Holiday Slump: Hawaii Struggles Unsuccessfully To Revive Tourism

Holiday Slump: Hawaii Struggles Unsuccessfully To Revive Tourism

“Stop giving tourists more reasons to stay away” Scrooge-like environment causes a downturn for Hawaii. Will the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come bring better news?

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142 thoughts on “Holiday Slump: Hawaii Struggles Unsuccessfully To Revive Tourism”

  1. So many complaining the Aloha is gone. The Maui fire, much like COVID, revealed a lot hidden beneath the surface. Locals’ survival is at stake, primarily via housing. And not just from the devastation in Maui, but on all islands from the ongoing pressures of wealthy people coming in and buying up land, as well as tourism. More Native Hawaiians live outside of Hawaii than within. Hawaiians do not exist only to be subservient as we smile, crack jokes, hula, and serve tourists.

  2. Most (not all) comments on this topic frustrate me. 1: Go to Maui now. It’s a great time. Kihei is easy again. Upcountry is open. Crowds are down. Parts of Kaanapali Beach, arguably one of the most popular in the world, are empty at prime time. 2. Stop with the “it costs too much.” If you want to go there are many ways it can fit into your budget. 3. I feel sorry for STR owners – you are now being made straw men on behalf of chain hotels. Lawyer up. 4. Maui needs to quit playing the victim. Too many want more than they deserve. We all face loss. Don’t be unthankful, ungrateful, unappreciative. 5. The aloha spirit is alive – but only equal to the amount you give. It might be better this way.

  3. What scares me about going to West Maui is with all the wonderful Lahaina restaurants gone, competition for seating at the remaining Kaanapali restaurants is probably brutal.

    When I was on Maui last June, I noticed that the Lahaina Gateway mall is practically a dead mall. Can they use some of the empty stalls for temporary locations for some Lahaina restaurants to use until Front Street is rebuilt?

    I’m looking forward to my upcoming trip to the Big Island and Oahu this May.

  4. I just visited the islands a few days ago. While the scenery and weather were phenomenal, like others have mentioned, I can’t justify the cost. Hotels were outrageously expensive, food was outrageously expensive, and even the Hawaiian Airlines’ staff were rude and unfriendly when I tried to check in for an interisland flight. I had never flown Hawaiian before and was very much looking forward to the “Hawaiian hospitality” everyone mentions—I was surely disappointed and will never again take Hawaiian interisland, if I can help it. At this point, I’m better off traveling elsewhere to experience similar weather and scenery at a fraction of the cost and with much less hostility.

  5. We the people of Hawaii Nei. Keep electing idiots. To manage our tax dollars, housing, livelihoods. Meanwhile they (the county, state idiots) appoint incompetent people to do the people’s business. Then this cabal of idiots kowtows to the wealthy. Who eff up everything they touch. So that we the have nots cannot afford to live in Maui Nei anymore…

  6. We are booked for Maui in January. I wish we weren’t. The Canadian dollar is weak, so the cost for 8 days will be more than I want to spend. We have been coming to the island for 11 years (except Covid year) and loved every minute. Our last trip was expensive and we thought that businesses etc were just trying to play catchup from Covid losses. The high prices have increased more but I don’t feel the aloha spirit any more. There are too many negatives on social media and even if the video you are watching, or the article you are reading looks fun or interesting, there is usually someone negative or telling you to stay away etc. I have less than a month until the trip, I am not excited at all and will be our last visit.

  7. We have been coming to Hawaii since 2002 and always loved it, but lately not so much. Unfortunately we will not be returning. Accommodation prices along with food, restaurants, services and even parking are rediculous. Hawaii is just not worth it.
    There are many beautiful places to visit in this world for half the money or even less.

  8. It’s an awful thing to wish for, but Maui really needs another COVID outbreak bad enough to restrict international travel but not enough to shut down domestic travel. If Mexico, Tahiti, and Costa Rica are not options, Maui might survive with most of it’s population in place. It’s the only thing that will save Maui from is political leaders intent on driving it into the ground.

  9. I’m an owner of a STR on Kaanapali and was on Maui two weeks ago. Protestors on the beach are harmless but should not be allowed to be on the beach overnight per the laws established by the State. Not enforced due to Mayor/Gov policy. Coercing STR owners to provide housing for the displaced via increasing taxes or a moratorium will achieve little. STR’s held on for 18 months during COVID paying mortgages and HOA fees. I will wait it out can the State hold out without the revenue? No action taken or plans for prefab, RV, small houses, cruise ships or any real short term solution that can provide housing until new construction. After federal aid, in 6 months most of displaced will be gone. Is that the goal?

  10. The main reason why a lot of Canadians are NOT going to Hawaii is the US exchange with the Canadian dollar ( $ 1.00 US ===$ 1.35 CDN )
    Hope to get back when the rate exchange drops so other destinations are the choice like Cuba and other islands

    1. I don’t agree that it is the exchange rate keeping us away as it has that way for years. I think the real problem is people don’t go where they’re not wanted. I’ve been going since 1978 and cancelled my trip this year not because of the cost but all the negativity, who needs it?! I don’t need yo be told twice you’re not welcome here, they said it I believed it

  11. All the survivors want is a positive message, uncertainty creates stress. The government needs to send a positive message. If the government can provide cash to the survivors they will figure out where to live and buy food.

  12. I predicted this downturn with the increasingly hostile attitude from native Hawaiians towards outsiders coming to vacation & the exorbitant hotel costs. Hawaii is biting the hand that feeds them & will greatly suffer financially because of both of these factors. I will no longer fly 11 hrs. from the East Coast to be financially ripped off & experience hostility from the natives there.

  13. Extremely high hotel prices have made me stop going. I would travel there several times a year before. I have checked Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the big island. In Nov, I went to London since prices were more affordable there than Hawaii!

  14. Messaging was not only poor, but totally incompetent. I’ll give the Gov a pass as he’s a rookie, but the mayor and cty council are totally out of their league. If they had an iota of integrity, they’d all resign and let someone with experience take over. Preferably someone with experience on the mainland. Lahaina, the economic engine of Maui has got to start demolition and reconstruction
    immediately. No excuses. Progress should be the number one priority now.

  15. Yes the messaging has been awful. All of Maui is aflame, the Big Island is one giant volcanic eruption, we love you, we hate you, everybody come, everybody stay away, list goes on. Forget the tourist agency, hire someone to get out a consistent message.
    In spite of all this, I’ll be there in May.

    1. 100% agreed! As a local Maui resident I can attest to the incoherent, confusing, zig-zag messaging from State and local “leadership” is like a rudderless ship without a Captain. If I can’t figure it out on a day to day basis, how in the heck is anyone else across the fruited plain and around the world able to? Hawaii needs Strong, Courageous, Thoughtful, Action-oriented direction sooner rather than later, as across the board many continue to suffer…

  16. When you continue to raise the cost of everything in Hawaii (rentals food taxes ) tourism will continue to go down as tourists will spend their vacations elsewhere…

  17. Canadians are not going to travel to Hawaii when they are told they are not welcome. We are going to California and Mexico instead where the locals are happy to have our business.

    1. The Hawaii and Maui governments single out STR owners for punishment to cover up their long standing incompetence and corruption. They think they can steal the STR owners property and force visitors into $900 a night hotels owned by the corporations that line their pockets. Notice that no added taxes or property confiscation are proposed for hotels. Shame.


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