Hawaii Under Pressure With 3 Weeks to Reopening

Hawaii Under Pressure With 3 Weeks to Reopening

It is getting perilously close to October 15. Reopening is good news for many here in Hawaii and on the mainland. Hawaii residents are anxious to return to work, while visitors are excited to be some of the first to visit Hawaii after a long hiatus. What’s at stake is huge, and represents Hawaii’s economic survival. The question is, will Hawaii be ready? Can visitors be made to feel safe making travel plans? What about residents? How too can the travel industry have confidence in preparing to reopen and getting their plans and staffing in place?

With three delays already under the belt, why has Hawaii still not be able to articulate its plan for reopening?

Tourism shareholders continue to voice their concerns about what will be different this time, and just when will the plan be determined and communicated.

Hawaiian Airlines’ Avi Mannis said, “Right now understanding how to get tested is going to be the biggest barrier to people choosing to travel, whether that is locals traveling or visitors.”

The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce CEO said, “We’ve had months to prepare and come up with a comprehensive tourism reopening plan… Setting a date for October 15 is the first step; now we have to make sure that we stay firm to that date. We’ve been told that a little more than half of Hawaii’s businesses can’t reopen until tourism does. We can’t keep moving the goal post when the ball is in the air.”

Today is our next post in a series that examines where we are in preparation to reopen Hawaii travel and what will happen next.

We expect an update from the state later today, and we will let you know as soon as we that happens. Lieutenant Governor and physician Josh Green, the head of Hawaii’s travel testing program, will address questions on reopening. Green is said to have recovered from COVID himself after he believes he acquired it riding in a car with infected staff members.

Questions we’re seeking answers to include the following.

1. Are changes coming to approved pre-testing protocols? We believe that they are. Rapid testing is likely to now be included as an alternative to the NAAT PCR test taken within 72 hours of your Hawaii arrival time. These are cheaper, more readily available, and have about the same degree of accuracy. Those have been approved for emergency use during COVID, but have not had formal FDA approval. Last week, Lt. Gov. Green said he wants two test alternatives, the 72 hour PCR one as well as dual antigen tests taken both (72 hours) pre and (72 hours) post-travel. Antigen tests provide more rapid results at a lower cost.

Then to your comments. Chadd just said “They have had months to figure this out. This opening was originally slated for August 1. So why now are they still trying to figure this out? This is very frustrating being a small business owner. Obviously, the tests are only good for that day it was taken. This will not stop the virus but limit its transmission. There are at least 2 fast tests (15-minute results) that are close to as accurate as the main one being used now and could be used at the airports upon departure or arrival. There are other countries and states using these now. Why is our government so slow in figuring this out?”

 2. Tests, tests, tests. Many other details need to be addressed including availability, timeliness, partnerships, locations, and more? We continue to await any news on the touted testing partnerships with CVS and Kaiser. You’ve nailed this in hundreds of comments already. It does not appear that either CVS or Kaiser has a travel testing plan in place at this time. Will they soon? We hope so, but just don’t know. Also, who needs to be tested, including small children starting at what age? There has also been no mention of international arrivals.

On that, commenter David M. just said he “Called CVS in California today and they’re clueless on a rapid COVID test. One rep said they’re not testing now for “travel.” Keith also commented: “Right now local CVS pharmacies have no idea what we are talking about in regards to testing for travel purposes. CVS testing as it stands now still has a 3-7 day wait time for testing results.”

3. What if I get the wrong type of test?  It is travelers’ responsibility to confirm they have taken the correct test. What happens if you inadvertently take a non-approved test? Given that there is still no plan for testing on arrival in Hawaii, the result could be returning to the mainland or entering a 14-day quarantine. Is this possible? The issue requires rethinking, clarity, and communication.

4. What are the plans for the removal of the current interisland quarantine? That has not been previously mentioned in planning for October 15. It could happen either before or in concert with that date.

