Visitors Change Up Booking Hawaii As Bookings Defy Reason

Hawaii Tourism Self-Correction Coming As Economy Whipsaws

A busy summer may become sharply juxtaposed with what’s ahead.

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75 thoughts on “Hawaii Tourism Self-Correction Coming As Economy Whipsaws”

  1. Hi Irene, “Was their Ancestors Land” perhaps, since State Hood it certainly isn’t solely “Their Land” unless they purchased a piece. It’s a hard reality that Needs to be faced by those who make these and other claims. Hawaiian Heritage Needs to be Preserved and Controversial Claims and Such will not make it any easier to do so. Being Provocative and Unreasonable can destroy credibility.

    1. Ernie, please stop. Every world court has ruled that the overthrow and occupation of Hawaii by the US is and was illegal. Kanaka had no con crept of owning land until the US stole it. You also support Kanaka far less than you give yourself credit for on your vacations. There are many get-rich-quick posers who claim to be local but are in fact temporary residents with no vested interest in the health and well being of Hawaii. Sorry this is inconvenient for you, but truth is truth.

  2. Hi John W, have lived in area’s where rental properties are highly concentrated beyond what Hawaii is experiencing. Parking Permits allowing Only a certain number of vehicles per household and being Registered by license plate number helps a lot, police enforcement is a must. Noise Ordinance Violations, other Citations, Etc. Many remedies! Plenty of rentals just not in preferred areas, cost dictated by area, be less picky, options exist!

  3. Hi John W! I have read your post and am interested by what you’ve said. Turo Cars lining Your Streets? Very Doubtful that would occur,exaggerating a Doubtful scenario doesn’t help anything nor make it true. Wherever Solutions can be found for Hawaii to be less dependent on Tourism shouldn’t matter, after 1,000 years it’s not been solved by the Inhabitants Yet. Don’t burn the bridges to possible ideas or Hawaii may never change.

    1. I guess you missed the discussion on here Ernie that addressed this. Many neighborhoods in Hawaii have very limited parking for the people that live there. Some people have started a home based Turo operation and parked multiple cars in their neighborhood causing issues with their neighbors.

    2. Common ground here Ernie. While I certainly wouldn’t want to see someone not from Hawaii trying to tell Hawaii how they should handle their own tourism, I would agree that outside experts could be helpful in finding alternatives to tourism. Environmental Technology, Medicine that bridges East and West, Agribusiness etc …Hawaii would obviously benefit from alternatives, it’s just that the people who live here and understand Hawaii are the ones that should be responsible for the direction tourism takes. It’s kind of like the difference between Hawaiian Air and the mainland airlines. Hawaiian does a better job serving Hawaii then anyone else because they know the Islands, but they get their airplanes from elsewhere.

  4. Hi Benii, there’s some kind of small exclusion area that is not effected, it seems to be extremely close to the Resort Areas. Other than that it effects Every Rental Property unless it’s non profit. Unless you lower the Rent from $850 per night to $2500 per month to allow 90 day normal renters you’re unable to rent it.Not happening with a $6 Million Property! This is the handy work of the Resorts and Hotels protecting themselves from competition of any kind. This Should Apply to Them as well! Quid Pro Quo!?!?

  5. Hi Irene! To give you a small glimpse of the Local Support We give I submit this. About 1/4 of our trip goes to the Airline, less than $500. We stay in Kahala at our Relatives home, nothing but food cost there, and have rented a vehicle from Turo for the entire vacation of 18 days. That cost is less than $600. and benefits the local economy. We travel Oahu extensively, typically eat at food trucks and locally owned restaurants, that costs us around $500. benefiting locals. We shop for gifts to bring home, mostly Local Shops, another $350. We do our best to spend locally and Respect Everything, Everyone and Don’t Litter as some do. We ask nicely but never demand. Politics never enters conversations or attitudes.

  6. Hi Pat, currently you’re absolutely correct. Governor Ige has been waiting for Oahu to enact the new laws and has stated that once they are He Will be using Their Model for the Entire State shortly thereafter. He wants Uniformity across all of the Island/Counties. He didn’t want to stick His Neck Out so He decided to do it this way. It will be coming, sorry to say.

