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28 thoughts on “Hawaii Flights Welcome The Return Of This Hot Service”

  1. Alaska is also offering some of these new pre-order hot meal selections on other flights in the U.S. over 1,100 miles. For example, on my upcoming morning flight from Seattle to Nashville, I could have ordered the carnitas breakfast bowl, but it doesn’t appeal to my taste, so I chose a cold breakfast. On my return flight, the pretzel sliders are available for pre-order, so I’m going to try those this week.

  2. The meals should be free. Pre-ordering probably is necessary so there is enough to go around of the different meal choices.

  3. I would buy the breakfast. Its to early to eat before leaving. We usually get a egg bagel from peets and take on plane but gets cold. The lunch don’t like choices and we usually have time to eat before getting on plane. Maui AP has good to go items we get. And lots of snacks. The snacks they sell on plane are to expensive and not good choices. Looking forward to see where this goes.

  4. I have enjoyed food on flights, especially long ones, and would love to see the return of food service on flights.

    Hoping it does become a trend across the industry. I also would love to see a return to no-additional-cost food service, but one step at a time, yeah?


  5. Recently, first week of May 2024, we flew first class on Alaska. It was not because of the meal,etc., but about our physical health. Whether we had a meal or not did not make a difference. However, the meals were horrendous. We would not have ordered them at the worst restaurant we could find on the ground.
    The attendants were much below what we expected. I would not fly Alaska again.

    1. I would recommend filling out an Alaska listens survey which can be found on their website. It is one of the only way they have of getting feed back as to their mistakes. You will need the confirmation code to to link to your reservation.

  6. In addition to these hot meals there is always the option of preordering our Fruit and cheese platter and/or a salad is also a preorder option for flights departing after 10AM. Of course there are the 3 picnic boxes to choose from. Our Fruit and cheese platter is Very popular. I have tried all four of these hot meals. They are good options to fill u up until u arrive at home or your vacation accomodations.
    And, let’s just say I fly said airline, a lot!!! Safe travels!

  7. Just wait till you eat some Hawaiian Loco Moco. Beef patties smothered in brown greasy greasy gravy with more gravy over rice and a cholestorol egg. Plate lunches with plenty of oil laiden mayonaise and plenty of pasta starch. These airline dishes look healty and way more promising than what meals look like on the Islands. Probably 8-11 dollars is cheap compared to the food after your plane lands. In Hawaii 8-11 dollars don’t cover the food. You’re talking about 8-11 dollars just for the tip.

    1. I hope that Alaska Airlines will continue to sell their fruit and cheese snack boxes. They are healthier and much tastier than the free whatchamacallit wrap on Hawaiian .

  8. A good tasting, hot meal on a long price in the mentioned price range. Seems like a good choice to me. I’m game.

  9. What’s going on with airfare to Hawaii? Mainland to Hawaii are running more than $10;000 per ticket. Yes that is correct not a misprint.

    1. @Roger… What are you doing? Chartering a private plane? I found Summertime tickets to the mainland for under $300 round trip. Wait for the sale prices and jump on them!

  10. Seems not much of an upgrade to what they serve now for no additional cost. I pick at what i can eat now. If I paid for it…which I won’t based on these offerings, I would continue to pick and then throw away the rest so I will continue to bring my own food for the long flight.

  11. I think that people with dietary restrictions should bring theirown food and not depend on the airlines to accommodate them.

  12. While an improvement in meal service is long overdue, where are the kitchens that cater international flights out of Hawaii, and why can they not ramp up production to service domestic carriers? For neighbor islands, it seems this is an opportunity for someone to step into the void.

  13. Considering that the last trip my wife and I made saw us buying food at airports with prices that were easily double these, I would rather buy a meal and have it on board while flying than to buy the overpriced food at some of the airports now.

  14. I’ll continue bringing my own sandwiches on flights, as well as some snacks.
    When I started flying with Hawaiian, they had this rolled up something with some meat in in. I just don’t like any meat but I thought I could remove the meat. Not possible. It was all embedded in the roll.
    With the next flight, I asked the flight attendant if she had anything without meat and I was told that there was not. I was also advised that I could come to the galley after the food service was finished and BUY a bag of pretzels.
    I understand that everyone has different preferences and the airlines cannot accommodate everyone.

  15. I could go for the Monte Cristo and the Pretzel Sliders. But, honestly, I’m not a foodie and would be just as happy (happier) with bologna and an American cheese sandwich. We almost always fly business or first class and get some kind of sandwich or meal (Hawaiian). My wife appreciates better food than do I.

      1. Well, I’ll be celebrating the big 80 in Hawaii this August. I think it will be my last trip after dozens going back to 1965. So, good food, bad food, no food – this is likely to be my final airplane meal.

        Actually, no it would not be the last trip. My best buddy from the Marines is being interred at the National Memorial Cemetery in November. Baring unbearable health problems, I’ll be there for that.

      2. Hi Don,

        I’m okay with cotto salami. But prefer bologna. Never heard of pickle bologna – I’ll have to check it out.

        Good to know about turkey, because I love turkey.

        Thank you – I hope to get well enough to celebrate my 80th bday in Waikiki. As usual, we’ll spend our 2 weeks at the Imperial of Waikiki. I may take my actual bday and spend one night at the Sheraton.

        Take care!

      1. Claudia, Glad I’m not alone.

        I’ve been admitted to the hospital 2x in the past 2 weeks or so. They can do surgery or try meds (I have a bowel blockage).

        They sent me home and suggested fluid diet. But, I really wanted a bologna and American cheese sandwich. My wife fought it, but finally gave me one – it was so delicious!

    1. I guess bologna is the closest thing to a traditional meat of Hawaii which is spam. Not to mention the jelly preservative which is encased all around it in the can. Yum lard laiden Spam. Hawaii here I come. I think I will just settle for a cheese sandwich.

      1. Don,

        I served in Vietnam in 1966 and at around 11pm the cooks would put spam sandwiches out. I got so tired of spam, I would toss the spam and just have a mustard sandwich.

        1. Rod,

          I think I would have chosen the old poor person bread and butter sandwich. The cheese will tend to clog you up so watch the consumption. Are you a fan of pickle bologna or cotto salami as a change of pace? At least the vinegar in the mustard is up the same road as an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple cider vinegar. Hey take care and good luck in your recovery. Turkey,mayonaise, and sandwiches that sit out in hot climates can lead to food poisoning. Matters on how they are stored.

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