exodus out of hospitality.

    1. Nick A – I agree with you about the big $$ investors. Hopefully, the State of Hawaii will wake up and make corrections soon (although I doubt it as $$ money has more influence). We always enjoyed visiting the “mom and pop” places so it is sad to learn that so many are closing. I want to add that this is also what you get when you make it well-known that visitors are no longer welcome.

  5. I just got back. The hostess said the wait was 30 minutes it surprised me because there was no one around. She took offense and asked if I would like to wait longer. Rude, didn’t attempt to explain. This is a so called fine dining restaurant.

  6. Went to celebrate my 66 birthday @ Henry’s in Mapunapuna. Called before going & recorded message stating hours open. When we got there a sign telling us they were permanently closed. So disappointed.

  7. The inbred/hybrid destroyed work and food on this planet and the restaurants should be shut down. The work should all shift to rebuilding healthy soil systems…

  8. Hi Phil L, I really like your comments, seriously you should run for office. If you were to get elected maybe you could convince people that this is the correct way to go. Using the viable farming lands may not be enough to sustain the entire population of all of the individual islands,however,combining the output of all probably could, not including Tourists. Your idea of loosening regulations is a Great one but give strokes to certain people. Over regulation often is the cause of many excellent ideas never happening, much of them are unneeded to begin with. Keep those ideas coming, they’re needed!

  9. Yes, indeed! We love the crispy chicken wings at Rainbow Cafe in Kapaau, Big Island, but found a note on the door that said they’re on vacation for two weeks yet did not include dates. They have not reopened and it’s been over a month – web site does not reflect their current status.
    Sad, it appears another little local place has gone under.

  10. Hi J T, what you’re describing with PAL sounds like the program that I described just moments ago. Construction Firms make very little money building low income housing. They must build a certain amount of that type of housing for every so many higher priced houses/Condos. The benefit is getting a good builder at more Reasonable Costs,it’s a win/win for everyone in the long run. I hope that this may help you to understand what is probably happening. Have a good day!

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