    1. Ige is not going to be able to standardize what he has done on Oahu to apply to all the islands, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which that at least on Maui, thousands of short-term rentals have been codified to allow particular uses, and trying to remove those rights would be considered “taking” by Hawaii Law and result in large, very expensive lawsuits.

      Plus don’t forget there is an election coming up. Who knows who will win, and what that person’s vision will be.

    2. STRs are always accused of contributing to Hawaii’s housing crisis, and creating annoyances and burdens for neighborhoods, vacation rental owners are “a scapegoat for the politicians” in Honolulu and all the islands, Hotels are in the politicians’ pockets!
      If there’s a problem with affordable housing, they blame the vacation rentals. If there’s a problem with noise in the neighborhood, they blame the vacation rentals. Scapegoat for votes, and for the good of the hotels.

      1. Actually Beni, if you have ever lived in a neighborhood that has multiple vacation rentals you would understand just how problematic it can be. In areas where there were a lot of vacation rentals the people who lived there were in fact having a much harder time finding a rental to live in. Having lived in an area before it became host to multiple vacation rentals and then watched the transformation I can attest there is a lot more going on then scapegoating and being in the pocket of big business.

  7. None of what’s happening has been “normal”. Unprecedented crazy times. We had a huge surge in pent up demand from the mainland when Hawaii reopened. Obviously that would ultimately slow down. I’m guessing Japan will fully open by August. Seems to me there will be a similar surge in International tourists. Eventually tourism will settle on a healthy balance of mainland/international tourists.

  8. Hi Susan K, your dream/dreams may one day become a reality for you, don’t give up because of the Immature Adolescent behavior of a Minority. Most people will be Happy to have you visit, our money keeps their economy and lifeblood going. Currently the Costs are Outrageous and soon to be changes will probably stop many but wait a while, things will be changing for the better in a year or two. Until then, the Caribbean and West Indies are Spectacular, just don’t stay on the Atlantic Side.

    1. Please do a little research. The vast majority of your vacation dollars goes to airline, hotel, and car rental chains not located in Hawaii. You are not hurting us like you think you are by vacationing elsewhere. This is exactly the attitude that aggravates locals…we are not beholding to you.

      1. The pandemic proved this wrong. Suffering people out of work everywhere. It would be nice if the economy was more diversified, but don’t pretend that tourism isn’t critical to the livelihoods of the Hawaiian people. If they desire and need to work, that is.

  9. Hi Pat G, only problem with short term rentals will be the New and Improved Private Rental Restrictions coming very soon. No more short term rentals allowed, you have to rent it for 3 full months! It’s a crazy new Law that effects all of the Islands. Thank the New Tourism Agency for this and let’s Not forget the other culprits that had their hands in this, the Resorts and Hotel Industry.

    1. I’m not so sure that the 3 month minimum rentals affects all short term rentals, maybe just the homes in neighbors that restrict short term due to their HOA’s.

  10. My whole life, I have dreamt of visiting the islands to view the beauty of the land and her people. My soul is crushed knowing that I am not wanted there. Perhaps it is time to give up the dream and visit another land that is welcoming to an outsider and willing the share the natural beauty of their homeland. And, yes, by true definition of the term, I am a haole, because my DNA is a huge melting pot. Proud of who I am and not hung up on who my ancestors were or were not.

    1. I really don’t think you need to worry ab out it. In the countless times I’ve been there (mainly Kauai) I’ve never had a problem with any of the locals. I do tend to stay away from the big tourist areas but be nice, fit in, and you should be fine.

  11. The possibility of a Recession should be Encouraging for all of the Hawaiians that would prefer the end of Tourism. I do Believe that the loss of Billions in Income to Businesses, and the Governments, will bring Unfortunate Consequences. Reality hits very quickly when the money stops abruptly, how many will see businesses shuttered for good? I Pray 🙏 and Hope that Hawaii is Prepared in case Reality and Recession Hits!

