Hawaii Daylight Saving Failed | Now US Seeks To Join Hawaii

Hawaii Daylight Saving Failed | Now US Seeks To Join Hawaii

While most of you will go to Daylight Saving Time (DST) this weekend, Hawaii will not. Hawaii has never observed daylight saving time under the Uniform Time Act.

Hawaii opted out of Daylight Saving Time 50+ years ago.

Having said no to DST a half-century ago, Hawaii is still waiting for the rest of the county and the rest of the world to eliminate this practice of changing time. Hawaii once tried DST back in 1933, but only for three weeks. On April 26, 1933, the Territorial Legislature passed a bill that placed Hawaii on DST from the last Sunday of April all the way to September’s last Sunday. On May 21, 1933, three weeks after passing the law, the law was revoked. It was in effect again during World War II, when it was called Hawaiian War Time. Hawaii officially opted out of the Uniform Time Act in 1967.

Until this fall, Hawaii will be 3 hours earlier than the west coast.

And the east coast will be 6 hours later than Hawaii. Mountain states are 4 hours later, and central states are 5 hours.

Question: Why has Hawaii never adopted Daylight Savings Time?

Answer: First and foremost, Hawaii’s sunrise and sunset times do not vary much.

Being much further south than any of the mainland states and at a latitude close to Mexico City, there’s no significant advantage to daylight savings in Hawaii. The concept of daylight savings was, in theory, that it adjusts the time to make use of available natural light. With Hawaii near the equator, sunrise and sunset time don’t vary nearly as much as is the case further to the north. Read on as to whether this theory even holds water.

The other U.S. locations and territories that do not have daylight savings are:

  • Arizona (most of the state)
  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Puerto Rico
  • United States Virgin Islands

Except for Arizona, the above locations are in a similar situation to Hawaii in terms of latitude. Arizona unsuccessfully tried daylight savings in the 1960s before opting out.

Why daylight savings time?

Daylight savings started in the U.S. more than one hundred years ago, in 1918, during World War I. While the stated reason was to benefit farmers and save fuel, it is now largely believed that it promoted retail shopping in the evenings with more light. It was also considered beneficial to health since, with longer days, people would spend more time with recreation and sports.

After World War I, Daylight Saving Time was only observed in New York City. That is until 1942, when a national DST policy came into effect. In 1966 the Uniform Time Act said that the U.S. would observe six months of standard time and six months of daylight savings each year.

States had to opt in or out, so cities and counties could no longer decide on DST. Arizona opted out. Since then, the U.S. has moved to the more extended observance of DST, which since 2005 has been eight months each year.

Europe has a similar policy and typically changes between “summertime” and standard time close to when the U.S. changes, but not on the same day. That makes it more challenging yet. Europe will go from standard time to summer time in two weeks.

There is much doubt about whether changing to daylight savings is helpful, and switching back and forth may not continue much longer. Europe could lead in that effort; we’ve heard it may end next year. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that daylight savings changes can throw off sleep schedules and more. That may affect our well-being, judgment, and productivity.

Congress seeks to make Daylight Saving Time permanent nationwide.

Legislation in Congress would make Daylight Saving Time permanent, ending the switching back and forth. It passed the Senate unanimously last year but never made it through the House. It is back on again.

“This ritual of changing time twice a year is stupid. Locking the clock has overwhelming bipartisan and popular support. This Congress, I hope that we can finally get this done.” — Senator Marco Rubio.

The U.S. once tried all-year Daylight Saving Time.

In the 1970s, the US tried year-round daily saving time once due to an energy crisis. That lasted ten months, so it was cut short of the two-year plan.

When you’re visiting or calling Hawaii from now until November 6, Hawaii will be three hours earlier than the west coast. As someone posted on Facebook today, “Living in Hawaii, Daylight Saving Time makes you feel another 1,000 miles away from mainland friends.” On our side, it also means that Zoom meetings scheduled during standard time, which originate on the mainland, need to be rescheduled an hour earlier in Hawaii.

History of Daylight Saving Time

Often mistakenly called “daylight savings time,” this practice was created to extend daylight into summer evenings while starting darker mornings. Benjamin Franklin first proposed it in the 1700s in an essay he wrote. The first national implementation, however, was in Germany in 1916.