5. Will Hawaii’s plans be adequately scalable to manage both pre-tested and quarantining visitors starting next month? It has been much easier to manage thus far, with only essential flights operating. And won’t be the case when a full range of flights begin operating. That includes airport operations, as well as contact tracing and management.

Please let us know your questions, thoughts, and concerns. Mahalo!

Beat of Hawaii © photo at Kee Beach Kauai.

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66 thoughts on “Hawaii Under Pressure With 3 Weeks to Reopening”

  1. Has there been any discussion on acceptable test providers? I can get a test from a military hospital lab for free with results in two hours.

  2. Please stop making excuses. The state’s governing bodies are shortsighted & poor leaders.The state of hawaii has received over 8 billion dollars of federal funding and over 68 million in grants as a result of COVID. To date hundreds of millions remain unspent and should have been used to protect its tourism industry and economy from the very beginning. You need to solicit expertise from those who succeeded in opening (and many are islands).

  3. We took a nasopharyngeal test at UMC in UNLV’s Cashman center a day before we flew back. Testing was performed using the Thermo Fisher 7500 PCR Covid-19 assay approved for emergency use and not FDA approved. Results were returned electronically within 12 hours. We would have still had to quarantine even if Hawai’i travel had opened in September 1 because its not state approved. Why is this test not one that would be approved compared to the CVS test? From what I could find online, it seems like it’s the same or a similar test! They will bill an admin fee to your insurance ($200) but they waived ours because our insurance told us they won’t cover it. Nevada DOH also has free testing for non symptomatic people.

  4. I believe most people will skip going to Hawaii until Quarantine is completely off the table. There is too many hurdles and problems that can come up.

    Problem # 1. Getting results back in a reasonable time. Sure, getting the test 72 hours prior to traveling is easy. But in California it’s taking 10-14 days to get results back. So you land in Hawaii and have to be in Quarantine for possibly 10-11 more days. If you”re staying two weeks, that means
    you’ll have 3 whole days max to travel around and enjoy Hawaii.

    Problem # 2. What happens if you get the results of your test while your in Hawaii under quarantine and it’s positive. You can’t come out of Quarantine. Hotel flights, resort fees are $1000 of dollars. Why would anyone risk that kind of money in these situations?

    I think tourism in Hawaii will be crippled until quarantine is off the tables. It’s a hard spot to be in.

  5. We just booked our tickets today from SLC to LIH, flying out on 10/24.
    I am hoping it’s true and the reopening will happen. I have angst about
    getting the correct test and getting the results prior to arriving. How
    will it work? Who knows? I’m crossing my fingers!
    Sandy M.

  6. Aloha
    My name is jill. My husband and I have lived in Maui many years but now reside in Costa Rica. We hope to return to Maui par time and then full time. We are planing a trip to Maui on Nov 6. Dave will be having a medical procedure there as well. Since our flight requires an overnight stay in LA we may have difficulty getting a COVID PCR test within the time frame required. I did read we might be able to get 30 min COVID 19 Antigen FIA in LA where we will be overnight. Do you know if this is acceptable? Or who I must contact?

  7. I have not seen or heard any mention of the quarantine exception as it applies to Hawaii residents who are returning from the mainland. I don’t know why it would not be available to those of us who wish to travel to the mainland and avoid quarantine when we get back but I have not seen a single mention if how it applies to residents. Do you know?

  8. Aloha,
    Hawaii is one of the healthiest places to live with all the sunshine and fresh air. We’ve had many cases due to the increased testing but few deaths. Just open up already, and bring back our economy before there will be no economy left for our beautiful islands. Life is a risk, we must take that risk to keep Hawaii alive and prosperous.

  9. the authorities are considering another lockdown under the specter of increasing spread. considering the track record of leadership in hawaii, things dont look very promising

  10. My questions are:

    –what happens if you test negative before flying to Hawaii? and then test positive once you’re there??? Are you put into quarantine on the island ou fly back info? if you’re in a group, is the whole group quarantined? or are you sent back to states?

    –are the restaurants, businesses, tourist sights open?

