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106 thoughts on “Hawaii Vacation Rental Proposal | Sweeping Changes, $10K Fines”

  1. Not one commenter here so far imagines the reason?

    There are desperate families, singles and seniors being squeezed out of rentals because an owner can make more money with vacation rentals, which have huge cleaning fees, by the way. Who’s cleaning them? Low income locals who can’t get an affordable place to rent? Should you prefer they live in a crowded coffee shack, maybe 1 hour or longer away from the vacation rental?

    Please be more understanding of possible greed of wealthy owners buying up property to become even more wealthy at the peril of locals. Perhaps you can see then where this could lead: no employees for the services that residents and tourists alike need and desire.

    1. I in No Way dispute portions of what you have said, it effects too many and the State and Local Governments consistently refuse to build Affordable Housing. Portions of what you’ve said are almost Word for Word the Council’s Statements to Enrage the people to Punish All STR Owners with the Increases, etc. That has been Disproven and Council Lied, but why did they Lie? I Believe that the Lies were perpetrated, evidence of Protecting the Income of the Resorts and Hotel Industry. Consider that and also how STR Properties take money away from them. I’m Afraid Many have been Used under False Pretenses, I don’t own property in Hawaii but I am following this disaster created by Council.

  2. I’d like to see statewide changes to vacation rentals. The two big changes that I think would help the housing crisis are 1. A moratorium on new vacation rentals whenever the long-term rental vacancy rate is below a certain level (5%?) and 2. No automatic transfer of the vacation rental permit when the property is sold. New owners must re-apply. This might help contain the outrageous asking prices of current vacation rentals which are effectively being sold as businesses.

    1. Definitely there should be some of that implemented, curtailing New STR Building and Acquisition should occur under certain conditions, however, not by any measurement that includes Resorts, Hotels or Time Share Occupancy Rates. They are the Direct Threat and Enemy of all STR Properties. These Properties pay Exorbitant Taxes and Fees already to the Local Governments, well beyond what they have told the general public. If Resorts, Hotels and Time Shares were Taxed and paid Fees like the STR Market maybe Affordable Housing could be built. All of these properties should share equally the burden, no Exceptions!

  3. These draconian fees and rules are obviously designed to totally eliminate all STVR properties. The question that needs to be asked is why is this necessary at all, and who is behind it. The pro-hotel lobby including the powerful American Hotel Lodging Association spend multiple millions of dollars each year to destroy competition from STVR’s. I’d really like to know which of our legislators is receiving money from them, and how much.
    This proposed legislation is not in the best interest of the residents, and will make it financially impossible for many people to visit.

  4. Banning hosted vacations rentals would really hurt residents. Providing a vacation rental in your house or on your property is one way that residents can actually afford to buy a house. They’re also supervised by the owners so they’re not the rentals that cause problems. Increasing the rental timeframe from 1 month to 6 months is also uncalled for. The original vacation rental rules were developed over a long, arduous process and proposing such big changes now fosters distrust in the County government. Allowing vacation rentals in Kona Bay Estates is unjustifiable without allowing it in other areas of Kona and really stinks of favoritism. All this seems to add to the poor reputation that the County planning/building/Council has earned.

    1. Unfortunately the Entire Problem is not just one county or another, it’s the Entire State of Hawaii. Something is Smelling More than Fishy and the Stench isn’t coming from the Shrimp Trucks! So many things to Suggest but in the end Who would listen and of the few Who would be Willing to Follow Through? Before anyone asks, I am not a Resident nor am I a property owner. I am simply an outsider looking in.

  5. Not allowing locals who live at a property to rent out a guest house seem the opposite of the intent? This would truly then only be a revenue generating scheme and not a bill to protect the interests of those living on the Big Island. From our experience on Oahu, this hopefully is just an over site and will be corrected during some point of the process.

    1. That would be Nice, however, Extremely Doubtful as it goes against what they and their Masters want. Increased and Guaranteed Revenue to the Resort, Hotel and Time Share Industry without outside competition from STR’S!

  6. OMG so my room in my parents house will now be charged when I visit my own home state? Im a guest basically in my parents house. Jeepers.

  7. Thanks for another informative article. The restrictions proposed seem extreme. I would be interested in hearing the “why’s” for setting these new rules and who is really behind them.

    1. It seems Apparent, the Answers that you seek, and the real proof is Who and What isn’t effected by these changes. Whether the property is a STR, a Resort, Hotel or Time Share they are All the Same Industry. Why should an Extremely Large Portion Benefit from the Changes and Why are They Not Taxed and being Charged Fees like the rest? Ask Council! I would Never Accuse Anyone of Improprieties without Apparent Evidence as Proof.

  8. Look where the money goes from traveler taxes (GET, TAT, and now 3%) of I believe over $300M. Over 75% goes to the state “general fund”, like paying for entitlements (Hawaii has the 2nd highest of 50 states) ever increasing employees and salaries, while only about 16$ goes to to “tourism”. Despite being a major source of taxes, the road in front of the most luxurious row of hotels and upscale condos in Poipu had been allowed to deteriorate for years with many dozens large potholes and 70% cracked and broken pavement. They finally filled a few of the potholes, but the road seriously needs repaving. An attractive walkway over the grass away from the road should have been built years ago to prevent having to walk on the road

    1. Remember that with Ever Increasing Social Program Costs, Property Taxes that don’t generate what it should, all of the Other Priorities the Money just seems to disappear somehow, somewhere. With Paving there Should Be 5 to 7 years guarantee including a Full Repave if necessary. Everything should be done and guaranteed by the contractor for Industry Standards. Imagine the Savings, Imagine that it Should Not Cost More! 24/7 work crews can boost productivity and reduce costs. So many things, ideas, that work but the “Friends and Family Network” of Preferred Contractors won’t Profit as well! When I write things like this I often wonder if Hawaiian Government will let me back for a vacation/visit again.