Daylight Saving Time Today

It remains a wide-scale global practice, albeit under different names like Summer Time. About half of the world still observes this annual shift in time. It remains somewhat confusing, with our needing to remember those places that practice it and others that do not.

Daylight saving or savings?

While the correct term is daylight saving, daylight savings is in very widespread usage as a neologism as well. We’ve used both here by intention.


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53 thoughts on “Hawaii Daylight Saving Failed | Now US Seeks To Join Hawaii”

  1. I have to “chime” in here again, lol.

    The azimuth of the sun at noon is not always the same, contrary to a statement here. Our planet not only changes the seasons, but the wobble of the earth’s axis makes exact time as we now measure it the most unscientific reference there is.

    DST is an attempt to adjust for that. Please check the facts, folks. Thank you 😊

  2. It’s time to ditch this stupid practice. It is long past its “sell by date”. It is nothing but a twice-yearly nuisance. It is preferred hy a majority of people that standard time be permanent.

  3. We should leave at standard time. DST is horrible and hot for us in florida. I agree with no more switching clocks but only if left in standard time. Let nature take her own course.

  4. We should set the clocks fixed to standard time. This is when noon has the Sun at its Zenith and midnight has the Sun at its nadar. It is an astronomical measurement. If people want to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier, or businesses set their hours, or School district set their hours differently, then they should be able to do that freely. But, the clock should simply State the astronomical truth.

  5. Please just go standard time!!!!!!!!! and leave it!!!! It has been proven that switching to daylight savings time has really screwed with our internal clock. There is more heart attacks, car accidents, etc. when we go on DST

    1. It’s a little amusing to read about messing with the natural order of things. The sun rises and s, a day, and goes around the sun once, a year, are natural. Everything else, minutes, hours, weeks, months and time zones are all man made constructs. So whatever man made time system gets applied some will grumble about it and we’ll all get used to it.

  6. Leave the clock alone. Start/ finish work/school earlier or later.
    To fit the day. The amount of light is the same—it doesn’t depend on the clock

  7. “In the 1970s, the US tried year-round daily saving time once due to an energy crisis. That lasted ten months, so it was cut short of the two-year plan.”

    Lasted 10 months. Shows how American government expects things now. Or they quit.

    Is this a good role model?

  8. Interesting comments from folks whose kids don’t have to walk through bad neighborhoods to and from school in the dark if the time is fixed. Check out December and January for Chicago, New York, and Detroit:


      1. I like that idea too. It’s so nice to have more light in the evening. To be outside and have time to go walking. I really don’t like standard time. It gets dark too early. You eat dinner and you feel like you should go to bed. No thanks.

    1. Thanks for that thoughtful comment MJ. The clock simply reports where the sun is in the sky at any point during the day. Noon is when the sun is at its zenith, and midnight is when the sun is at its nator. The time clock simply reports this astronomical phenomenon. If there’s a problem with children walking too late at night, that’s something that should be discussed with the school board. Thanks!

      1. Good point, Paul. I suppose Northern parents could suggest to school boards to change school starting times. But can you imagine how that might affect working parents schedules? Jobs would have to do the same. Changing clocks might be easier.

  9. Please just stop the time change!! Stop messing with my body’s tick tock and everyone else’s. It is not healthy for us. Just pass the bill and leave it alone!!!! Common Sense people can we just start using some. This is so stupid!!!

    1. The government has no right making a decision that affects every citizen. The people should be allowed the respect of a vote. Nature provides longer days. Why is the government trying to control even that. Leave the time zones alone please. It is especially a hazard to young children who have to catch school buses. Let the people vote on this.

      1. Do you hear yourself, Linda? The government Always makes decisions that affect everyone! Why don’t we just let everyone set their own clocks however they want to?

        After all, it was the Rairoads that forced us into time zones.

        We don’t need no stinking time zones!

  10. Interesting article, it’s always been my understanding that AZ is permanent DST. Cali is the same as Az today but wasn’t yesterday. California observed the time change to DST last night making it the same time as Az.

  11. Settle it one way or another quit the madness of switching back and forth.
    Sincerely I am in Wisconsin with two school bus drivers my wife and her friend backing me up right now…
    People are sick of it…

  12. This madness needs to stop here in California we like dst let’s make it happen majority of the country does also y does everything has to be so controversial in the USA let’s get this fixed very simple just sign dam!!!


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