  11. Yep, we want the Tourists to return, Yet there is still No clear answers as to the Correct Test, and where the Mainlanders can get the Correct Test within the 72 hours of a flight. A reliable Rapid test that does not cost $200? The NBA, and other Pro sports seem to have some sort of access to these tests?
    Some of Us tourists have several thousand dollars invested in our trips and we are left hanging as to how to approach our future trips.
    Every time I read a new post on your sight I get more confused.
    Mahalo,Deb P.

  12. The NAAT test hasn’t been used by anyone since last Feb/March, you can’t find it. It’s been replaced by the PCR. When Ige first put the travel/law into place, in the first page of the document/law it said NAAT test, later in the document it was altered and on about page 23 it said any covid test done by any government approved lab (CLIA) could be used. That should have opened the door to all kinds of covid testing within a government lab. However, most people still use the NAAT when talking about testing in conjunction with Hawaii. It’s also possible that the law has been changed again however, not likely. As I understand it, the Antigen test (spit test) was to take about two months to get into circulation, that was about as of Sept 1. I’m surely hoping for the latter.
    There’s one other good size problem and that’s the airlines. All of the airlines that service Hawaii have said that come Oct 1, that they will be making large cuts in flights and employees. What that means is that if there are not enough people on that flight the airline could cancel the flight out from under you or at least change your flight. Certainly, Hawaii reopening will be helpful with the flight problems.
    I think tonight Josh Green is going to talk about upcoming Hawaiian travel plans. I’m surely hopeful.
    Mahalo Guys

    1. au contraire. i have a naat test scheduled 72 hrs ahead of my flight with the results available on line in 48 -72 hours.

      google[ rapid naat test for travel ] i have to pay for it but am happy to do so. hoping for a negative test result too.

      there’s always that!! aloha. the best to us all as we emerge!

  13. The big question is, what does it mean to “be ready”? Is just getting there the only goal? What about enjoying the islands and everything it has to offer? Restaurants? Shops? Beaches? Excursions?

    Allowing us to get there is only the first step.

  14. Aloha Guys thanks again for the reopen series.

    I hope that I’m not breaking the rules, but on Costco Travel they’re not excepting any Hawaii bookings prior to November 15th. That tells me large Hawaiian resorts have no confidence in state governments October 15th reopen date.

    I’ve been told that it takes 30 to 45 days to get a large resort up and running, plus most resorts will start at about 50 percent capacity and slowly work towards 100 percent.

    On the plus side that means less volume of tourist to begin with reopening giving airport staff time to workout the kinks before the really travel crush starts.

    1. Hi Richard.

      Thanks. Costco also doesn’t want to deal with the repercussions of changes should anything go awry. Can’t blame them for that. We’ll see what is ready to open in mid-October, but we suspect more will be than people fear. Of course, the sooner the state provides the missing details, the more confident travel stakeholders will feel getting ready.


      1. Not going to happen. You are misleading your readership and we locals who depend on tourism for our livelihood. The lieutenant governor is clearly playing politics. As for our governor … he is simply grossly incompetent. That was clearly proven during the DPRK missile fiasco. Nothing will happen before the election. And if Trump is indisputably re-elected … expect a Ukrainian style color election to happen in the good old US of A. And under such a scenario restarting what was once known as the Hawaii Visitor Industry will simply not appear on anybody’s radar. If Joe Biden and the Democratic wrecking crew are ensconced in Washington then Great Resent will continue forward. And reviving tourism in Hawaii it’s not part of the reset. you really need to take a look at Civil Beat once in awhile to get an idea how these would be revolutionist feel about Hawaii’s number one industry.

    2. Why not employ Costco for pretravel testing?
      Everyone has Costco near them on mainland and Oahu…and they have pharmacists…
      And they love mass production at a reasonable cost. They live off memberships so this would boost enrollment.
      CVS is clueless so far here NY and Kaiser is not on East Coast to my knowledge. Why were these chosen, and now clueless after months of Hawaii announcing partnetships.
      My plane flies November 7th…fingdrs crossed but thousands on the table.