    1. Ernie, I’ve lived here for 36 years and seen plenty of recession’s, downturns, 9/11 etc etc. Hawaii will always be Hawaii. There are always ups and downs and the current wave of politically inspired haters throwing stones from the mainland defines them, not Hawaii. Our Country’s democracy has come under attack and we are about to find out if we actually are a decent Country or not. Whatever happens people that aren’t so politically motivated from all over the world will flock here.

  12. As a former resident and now, visitor, I’ve come to the sad conclusion that visiting isn’t in my budget at the current prices. I can understand prices going up at the rate of inflation, but hotels have more than doubled. I’d even pay for the car, but flights are outrageous. The jet fuel prices I can understand and justify, but the hotel room is the same room I paid half for in 2019. Hawaii needs to find a happy medium, cost-wise. Until they do, I’m looking elsewhere.

    1. Have you tried short-term rentals? Most on Maui are half the price of hotels, some even less than that. Plus you get a kitchen, living room, washer/dryer, etc.

      1. Why the downvotes? There is nothing wrong with short-term rentals, as long as they were built as short-term rentals, have always been short term rentals, are not taking housing stock away from locals (most locals wouldn’t be able to afford them), and they are in resort areas and not affecting residential neighborhoods. There are actually quite a few of these, at least on Maui. Just make sure they have been legally registered and permitted.

  13. We just got back from 10 days on Maui and one week on Kauai. We stayed at the Hanalei Colony Resort that had ridiculous rates. When we checked in they said that their nightly rate was now $950/night and the restaurant on property was closed down. We didn’t notice any difference in the prices of food from last year at the same time since it has always been sky high! You just can’t help but feel you are being taken advantage of and the joy of being there is taken away because the only thing that is affordable is the airfare!

  14. In February I needed help counting inventory. I ran ads offering $50/hour for 4 full days. I needed almost 20 people – I got 1 local. So, I flew 16 from the mainland.

    I hope there’s more interest next year, especially from those who don’t appreciate all the visitors.

  15. I don’t know about other islands, but as for Kauai, it seems to me that one problem is the large inventory of houses and condos for rent on AirB&B, VRBO, etc. There are issues with regulating rentals in areas where they are permitted, but I wouldn’t be surprised if most of those owners do not collect and pay taxes on the rents. If Hawaii enforced its existing tax laws through a more rigorous regulatory regime, volume might decrease significantly.

    1. Airbnb & VRBO Require you to put in your TAT and GET numbers in the ads, and they are displayed, along with your property real estate ID numbers, the State of HI monitors those sites, so you’re incorrect. What the state doesn’t monitor is collecting the long-term sales tax on long term rentals, which isn’t collected those rents also probably go without reporting locally and on Federal income tax returns on the long-term rentals, so again the STR’s mainly support the island and state

  16. We have lived through recessions, lockdown, & too much tourism and yearn for the return of sanity as numbers dwindle. Locals don’t benefit from tourism, big corporations do. After the last year and a half of revenge tourists ruining everything, a recession will be a welcome change. Our reefs that were teeming with fish during lockdown are now fishless and covered in sunscreen sludge even though reef safe sunscreen is required by law. Our store shelves are empty, traffic is a nightmare, and almost every local I know has been abused by a tourist with an attitude because “they spent a lot of money to be here.” I hope that every non-local who bought a home to rent out short term is forced to sell at an affordable price to a local family.

    1. While I concur with others that balance in the numbers is essential, I disagree with the comment that “locals don’t benefit from tourism”. Tell that to the housekeepers, on-island managers, contractors, handymen, chefs, restaurant workers, tour guides, employees of airlines, rental car companies, etc., to say nothing of the state and county employees that receive, count and distribute the millions of dollars in TAT and GET monies generated by our vacation rentals.