    1. That began quite a while ago and as it grew, becoming more and more powerful with time, their sphere of “Influence” did too. When an Enterprise such as theirs becomes close to Absolute, as we are seeing for several years, they can operate in the open because no one is able to Stop Them. Where exactly it started doesn’t matter as much as Where its Influence reaches today. Is there Anyone in Government that hasn’t been touched by this?

  9. Classic government over reach. Instead of addressing bad behavior it’s better to take the sledge hammer approach and destroy everything. Hawaii is choking it’s self to death.

  10. So if I read this correctly, people who own properties with Ohana’s built on them are likely to be banned from renting out those spaces. Many people need the income from those Ohana rentals to be able to afford their own home and property. Sounds like the local and state government officials will not be happy until those property owners are forced to leave their homes or abandon the property when they are unable to make the mortgage payments. The people of Hawaii are being abused by their government officials. I am waiting for the day the locals have had enough and revolt. While to goal is to eliminate tourists, I wonder how many local residents will be forced leave the state because they can no longer afford to live there.

    1. Aloha Sheryl…this has been happening for decades and continues to persist. There is a reason why Las Vegas has the local monicker of being “the ninth island” (major island), as it historically has cheaper housing and overall cost of living.

      Hawaii is a pay-to-play state that favors pension retirees (no income tax for them), big corporate hotel chains (regulations that favor a monopoly on availability of rooms for vacation rentals), and everybody connected to the government. Everyone else’s pocket is up for grab at the mercy of the “overlords”. The best solution is always free market approach that doesn’t pit the wealth and connected over the struggling everyday worker and resident. Mahalo.

      1. I truly like what you have said, in a way it gets into the open much that is happening while questioning who is involved. Retaliation is truthfully inappropriate, however, taking this information to the public and then attending their meetings to challenge them to Answer truthfully what they have and are doing. The Negatives are piling up and effecting peoples abilities to provide for their families, where will it all end? Speaking Intelligently with Evidence and Facts can change the Dynamics of the Situation over time. Good Luck and be a Voice of and for the People!

  11. Oh goody, more bureaucrats taking more money and telling property owners what they can and cannot do with their property. At some point, there will be no such thing as “private property” just government property you are required to pay taxes on.

    1. When it gets to that point where the State owns the property and rents it out….will they have to follow the rules and laws? Won’t the State be in Direct Conflict with the Overlord’s of The Islands who at one time Eliminated the Competition? That should be an interesting problem. Will the State make the properties into Affordable Housing?

  12. I am dismayed even further by the overreaching money grab being put forth. We have always stayed in privately owned condos on every island over our 10nyears of visiting. Many of these owners are now being forced to become tax collectors in an overwhelming burden on their modest investments. Soon all will be forced to sell to the corporate entities, ruining the uniqueness of private accommodations. Soon the foreign investors and visitors will reign supreme, like the money being proposed.

    1. Exactly, bad governing leads to more government. Rent control leads to government jobs for collecting private owner money for those created government programs.
      Leading to less available rentals, more corporate ownership by property management firms, and more lawyers.

      1. Happy Holidays Rob+Jeff. So this article is addressed to Big Island only? For once, I actually agree with every single response in all of the replies. Next thing you know, they will be handing out new questionnaire before we deplane and taxing our family and friends that live there for letting us visit them. How can this be happening to this degree? COVID really messed up Hawaii govt. I think they are going overboard and sinking the whole tourist industry. Mahalo. Looking forward to Cook Islands new destination.

        1. Hi Debra.

          Happy holidays!Yes this is a Hawaii county ordinance. But as it goes, other counties may follow. So there are statewide implications.


  13. Looks like I won’t be able to come to Hawai’i to work anymore. I am a travel nurse and have worked in many different hospitals on the islands. When I took an assignment at Kona Community Hospital last year I almost had to cancel because it was so hard to find affordable housing. Travel nurses to Hawaii do not make nearly the salary as on the mainland…pretty soon Hawaii will tax and regulate themselves out of healthcare workers.

    1. This is an unfortunate truth with far reaching implications. I’ve heard of some of the problems for several years, prior to Covid, and to see it worsening, the effects Will be Felt by Everyone. I Pray for a Resolution to this problem 🙏 without any Hope that it will change. Hawaii is Hurting Hawaiians and it Will get much worse without Intervention.

  14. I get it they want to protect the hotels and more but there needs to be one exception written in. People who suffer fire or flood or storm loss on their present home there need to be able to rent temporary housing while theirs is repaired. Often this is less than six months in length. A hotel won’t work for say a Family of six with multiple dogs or cats for example. This needs to be addressed and made an exception. I have a stand alone guest house of 1400 sq. Ft. In size and insurance companies use me for just this use. Please consider this in your rules’

    1. It’s a money grab by the state and hotel lobby disguised as “let’s protect the housing crisis”. I wish people could see that.

    2. Exceptions while supporting the legislation/law that will ruin people’s lives? Get in the corner! This problem needs to be Solved, Not Accepted, and asking for a Trade Off does not help anyone else. BTW, that’s 1 minute for each year that your alive so far….get back in that corner until I tell you to come out. Unless and Until there’s Unity amongst people, involved or not, nothing can change. There’s Strength and Power to Change Things in Numbers. Make it work for you and everyone being effected.

  15. Just more reasons to Not give you our Money. I’m glad I’ve had several Vacations at all the islands as of Mow, No longer Vacation Hawaii. You are not the only place called Paradise and others are not taking advantage of people. Good luck

  16. The Hawaiian government does not serve the interest of their own people nor of tourists. Been to Hawaii 10 times and just got back yesterday from Maui will never be going back there again!!!

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