  15. I want to thank you for your always up-to-date information. I depend on your comments to navigate me on my upcoming trip to Maui. It has gotten so ridiculous that I don’t have a clue anymore if I’ll be going or not. Originally a family planned vacation but now just my husband and myself because of all the uncertainty.

    Can you tell me if restaurants and bars are due to open on October 15th as well?

    Thank you…

    1. Hi Linda.

      Good question, and we just answered that in part in reply to another comment. As soon as there are adequate details from the state to allay fears of the travel stakeholders (business owners), we should have more information on what will be open on October 15. Stand by for more on that.


  16. Canadians can not enter the USA by car or ship. There is no problem to cross the border by plane. But Canadians returning have to self isolate for 14 days. Since we are planning 5-6 weeks on Maui, we have no problem with that. The weather is going to be cold and miserable anyway in November up here.

      1. You don’t have to have symptoms, just go to the local Testing Centre wherever you live. Turn around time is about 36 hours.
        You get an email, e.g from Public Health Ontario with the result. It will mention the lab name where the test was processed. Just make sure it is CLIA certified and bring a copy of the certificate with you. I am pretty sure Hawaian Authorities have no clue what they are dealing with unless someone starts thinking on how to treatvisitors from other countries.

  17. Mahalo Beat of Hawaii and great job updating all of us. As a visitor from the Mainland for nearly every year for the past 20 years, I’m very confused and concerned how the Hawaii State Government is operating. Last I checked, Hawaii is a state within the United States of America. Why is mandatory testing the only way to visit without a quarantine ? Aren’t we free to travel without showing papers ? What about the businesses who rely on tourism, bars, restaurants, hotels, wedding venues, and many more ? I’m not sure how the local population feels about mandatory mask requirements but there are a number of us on the mainland who are fed up with mask mandates. We are all adults and should be able to make our own decisions. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask or face covering, wear it. If you don’t want to wear a mask or face covering and have no symptoms, you should not be forced to wear a mask or face covering. It’s very annoying to have a server walk up to you and try to ask you what you’d like to order and then have to ask that server to repeat what they said several times because you can’t understand that person wearing a face covering not to mention you aren’t able to hopefully see a nice welcoming smile. Let’s be clear, the coronavirus is just that, a virus and there is concern however, the numbers of people in Hawaii who have apparently died from the virus versus the total population number is extremely minimal. It’s like the flu, many people may get the flu but most do not die from the flu. Hawaii is a beautiful state and I encourage the residents to put pressure on the politicians to open up your great state without massive restrictions. Much Aloha to the people and residents of Hawaii. Mahalo

  18. We have a trip scheduled for Dec 2 and was going to cancel but now we are not sure what to do. We’ll wait a few weeks and see if Hawaii figures it out. Would love to go but want to make sure that there’s a firm plan.

  19. We got an email a couple of weeks ago from the local Portland Kaiser system giving the way to get a Covid test for travel, but it did not say what type of test or how soon the results would come. Obviously here they are already gearing up for pretravel testing of some sort.

  20. We are chomping at the bit to be one of the first to come back to Hawaii and enjoy it a little less crowded (as well as staying at a number of the swankier resorts that we normally can’t get in to). However, we won’t be making any travel plans until:

    1. We get to the Oct 15th date and beyond to see if the govenor doesn’t push it back again or if he does another Charlie Brown football thing again as he has the last 3 times.

    2. The testing thing gets worked out. I don’t know how we can go from nobody having a clue about it to fully implemented in 3 weeks (which brings me to the question of what in the world that Hawaii government has been doing for the past 6 months!)

    3. The airfares drop. Granted, this is a minor issue as the RT airfare from the West Coast is $300 now

    4. Condo exchanges are into nice places

    Thanks for keeping us abreast of the latest guys! Let the mayhem begin!

    1. Hi Bob.

      Hope it works out for you to return soon. Understand you concerns. Airfares will drop hugely once we know confidently that travel is back on.