    2. Hi Irene, glad to hear from someone that enjoys solitude. Did you, and the others that complain, realize that You Do benefit from Tourism? All of the Money keeps people Employed with Benefits? It Pays for Improvements across the State, keeps Roofs over people’s heads and Food to eat? Everyone Enjoys those Benefits and More! The Fish are there, Sunscreen isn’t the problem. Think before you want Tourism to go away, Hawaii and Hawaiians can’t afford it! Have a Nice Day.

      1. Can’t let your comment about sunscreen go unchecked Ernie….sunscreens with certain petrochemicals are definitely a problem for our coral reefs. Also it’s not a Hawaii only thing. Those sunscreens are also banned in the Virgin Isles and Florida Keys. Rightfully so.

        1. But how does one regulate that? I’m pretty sure bags aren’t checked upon entering HI for the bad stuff.

    3. Irene, would you sell your $20,000 car for $5,000 because someone else “needed/wanted” it? Would you go take an electric bike from someone because you want/need it instead of buying yourself a peddle bike?

  17. As I stated in a previous post credit card debt is climbing at an alarming rate. American credit card buying power will max out in 6 to 9 months.

    By the way check your mail I’ve noticed a considerable increase of zero interest credit card offers and without requesting 2 I’ve my credit card limits were just raised.

    Back in April I booked travel to Oahu for October if I book same resort stays today the price has more than doubled.

    Have not found a drop of rental car prices on Costco yet.

  18. I think balance needs to be achieved in our state, politicians don’t seem to understand the word “balance” the pendulum seems to always swing too far one way or the other. I hope that at some point they will see a way to self sustainability and welcome visitors in a measure and happy way that is good for all.

  19. At the risk of opening another can of worms, I wonder how many people are aware of the entrance and parking fees being assessed to non-resident Hawaii visitors at Koke’e State Park and Waimea Canyon. We’ve enjoyed visiting these areas every year for the past 12 years, but no more. The cost is insignificant, but the attitude of the tourism bureau is detrimental. No more visits.

    1. I totally agree with you. If they want to charge fees, they should add educational signs & information. We don’t have that discrimination on the mainland attractions

      1. Last time I went to Mt Hood Oregon I had to pay for a parking pass, same with Yellowstone…the list goes on but you get the point. Hawaii needs to manage it’s resources now or they will disappear. Again, a lot of people not from here trying to tell us how to run the State to best cater to them. Hawaii needs to protect it’s future and the tourism that is best for Hawaii will follow. Hint, it’s not mass marketing and making it as cheap as possible for as many people as we can possibly shoehorn into here.

  20. The core come-away here is the dangerous lack economic diversity in Hawaii today… and that’s largely due to legislative mismanagement and lack of leadership, planning, or vision–from the top down. Certainly Hawaii’s core asset is its natural beauty–and the preservation and enhancement of that should absolutely be at the center of any master plan for Hawaiian economic development and sustainability. But close behind that should be self-sustainability and weaning the state and county economies OFF of such a dangerous reliance on tourism–both for jobs and for tax dollars. That money is like a drug… and the government needs to get clean and sober.

    1. Jared X,

      What would realistically replace a significant chunk of tourism?

      The mainland is over 2,000 miles, Japan 4,000, China 5,000.

      I think the issue is how to sell tourism while maintaining the distinctiveness of Hawaii. I think in the long term there is no way for Hawaii to move away from significant tourism. So, learn how to better capitalize on it, while being a welcoming destination. It’s up to Hawaii to figure it all out – with outside help from real tourism experts.

      1. Outside help from “real” tourism experts Rod? So Hawaii can become like where? Las Vegas? Orlando? So many comments on here by “outsiders” telling us they think Hawaii should cater to them…..We don’t want our neighborhoods turned into tourist havens and our street parking lined with Turo’s. Hawaii needs to take care of Hawaii and find a sustainable future balance. Clearly that sure won’t be done by people from the mainland.

        1. John,

          I’m no “outsider.”

          First trip 1965, most recent trip 2021. Next trip, this September.

          And, like you and most other residents of Hawaii, I’m an American and entitled to my opinion.

          Experts can HELP plan Hawaii’s future just as they Help plan in other states. Hawaii is not exempt from common sense, although some seem to think it’s not a part of the USA.

