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53 thoughts on “Hawaii Governor: Worthy Of Forbes Tourism Award?”

  1. Continued.

    It seems lawmakers are catering to billionaires, making things simple for them to enjoy and profit from these magnificent islands, the rest of us poor slobs be damned.

    Me? I’d rather hang with regular folks any day. People who I can express my awe over the aina with, learn the culture from.

    Hawaiian words have such deep and gorgeous layered meanings. I don’t think I’d learn about that on the golf course where the billionaires hang.

  2. Quote from article, “Green has never been an outspoken advocate of U.S. visitors to Hawaii.”

    The governor is not Hawaiian-born, right?

    I don’t understand the mentality of outsiders “discovering” beautiful Hawaii, and then wanting to close the doors behin them, letting no one else in. That’s a heartbreak.

  3. Just one question. How much did he pay Forbes to give him the award?!
    Mahalo BOH for always helpful reporting.

  4. After Forbes was sold in ’23 , the new owner Austin Russell took an already deteriorating Business Magazine and made it a personal platform to interject his beliefs. It has now become a garbage magazine which has zero credibility to readers whom relied on its content.
    Governor Green winning an award for anything but incompetence is a joke.

  5. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t! I am in the vacation rental business and even though I don’t agree with everything Gov Green has done or has said, I believe he is acting out of the best interests for Hawaii and all its people, giving equal voice and attention to the local working population of this state. At the rate we are losing our local families, something had to be done and I am thankful that we have Josh Green at the helm!!!

  6. Seriously!, the governor is not deserving of an award. He has crippled the Lahaina people with his delay, his poor leadership and general nasty attitude. He just keeps pointing the finger to blame everyone, but himself. He has created the adversarial stance towards tourists, as well as, the folks who own property in Maui, who also feel that Maui is their home and has been for many years (part-time or full-time, doesn’t matter). They aren’t tourists anymore; they pay their taxes and dues as a local. I truly believe absolutely anyone else would have been drinking lemonade by now and wouldn’t have offended so many and caused years of harm as Green has done.

  7. Wow! What an article. Any respect I had for. Forbes just evaporated in thin air. Green will probably have a key made for the governor’s office to give to them for this.

  8. The Governor is following the age-old marketing adage: “Talk about me good, talk about me bad – just talk about me. I win.” Judging from the comments it seems to be working. That tactic sucks the air out of the room leaving not much left to talk about, but everyone remembers the name. The trick is to keep coming up with more outrageous comments or deeds to top the last ones and go right back to the top of the heap.

  9. Green will do anything to regain the trust (and votes) of “my people”.
    Including housing non documented victims to the tune of 28M/month.
    The spending to quote legislators is “out of control”
    He’s on the road to bankrupt the state and he gets this apparently, meaningless award.

    1. Sorry to disagree, but the state is still operating in a surplus, Green managed to transfer over $50M over to the feds in fire recovery relief and is operating with compassion for those permanently displaced. Legislators, on the other hand, were advocating long-term solutions including trailers and tent cities. Where’s the aloha in that? It’s the legislators seeking to line their pockets and favor donors instead of doing what’s right for the people.

  10. What a joke. We have visted the islands for years and supported local small businesses. That includes those individuals who have a 2nd home on the Haiwaian Islands. All this man does is to support big corporations, hotel chains and deal blow after blow to the families that want to share their homes by renting them out while they are not there. Is he trying to make the Hawaiian Islands for the rich and famous? We are now considering Flordia and the Caribean as future vacation spots. Due to all the additional taxes and fees he is proposing.

    1. It doesn’t surprise me that Governor Green would pay Forbes to present him an award. The lengths he goes to trying to manipulate the public is surprising. I understand that the “paying Forbes” is the new process, which is confirmed through Wiki leaks. And just for Josh Green’s information, the definition of a wildfire is one caused by environmental issues such as a volcano or lightening, in a remote rural area, not a power line falling down near a school in a residential area, where a fire department failed to deal with it properly. Green thinks he can manipulate people to believe him if he repeats misinformation. I don’t want to burden the fire department but Gov Green put everyone in an awkward position with all the lies


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