Hawaii Travel’s Divide: Bezos Getting To Maui Vs. The Rest Of Us

Reflecting on interesting yet concerning disparities, it’s obvious that the way people experience Hawaii is varying ever more dramatically. From Jeff Bezos’ luxurious Gulfstream G700 jet to the typical economy traveler’s crowded flight, these differences raise important questions about the future of Hawaii tourism.

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34 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel’s Divide: Bezos Getting To Maui Vs. The Rest Of Us”

  1. I don’t have one bit of envy of someone that makes it on their own, Bezos, Gates, Ellison, Winfrey etc. These people did not inherit their money. What does get under my skin is the “rules for thee not me” attitude regarding saving the planet from carbon. I fly to Hawaii and produce carbon, however I don’t point my point finger at others and say “you’re the problem”. Why are we surprised that Gov. Green is squeezing out the middle class. When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time. You get what you vote for whether at the state or national level. BTW, love your articles, I read every one.

  2. Can we get just a little more space on consumer jets for such a long flight to Hawaii? We are human beings, not sardines.

  3. My thought goes back to the hypocritical actions of ultra wealthy. For example Bezos said “Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet.” I guess that means Everyone Else should do their part to save the environment to offset the damage he does.

  4. Have all airlines use Southwest type one sardine class seating for maximum carbon reduction. Eliminate All private planes/ jets. Then let’s see who still backs the idea that mankind can change the weather of planet earth, or maybe the result of natural variability factors like the sun, earth’s tilt, etc.

  5. Just another jet in the sky making the landing configuration more crowded. What circle drop circle drop 4 times from 350000 feet before landing at HNL. The more private luxury jets entering and leaving the islands just make it more probable for a jet to jet collision.
    What now circle 8 times and take an extra hour just to land? When will tourist’s be required to wear hard hats? IMO just another step closer to experience an airline collision disaster.

  6. Bezos is precisely the kind of tourist that the governor and mayor want. He is the epitome of the “quality “ that they’re trying to attract, while putting every possible obstacle in place to make Maui as unaffordable as possible for the rest of us peasants. At least the beaches won’t be as crowded this way!

  7. Let’s see – this is also the same Bezos who is all about fighting climate change … Looks pretty hypocritical to me!

  8. IMO maybe Jeff Bezo’s will be the first filmed on the show High Mile Club and will come to flash a huge bankroll. I don’t care to see how the luxury rich spend their money and what they can afford versus the rest of the crowd. The more the media exposes these events will inflict price increases in everything for the less fortunate tourists and locals.

  9. Time to surcharge or place a special landing, takeoff surcharge for private luxury Jets the same way commercial flights charge customers for airport runway,landing surcharges imposed on your airline ticket taxes and fee’s. It isn’t like Hawaii has enough airplanes landing and departing as it stands now. Just because you own your own plane shouldn’t make it a no cost trip.

    1. There are lots of ways we can take from the rich, but I assure you, flying his plane to Hawaii is not a no cost undertaking.

  10. Bezos just happens to be very public about his extravagant lifestyle. There are other very wealthy people in Hawaii who are equally extravagant, but hide behind tall fences and hedges. Oprah comes to mind. There is nothing wrong with being rich, and we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Let’s be honest here and admit that we would love to travel in that kind of comfort too!

  11. I always wondered how the ultra rich contributes to the Hawaii local economy in a really positive way. I am not sure that exists. Much of their stay on the islands are behind gated communities and I wonder how much they buy locally vs bringing it with them on their aircraft. I don’t have any knowledge on this matter just wondering. Yes some do make contributions to worthy causes but to what extent. Sure is a lot of land taken away and developed that will never be affordable for those who live full time in Hawaii.

  12. Dear Beat of Hawaii,
    If “You” were the third richest person on earth, would you sit in the last row, middle seat of Southwest to Hawaii………I think not. I know I wouldn’t.

  13. Is this supposed to be some breaking news? Income disparity in the world? I’m not quite sure what the point of this article is.
    Additionally, this is just what the mayor says he wants now … fewer people visiting the island. But the people that should come should be the ultra wealthy to make up for the hundreds of thousands of others that won’t be able to come because he wants to eliminate affordable lodging options for most.

    1. This world has never been equal and never will be. Yes his plane may leave a carbon footprint, but like it or not, wealthy folks do contribute a lot to your economy, especially if they own a home. Before casting stones at the wealthy (Gov. Green’s preferred tourists) for their carbon footprints, perhaps the locals should first clean up the litter and burned out cars they leave all over the islands. That is visible pollution that makes your beautiful islands look like a dump. I must say….bitterness and envy are not the way to make life better anywhere, and this article and some of the responses are dripping with both.

  14. “Economic inequality…” That’s always been a thing. From first class travelers on board Ocean liners to flyers in First class and people like Bezos.
    Does it really matter how people get to Hawaii?
    I don’t think you are saying we should All travel coach so the travel would be equal, are you? Or we should all stay in the same category of hotel?
    There’s no shame in being rich or poor.

  15. This is not specific to Hawai’i. Those with money travel differently from the rest of us. Not really sure why this is even an article.

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