        2. What if Vegas (you know the 9th island) decided to limit Hawaiian residents or charge them extra? You’d hear cries like nothing you’ve ever heard in your life!! LOL..

  21. The summer vacations have probably already been booked. But you’re correct that because if jet fuel prices and inflation, I see it hitting Hawaii hard in September and October. But what a double edged sword. Ige was telling people to stay away, now too many people, then hey please come we need you. What a roller coaster. Either way, I want to read about solutions. Plan for it.

  22. I don’t get it. “Everyone” is so happy when the tourists stay away (for whatever reason) but then complain about the hit to the economy an unemployment. Who Are these happy and sad individuals?

    1. You are essentially talking about two different groups of people–not the same group. The “locals”–particularly the unemployed / state-supported locals–that don’t own tourist-dependent businesses and generally don’t work at all–or work at government jobs–are the ones that are anti-tourism / pro-COVID restrictions. Their incomes and lifestyles are tourism-proof and they’re happy to have their island(s) all to themselves–and rightly so. And it’s “the State”–i.e. the government (state and county)–as well as multi-national chains (hotels, rental cars, fast food, etc)–and other tourist-dependent business owners that want a full recovery of “normal” tourism as quickly and painlessly as possible. You can never make both groups happy.

      1. @Jared X – The state and county governments do *not* want tourism to return. They are actively working on bills and resolutions that have the sole purpose of reducing tourism. Please listen to the last 2 Maui Planning and Sustained Land Use committee meetings. The videos are available under the County of Maui website, under Agendas.

        1. PATG you’re wrong, government is putting up a “front” to get votes, do you really think the hotels are not in their pockets? The Hiltons are building a huge complex on Maui (right now) and were able to put a restaurant On the Beach, its being built right now, now one else can build anything on the beach! how’d that happen? The Billions the state spent on the rail is ridiculous, also voted down by the people, yet it was built anyway.. who was padding those government buddies pockets? The rail wasn’t built by residents.. The good old days of a “go fund me” was getting a job not a website.

          1. – The council have put a moratorium on building transient vacation rentals, including hotels. There is a cap now, and no more can be built. Any hotels that you see being built were already in the pipeline and approved before the caps were set. This will result in a loss of tax revenue for the state and Maui County.
            – The council is now trying to allow condominium complexes to decrease their taxes by declaring that they forbid short-term rentals, even though they are on the Minatoya list. The Minatoya list is a list of condo complexes in Apartment district that have historically been allowed to do short-term rentals. This will result in a loss of tax revenue for the state and Maui County.

          2. You know that the council members don’t care about who they hurt, they’re only in it for voters.. people don’t pay attention to who they vote for.

          3. – I have been to many, many council meetings, and it is crystal clear and unanimous that the desire is to reduce tourism. The council has pretty much given up on the idea of hoping that resort units get transformed into affordable housing, since that is a ludicrous idea. The resort units would be unaffordable by definition. All it would accomplish is having empty units for most of the year, and a large loss of tax revenue, since short-term rentals pay 4 times the rent of non-owner-occupied residences.

            None of this suggests that hotels have the council in its pocket, or that council concerns are for voting purposes only and aren’t genuine. The council is feeling the pain of overtourism along with everyone else.

          4. Hi Pat G, the simple fact that anyone with a brain thought that shows the disconnect and why things are such a mess. Is this Their Reasoning for not Requiring them to Build a defined amount of Affordable Housing? It certainly has a Familiar Scapegoat Smell. More to this, Sunshine Law Violations at Best, Official Oppression, Collusion etc at worst? Imagine all of the Help that was simply passed up by Officials for nothing at all but Stupidity, Really?

      2. Hawaiian Homeland properties charge their occupants $1 a year, that $1 a year will not support anything, last I checked our police don’t work for $1 even an hour.. so someone’s tax dollars are supporting everything here.

        1. It’s their land, always was. The purpose of Hawaii Homelands is to reconnect Kanaka to their ancestral lands, not to make money.

