Here’s What’s Next After Hawaii Just Dropped $25 Visitor Fee

Yes, the idea from the Magic Kingdom is likely Hawaii’s next inspiration. With the green fee gone for now, here’s what Hawaii has planned for visitors.

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47 thoughts on “Here’s What’s Next After Hawaii Just Dropped $25 Visitor Fee”

  1. How about increasing the tax % for all those corporations that make tons of money and then just send off all those gains/profits elsewhere except Hawai’i’s own and it’s nature. Also increase the non-resident tax for people that own property in HI but are not residents of the state, and finally also increase % of tax for residents that own more than one property, with the exception for the one they live in. When are politicians are going to decide what is ethically righteous and protect the environment of the islands, and the people that actually live in the state and make the community? Low-paying slave wages Do Not count as progress!

    1. And how about increasing the tax to a local resident who sells their property to another non resident, the state should like that..the get big $$$ on both ends.
      Also if you are worried about us tourists ruining the beaches, state parks etc why don’t you pay us tourists $25, or another incentive, to Not visit those places. I/we do not need/care to visit those places anyway to have an awesome time.

  2. This state survives off tourism.
    We need to appreciate and encourage tourism, not over tax and run them off to other locations. We saw the impact of lost revenue from Covid and the fires, bring tourism back to Maui to generate revenue, not by adding more fees and pushing them to other destinations.

  3. I don’t take my mobile phone to the beach (fear of theft while I’m swimming). How to prove I paid the proposed “Visitor License Fee” (VLF)? A paper pass would just get rumpled and disintegrate in my shorts pocket. Also how to prove that a physical VLF was legitimate and purchased from a legitimate source?

    HB 2563 Proposes a $50 annual VLF.

  4. Increase wages via a statewide higher minimum wage. This will increase residents’ ability to survive with the high cost of living in Hawaii. At the same time it increases Hawaii tax revenues without the negative perception of fees. Quit attacking local small businesses as those actions benefit out of state, large corporations. S.T.R. Employ people too, doing cleaning, yard & pool maintenance, repairs. I don’t own any S.T.R. either!

    1. Dean,

      I know the impulse is to increase the minimum wage. But that is in conflict with what you wrote: “Quit attacking local small businesses…” Small businesses will pay those higher wages. The other thing, however, is if all lower-paid workers get a raise, the costs they pay for basics and extras will increase. And those making more will expect to maintain the spread between their wage and the new, higher minimum wage. Nothing much will change as to affordability.

      If the Gov wants to do something meaningful – he should find savings in govt spending

      1. But RodW, What your missing is that the small business should just cost on to the consumer. If everyone has the same financial impact, prices should go up in a uniform manner. The widget will increase in price accordingly. So while the small business will have higher costs, the higher costs can and should be passed on. So there should be no impact to the small business, other than those who elect to not buy the widget.

        1. When you increase the price of something, you sell less of it. Small businesses in Hawaii are not making anything, other than food and odds and ends like cheap spear fishing gear. For the most part, they do not sell essentials, and even if they did, they are competing with the Costcos, Walmarts and Amazons of the world. (Fun fact, one of, if not the busiest, Costcos nationwide is in Honolulu). Look at what is happening in California with the fast food worker minimum wage. Less people employed, less businesses will exist, less new ones will open, and prices going up.

          1. Rod & David, there are essentials and non-essentials, CA’s Fast Food (FF) mess demonstrates FF is not essential, that demand shifted elsewhere, perhaps less costly home kitchens. By raising the wages, Govt. has more tax $ to spend on needs, some support residents only (social services, retraining away from tourist jobs) others benefit tourists as well (infrastructures). Sales of non-essentials will shrink; but remain roughly stable for essentials. Workers displaced from non-essentials businesses will transition to new positions supporting essentials, maybe gaining new skills. Eventually, non-essential and essential businesses will achieve a new equilibrium. Supply and demand, will increase the price of non-essentials.

          2. Also, my small business comment was not worded well towards ending protectionism of big lodging companies.

        2. Dean,

          I fully understand that. But how does that help the people of small businesses? If my rent and groceries and gas go up 5% and my wages go up a similar amount how am I better off?

          1. Hawai’i politicians can help the local workers today by eliminating the income tax. This is one of the reasons why millions of locals have move to Nevada and other states. Lower cost of living benefit local everyday workers, who are struggling to survive on the islands. But since they’re never do that, Hawai’i will continue to become the playland of the rich and connected, and the brain drain will get worse.

  5. There seems to be an increasing hostility toward visitors by Gov. Green. We visitors (us for 30 years for example) feel less welcome and therefore less willing to support your economy. Your taxes on accommodations are unreasonable. Maui is also taking on the character of a large city. Crime is increasing. Local traffic largely ignores traffic rules and the police turn a blind eye. Alanui Drive has become unsafe due to speeding locals yet I have never seen law enforcement along this route. Noise ordinances are not enforced. I could go on.

  6. Millennial here… if I need technology to go to the beach, I’d rather be dead. Many of us are so tired with needing smart phones and apps for literally everything. I understand that certain hotspots are crowded. Am I the only one who thinks… so what? It’s crowded. That’s part of life. It never bothers me to see other people enjoying something majestic and beautiful; the more the merrier, just don’t be disrespectful.
    I’m not vehemently against reservations; Yosemite has been doing that for years. But they also have first come first serve slots available, year round.
    The $25 fee is looking attractive now that an app is the alternative.

  7. Green’s “Green Fee” was doable. For a week’s stay that comes to about $3.50-a-day per person. Easy for Hawaii tourists. The app I like better, it’s pay-as-you-go. The Disneyland app is fully functional, it’s just not 100% accurate. But it’s good enough that everyone uses it. I would use the Hawaii app to pay to “reserve” a time. If you are more spontaneous you could check last minute openings at less congested parks. It’s great for people with means!! Two big downsides: 1. Locals don’t always have the $$ tourists do. 2. HTA…(enuf said)

  8. If paying a $25fee means that I don’t have to pay for parking at beaches or other add on fees that really add up over our usual 2 week stay I can live with that. I just don’t see that the money will really go to the proposed use. Governments have a history of a lot of waste, fraud, and abuse. I have not heard of any plans to mitigate that.

    1. Also, If the fee is $25.00 this year it will be $40.00 next year. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. Regardless of whether or not the money will be used for the intended purpose.

  9. I’d be happy to pay $25 per person to get into Hawaii. Honestly, what’s another $100 for a family of 4 when you’re already spending a small fortune for your trip? Anything that can help Hawaii and more specifically Maui find a visitor balance and truly welcome us back is a step forward. As a visitor who was on Maui during the fires I have very mixed feelings about returning to a place I loved.

    1. Come on. Read the United States Constitution. “Get into” a state? Article IV, Section 2, prevents one state from discriminating against the citizens of another state. This includes the *fundamental* right of travel, or to freely travel about the states.

      Shocking you have no problem “paying” to enter a state, when the Privileges and Immunities Clause prohibits this.


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