  21. In reply to CHADD – Agreed. the lack of planning is blatant and very scary with no answers as to why. What are 2 additional weeks going to allow? An understanding here on Maui has been all along that hotels/resorts never intended to open until NOV 15th. Is this true? If so, I feel like the OCT 15th date will be postponed yet again. It’s very frustrating and most people unfortunately have zero faith in our leaders at this time.

    Question on testing….according to the current chart that was released, what would be the incentive for every traveling person to incur additional costs to travel and avoid quarantine when people that do not have results and/or refuse to test are allowed on the same plane to fly over to the islands? Hopefully, the new tests will eliminate both Option #2 and Option #3….thoughts? Mahalo & Aloha

    1. Hi AZ.

      As we have said before, the concept of required testing before flights is solely within the purview of the federal government/FAA, and no one else.


  22. Sir

    We have tickets from Oakland to HNL on 10/28/20 and then HNL to Maui on 1/28/20. If we have the correct test with us, will be be able to travel to Maui from Oahu?

    Thank you for any help you might be able to provide

    1. Hi Pat.

      As mentioned in today’s update, we are waiting for information on the elimination of the current interisland quarantine. We will update as soon as we have news on that.


  23. Cant wait to get back but i am not even going to consider booking a flight nor hotel until we have a vaccine. Not worth the risk or the gamble.

    1. Aloha BOH,

      Appreciate your updates!

      We own a condo on Maui, we were supposed to go to Maui October 29, but we have decided to wait until there is a vaccine, also. It isn’t worth the risk for us.

      Nest of luck everyone.

  24. Made flight & condo reservations for Oct 15th, about 15 minutes after the announcement! Grandkids are on the Big Eye, and we miss them. Oh and our daughter & son-in-law too. 🙂

    Hopefully Ige & Green can execute the details rapidly, I think the blowback from another delay would damage the administration beyond repair, and drive the HI economy into deeper despair. Man I feel bad for tourist driven businesses, including one of our favorites – the Lava Lava Beach Club.

    Keeping our fingers crossed in the meantime,
    Dan & Lisa

  25. Today on tv, they are saying that Hawaii is having a spike in cases. If that’s true, my plans are on hold for this year. Can you verify it?

  26. As a “hopeful” return traveler to Hawaii (this Oct-I have reservations and plane tickets-I’m a California resident) I really don’t know where I would be getting the 15 minute test or a 3-day result test.. Every place that I’m aware of doesn’t do testing unless you believe that you are worried about being infected/exposed..not for travel. So, I’m looking for any advice as to where I might get tested for this trip!
    Thank you so much!
    I hope you are all well!

  27. Unfortunately the testing is the #1 issue to vacation in Hawaii. The testing information as stated in this post in California kaiser and CVS are clueless and do not have any travel test available. You will have to lie and say you have Covid symptoms to have a test done. And if tested, it may not be the one Hawai’i is requiring. I felt that after six months a system would be worked out. I can not see even if finally obtaining the correct test having results by the time our flight departs. Finally loosing all deposits and money that is not refundable. Way to stressful just to be able to visit. We have rescheduled three times. We are going on a trip within the states instead. Once a system is in place and working – then we may be plan a trip to Hawaii again. My heart is sad not for me but for the state of HI to survive the financial loss.

  28. I think the fact that this is all predicated on tests that have variability in their performance and could be wrong as much as 17% of the time (or 60% if sample not properly taken and handled) you’ll be potentially flying with somebody who’s test didn’t offer the right performance…and people could have tests done on both ends before they even show symptoms (and develop antibodies to even find) so this is merely going the thin the ill herd…it won’t remotely stop the transmission of Covid 19 to the Islands, within the islands, or keep it from spreading among the islanders, or leaving the islands within people who had arrived virus free on the inbound transit. Travel of any kind from state to state is foolish and foolhardy, and I think the US is about to find that this pandemic isn’t over…just getting warmed up with both the arrival of fall/colder weather (pushing people indoors to better spread what the CDC has finally admitted is an airborne disease (6 ft isn’t near far enough indoors…not after a few minutes when you begin to “share air” w/co-workers, family, shoppers, passengers, etc) and all the anti-maskers can continue to drone on about rights they don’t even understand, and while doing so ensure that no one is safe, anywhere in America.