          1. It takes money… to fund all the things you enjoy, parks, roads, police dept. stores, gas stations etc… maybe defund the police is something you prefer, they’re not going to work for free

          2. I truly believe in the program and process but didn’t realize that it was as extremely lengthy and slow as it is. Apply for your newborn, by the time it’s in College they may have something available? I’m neither Hawaiian nor a Resident, I’m just pointing out the obvious of the situation. When I first heard of this, decades ago, there was a few years wait at the Most, up to 3. Now that 1 or more are true, more applicants, less land, bureaucracy, or even unknown delays, the wait time is very long. I can only Pray 🙏 and Hope that this process, and problem, can be expediently solved for those waiting. With ownership comes Pride and Amazing Benefits, even on Leased Land.

  23. I hope some of these prices drop. Pre pandemic our go to hotel was pricy enough with rooms from $350-500 night depending on occupancy etc. Today, have not seen a room under $1000++ in the past year and a half. Last summer we rented on that resorts property a house and now this year the same property has gone up $400/ night! Really a turn off to one of my favorite places that I have been coming to since the early 1970’s so I think a correction is due. I understand prices help limit tourists and that is a good thing in the islands, overcrowding is not good for locals and tourists alike even if everyone is respectful of the culture and beauty. If a correction occurs, for me that will mean am extra trip or a longer stay. Aloha

  24. In a recession – especially if one is on a fixed income – one cannot afford to be gouged every where you turn. Hotel, airfare, restaurants, car rental, excursions, etc. When choices must be made between the gas pump at home, food and other necessities at home (even utilities are UP) then one must rethink vacations – even in Paradise. We have the miles, so we can get there. But do we really Want to spend more and more and More on everything else? Difficult choices. Hawaii, like all other vacation destinations, will have to rethink their priorities as well. Our “Hawaiian Vacation” may be just our memories. That is sad. But everyone must make reasonably intelligent decisions an Prioritize. And we do believe ‘hard times are a comin’……. :0/

      1. Those of us mainlanders that love Hawaii and it’s people are thsnkful for all HI residents that the HI economy seek to be normalizing somewhat.
        As to the Governor’s handling or mishandling of the tourist economy – given the benefit of the doubt that decisions were made in good faith – the age-old advice still applies ——- to be careful what you wish for. Jim E

    1. We all are feeling the Inflation Grab,what previously was known as the “pinch,” but this time it’s not a nickel or dime or even a quarter, we’re talking lots of Dollars. What concerns me is when Inflation comes at us Full Steal Ahead, how are people going to survive? Making Prudent Decisions now may be what allows us to barely get through the Winter, what lays beyond that will have to wait until then. I feel like every one of us has a number and somewhere someone is keeping score waiting to punch our ticket. Never have felt like this before, ever!

  25. For selfish reasons I would say hallelujah 😂
    Would enjoy my daily beach walks a little less crowded but don’t wish for a repeat full blown recession. Balance just balance

      1. Yes, balance please! We have been visiting Hawaii every year or two (as budget permits) since 2005 because we fell in love with the people, culture of Aloha & beauty of the Islands. We are honored to be welcomed there, and try our best to practice mālama/kuleana. We support local businesses almost exclusively (we have had to make a late night run to Longs Drugs occasionally, so it’s not 100%). My husband is a diver and participates in reef cleanup every time we are on Maui. We are not wealthy but just working stiffs that save up to come over to the place we consider heaven on earth. We understand history/why tourists will never be completely welcome, but we hope to be able to visit going forward. We abhor rude tourists too.

        1. We are in the midst of a nine day visit at Poipu. Gas is less here than in California. We prepare breakfast and dinner in our rented condo. Lunch is enjoyed as an outing where the prices are about the same as we saw a few years ago when we were here. I booked our car through National at about the same price as a few years ago. We have been treated very well by the locals. All in all do your homework, plan way ahead, look for deals. Treat the locals well and with respect. Obey the speed limits. Keep your spoiled children under control. Tip generously. We’ll be back to kaanipali next February to watch the whales. I love it here.

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