Hawaii Visitor "Green" Fees | How and When?

Hawaii Visitor $50 “Green” Fees: How, When, Where?

Hawaii’s governor said his environmental impact fee will raise up to $600M per year and simultaneously reduce the quantity of Hawaii’s “low-end” visitors.

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199 thoughts on “Hawaii Visitor $50 “Green” Fees: How, When, Where?”

  1. Aloha! While I am against this so called green fee, if we’re going to have it why not make it fair and equitable? Make it progressive, much like income tax. I find it unfair and discriminatory against people of lower economic means to levy a tax on them that is equal to what a wealthy person pays.

    If people of lower income cease coming, that does not automatically mean that wealthy people will take their place so we’d actually lose revenue for our people here on island.

    I look forward to the legal objections of this “green fee.”

  2. Well, isn’t Hawaii time and time again referred to as “Paradise?” Right? Well…not everyone gets in to Paradise… only a select few do. That’s the nature of paradise – you need to earn your way in….

    “They called it paradise, I don’t know why
    You call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye”
    (The Eagles, from the song “The Last Resort,” Hotel California)

    1. Eldo, Hawaii may be considered by many as a paradise, I consider it the 50th State. As such I don’t have to Qualify or Agree to spend any amount of money there, I can live on a tight Budget if I choose. Hawaii is “Special” to me, however, many places that I have traveled to are just as “Special” and have cost considerably less. I will be supporting “other” destinations more from now forward and Hawaii much less. Despite having Family with an Extremely Large and Beautiful Residence to stay at for Free, why should I support Hawaiians appetite for Money that’s not theirs! Hawaii is the 50th State, remember that.

  3. This is terrible! And, what Exactly is a ‘low-end visitor’? That sounds like discrimination! I hope it never happens, because everything is expensive enough over there as it is. You tack on yet Another’fee’ & people won’t be able to afford to visit. Greed is all it is…pure & simple!

    1. C.D. you are Exactly Right. What’s a Low End Visitor? The “Average” Working Person, a Person, Persons, A Family, anyone that comes and is on a Budget or is Careful with their expenses. We, I include myself in the category, have been put on notice by Governor Green that we are no longer wanted there! Only the Wealthy and Extremely Well-Off need to come. I hope that answers your question and Hawaii’s Discrimination Policy. The 50th State, Hawaii.

    2. Okay it’s time for me to profess that I am a Low End Visitor and must be prostrated and flogged many times (please) don’t make me Beg! I use the Beaches, the Water, Sewers, Food, gasoline and actually breathe the air. I cast shadows and steal the free tan, I’m Guilty! I even respect the land, customs and people so help me help myself to be better. I admit it all.

  4. Seems as if Green is prepared to have “Spit Ball” Sessions over the $50.00 “Environmental Fee” on Visitors to Hawaii until he finds a Legal Way to Implement it. What happens when the Questions begin over what the Fee shall be spent on and Accounting for the Money, will it be as “Transparent” as everything else to do with Hawaiian Government and Finances? Just another Dismal and Dark Pit where the Money simply Disappears! The Status Quo cannot continue. Gov. Green deciding to “Cull” less desirable Tourists from the crowds has a Distinct Stench to it, possibly the Justice Department should weigh in on this form of Discrimination. Aloha for a Fee, how soon before that is increased too?

  5. “reduce the quantity of Hawaii’s “low-end” visitors”???

    Wow…just wow! I’ll be even more speechless if this green fee passes.

    By the way, looking forward to our visit in a couple of months. We’re spending thousands of dollars on flights, thousands of dollars on lodging, about a thousand dollars on car (large family), and paid excursions and dinner reservations already in place for while we’re there. But we also plan on saving some money by doing some free activities and by making some meals in. Hopefully my family isn’t considered “low-end”. What the heck does that even mean?

    1. Elizabeth, the simple fact that you are saving money by eating in a few times, sorry but you are in the “Undesirable” Class! Hoping that you will enjoy your last trip to the newly named “Judgemental Islands.”

  6. “[$50] would reduce the quantity of Hawaii’s “low-end” visitors …”

    Make it $5000 to really keep out the riff-raff.

    New marketing slogan: “You Poors Stay Off From Our Shores”

  7. Sounds like a plan. Perhaps some of the money collected could go to the public school system and state Hospitals where it is much needed. Seems like hitting the Plane ticket with it could work best as some may not stay at Hotels. I doubt it would curb tourism at all

    1. What this $50.00 Fee will actually benefit, besides Politicians and their friends and family, should be interesting to see, don’t count on seeing much if anything. The Fee isn’t a make or break decision, it’s just another slap in the face to the Tourists that may, among some of them, cause an Effect that Hawaii isn’t ready for. Tourists are not ATM’S despite the thinking of Hawaiian Politicians and Certain Businesses. Hawaii is a “Welfare State” that Needs Tourists to keep the Money rolling into its coffers, without it Hawaii would become a run down dilapidated series of islands with nice beaches. Of course the 15% max of Hawaiians that are screaming now will be screaming then, they’re the troubled and Never Satisfied! Good Luck Hawaii 👍

  8. So a Hawaii resident would be charged this too on their airfare returning from outside the state? Don’t know how you do otherwise. And be charged when they use a hotel room?

  9. I can’t wait to see how this plays out. What if you are a visitor 4-6+ times a year? They will now take an upscale long weekend and make it not worth the value. Isn’t there a fee paid with every tourist dollar spent in the state be it meals, hotels and shopping? Living in California we have been blessed with being able to make multiple trips to the island a year but it is getting harder and costlier by the day. I love Hawaii but this new green fee is not showing me any aloha back. Might have to brush up on my Spanish and make MX our new quick getaway.

      1. Staying within the confines of the Resorts keeps the Tourists safe. If there are organized tours outside of the resort, even browsing stores and shopping, they are well protected and organized. Not all of Mexico have Cartel problems and violence. You can’t believe Everything that you are spoon fed by the media, unless it has to do with Hawaiians ripping off tourists with ever increasing prices and fees to support their welfare State.

    1. Please do. Perhaps they do not care if their residents pay to support your trip the way residents here do. You don’t even notice that we spend our resources on support of you.

  10. So, there are many of us that own timeshares in Hawaii, as owners of properties would we be exempt from the “Green” fee. The only Green fees I like are on the golf course

    1. John, I saw Nothing that indicates what you said, Exclusions weren’t stated. If there are exceptions and exclusions that would be interesting, this Fee is for Reparations to the Environment and should apply equally to every traveler whether a property owner, citizen or tourist.

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