Beyond First Class To Hawaii: Extravagant Journey of a Billionaire

Beyond First Class To Hawaii: Extravagant Journey of a Billionaire

A 416-foot-long boat nearly twice the length of a 239-foot-long Airbus A380 jumbo jet. It is named Koru, the Maori word for “Coil.” It’s a superyacht owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and it’s a behemoth. We’re waiting for its appearance on Mauii although the Koru is likely far too long to get anywhere near Bezos’ La Perouse Bay estate. Even near Bezos’ new digs in Florida, it’s too long to dock with other yachts and is reportedly parked instead with oil tankers.

Koru cost Bezos about 1/2 billion dollars, plus an estimated $137K/day to run.

When you’re worth 155 billion and are reported to make 1.5 million dollars per hour, this yacht is certainly within your budget. Contrast it to the kayak below he’s paddling, which has been sold on Amazon for under $1,000, and multiple juxtapositions start to become interesting.

It’s also been reported that the Koru produces over 7,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. By comparison, one estimate we saw indicated that a single narrow-body flight to Hawaii may produce up to 50 tons of emissions. At the same time, the Bezos Earth Fund was established as the largest philanthropic commitment to fight climate change and protect nature through a $10 billion grant.

Superyacht emissions are significant and also include “toys,” including jet skis, helicopters, pools and hot tubs, submarines, and more. Some have compared these yachts with ocean-based luxury hotels for two. An additional $75 Million support ship that travels with the Koru is also needed.

The Bezos’ going down market in their polyethylene Amazon kayak for under $1K.

Bezos yacht heading to Hawaii?

Their kayak will certainly be coming here. The maiden voyage of the mega-yacht following its sea trials was to Gibraltar; there is no doubt that Bezos’ plans include an epic trans-Pacific voyage. In addition to sporting three enormous masts, the yacht is said to feature multiple swimming pools.

Since learning about the new yacht earlier this year, we’ve been awaiting its arrival here in Hawaii. Bezos’ $78 million oceanfront home at La Perouse Bay on 14 private acres awaits its arrival.

In 2021, a friend of the couple said, “Jeff and Lauren love Maui, have a home on the island, visit frequently, and want to be a part of supporting the local community.” They have also created a $100 million dollar fund for Maui Wildfire Relief.

Bezos has a longer commute to Maui now.

Previously based in Seattle, Bezos has recently relocated to Miami after living in the Pacific Northwest for some three decades. That puts him closer to both his Blue Origin operations at Cape Canaveral and his parents, who live in Florida.

But traveling the 5,000 miles from Miami to Maui isn’t a problem, given Bezos preferred aircraft. He owns two Gulfstream G650ER jets to accommodate every need.

When you’re a billionaire, it gets complicated. You donate $10 billion to environmental causes then use private jets and mega-yachts. What’s your take?

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9 thoughts on “Beyond First Class To Hawaii: Extravagant Journey of a Billionaire”

  1. Some of the richest people with the most expensive possessions are unhappy. I hope Mr. Bezos is happy and grateful for his wealth.

  2. Climate change is mostly a money grab by the rich and pols. So, I won’t care if the rich spend their money on expensive toys.

    Ask 100 people who claim climate change will destroy the Earth what the average temperature will be in 30 years and 95 of them will be unable to give you an accurate temp.

  3. Aloha,
    It’s good to hear about the success of the Beezos. The American dream is still alive ! The opportunity’s afforded here in the United States are the reason people will risk everything just for the chance to live in the great United States of America !!
    Aloha GaryY

    1. Well he got his start selling “hot dog popup makers” if that tells you anything.
      And as usual success went to his “head” and now he’s a complete hypocrite.

  4. Why are we supporting Bezos opulent Yacht in light of the Lahaina disaster. Next he will offer rides around Maui for either friends or people from Maui to show he cares about the victims. Does he not realize how fire victims must feel having anything, no id, no finances, no clothes,no shelter and no idea of a future. He should check his ego to the mainland and be thankful he’s helped the fire victims with money. His money is very much appreciated.
    Mahalo, Bastel B. My family, have lived in Lahaina are land holders for over 125 years.

    1. He was nicer when he sold hot dog makers. Zuck was never nice, but they both stole hawaii from the Hawaiians as far as I’m concerned. Bet he never knew IZ, like we did.

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