    Oh, and in regard to the guy in the article who said “There are at least 2 fast tests (15-minute results) that are close to as accurate as the main one being used now and could be used at the airports upon departure or arrival. There are other countries and states using these now. Why is government slow in figuring this out?” The reason is government approves things, it’s not for them to figure things out as we don’t live in a socialist society, but one where virtually nothing isn’t done for profit and companies do things in America, governments generally create committees, panels, and wait for the free market to offer the solution…which they approve making someone rich. Now find a test outside of the west coast!

  29. I think a majority of the residents of California will be using CVS since Kaiser and CVS are suppose to be the testing partners for Hawaii. I really hope that the Governor of Hawaii can put a solid plan in place as you are dealing with people’s money and time to travel to your wonderful islands. There doesn’t seem to be a solid process issued by the state. The State of Hawaii should put out a checklist on the tasks that one should do prior to arrival with a suggested time line. Also provide the what if’s, if certain things do/don’t occur like what are you options if you don’t get your test results in time, what are the options if you are positive. Things like that. Just a suggestion.

  30. I am very happy that our plans to travel will not take place until March 2021, as it seems it may take that long to get the pre-testing program worked out. At this time, travel to HI seems like a gamble that could cause you to lose a good deal of money.

    I appreciate the updates, and will be happy when plans are in place, and you can get back to posting the fascinating information on places to visit, that we all enjoy so much. Then readers will be able to discuss travel experiences, instead of trading political barbs.

  31. Aloha. A suggestion. Lets help the state out by sending our recommendations for PCR testing locations that have worked for us. I have used these folks three times, and never waited more than 32 hours. If done on a week day results in 11 hours! 100 bucks and they take a credit card.
    Equaltox Laboratory (Orange County California) 1562 Parkway Loop Ste B, Tustin, CA 92780 · (714) 760-4804
    Maybe BOH can help out and compile the list and send the compiled list to the State. If its a certified lab, there is NO reason to get hung up on “partners” like Kaiser and CVS.
    I am excited for people and businesses to be regain the ability to provide for themselves and their families again!!

    1. Hi Dan.

      Before we become the repository and disseminators, let’s see what we learn about all this later today. Thanks for your more than two dozen comments.



  32. Mahalo for keeping us up to date. Good info is hard to come by. Im a resident of Kaneohe.

    Here is my question about the 72 he rule:

    If I plan to land at HNL on Oct 16, when is the earliest time for taking the approved CVS NAAT COVID 19 test? Oct 13 or 14?

    Appreciate an informed reply.

    Aloha, Snap

    1. Hi Snap.

      Thanks. As currently planned, and subject to change, it would be October 13. But since it needs to be within 72 hours of arrival, you’ll have to plan the time you take the test accordingly.


  33. Again, the only talk is about visitors from the Mainland. What about Canadians? I wrote before, we have a Universal Health System and the NAAT Test is run by the Public Health Ontario and Health Canada. My wife and I are scheduled to arrive October 15 and we will have a Test in Hand. Will they know that UHN/Mt. Sinai , Dynacare and Lifelabs are CLIA certified? Probably not, but they are. It will be an interesting afternoon. They better get there act together.

    1. My current understanding for Canadian visitors is that your Prime Minister still has the travel band in effect to all of the USA? Has that been lifted yet? Mahalo & Aloha

    2. Hi Gerhard, my understanding is that the boarder between Canada and the USA is currently closed to non-essential travel. In fact a coworker was just telling me today that he spent part of his weekend literally standing on the US side of the border while his mother was on the Canadian side so they could visit. I also found from Bing a release from the US department of Homeland Security issued last Friday (Sept 18) stating so much. Perhaps the rules are different when flying though. Good luck.

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