Holiday Slump: Hawaii Struggles Unsuccessfully To Revive Tourism

Holiday Slump: Hawaii Struggles Unsuccessfully To Revive Tourism

“Stop giving tourists more reasons to stay away” Scrooge-like environment causes a downturn for Hawaii. Will the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come bring better news?

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142 thoughts on “Holiday Slump: Hawaii Struggles Unsuccessfully To Revive Tourism”

  1. Hawaiians voted, they received those who are now wielding the power of control. That control has cost every country untold monies, jobs that support families and cause the ripping apart of same. Where the fire damaged a portion of one island, the Elected officials, and the HTA, have caused losses Statewide. Is this what the Voter’s want?

    1. And yet … “they” (the voters) will Still vote for and allow to have complete control of Hawaii.

      Remember the definition of insanity?

      It’s either that, or something much worse.

  2. A big turnoff for visitors are the threw the roof hotel prices! I can’t afford to visit now as cost per night from my previous visits close to tripled with daily fees & parking. I luv Hawaii… But can’t afford it anymore. 😕

  3. I am the owner here on Maui for the past 38 years. Over 38 years, I not only love Maui, but have numerous friends who are permanent residents. While I understand the incredible loss with the Maui fires, there are large tragedies in other parts of our nation – the incredible losses in California fires; in the hurricanes that hit Florida and the golf coast; the floods in the Carolina; the tornados in the mid west. In not one of these equally tragic situations is governor closing the state; or talking about taking away the rights some property owners; or ‘taking care’ of residents who should be helping themselves back to complete. Why?

  4. People have commented about pricing and parking charges.
    Im from honolulu, but i do travel. Any place ive stayed; Paris, New York prices were astronomical for ” hotel room tax” these hotels did not have parking. No shortage of tourists at all. So that argument doesnt hold up, sorry……

    1. You do not need or want to drive in the cities you mentioned. Thy have outstanding public transportation systems. Excellent Uber and taxis.
      Hawaii does not have any good public transportation system and Uber is hit or miss.

      1. ??? Huh. Honolulu is one of the best cities for public transportation. The Bus.
        Ive not heard nor experienced uber being hit or miss, but if so there is always lyft as well.

        1. The bus one of the worst modes of public transportation! Pollution, traffic congestion, it’s never timely when traffic is bad, maybe once, if ever they complete the tram you could say they have a mass transport system.

  5. There is a fine line to be walked here. The state and county need to sit down with all the players in the same room and come up with an agreed to plan on short and long term plans for recovery. 5 months after the fire should be sufficient time for everyone to compile their list of issues that need immediate attention and to start making a scheduled plan for long-term recovery. Compromise and consensus should be the goal, so that concerns are addressed for all involved. Also, people need to check their attitudes at the door and concentrate on what needs to be done for everyone’s benefit not just protecting their own personal interests.

    LaHaina will never be like it was, but it can be better than what it is now.

    1. My opinion is: the government is dragging this out, discouraging the survivors, until they give up and find their own solutions. Then they will be able to develop Lahaina the way they want.
      It won’t be in the best interests of the survivors!
      We’re going to have the answers in a couple years.
      How sad to treat the survivors as political pawns.

  6. Leona, totally agree with your comments. I’m from Eastern Canada, and spent two great weeks in Kihei last April. However, the Maui wildfires squashed the tourism industry on Maui, and gouging a slim tourist market is Not the way to invite tourists back. I am sensitive to the needs of displaced residents. They need a plan for permanent housing,but protesting tourism, the lifeblood of Maui’s economy is biting the hand that wants to feed you.
    Governor and mayor need to read off the same action plan that has some credibility to it. And that means not keeping tourists away by closing tourist condos.
    I’m seriously considering Not returning to Maui inspite of the bad currency exchange unless I can be assured I won’t lose my rental.

  7. I hadn’t been since covid but came to Waikiki last Feb 2023 and stayed at the Banyan. The weather was very cold, rainy and windy. The cost of the rental was double and our Canadian dollar is bad. 200 US costs us 300 CAN. Many friends weren’t there. Bus fare doubled. The Royal Hawaiian Center didn’t offer Uke or Lei making like they used too. Maybe one a week instead of 5 times a week. My advanced uke group on Wednesday was gone. So I had the sense that I the tourist, wasn’t welcome. I’m going to Mexico or Caribbean next time I have a spare $5000 for a holiday? Sad cause I’ve been coming since the 70s.

  8. We’ve been vacationing on Maui once each year or more since 1982. The apparent decision by the Maui hoteliers to prioritize their properties for well healed clients by raising prices to ridiculous nightly rates (seeking so-called “quality” visitors) over visitors who might spend less by seeking less expensive accomodations (in a move to reduce visitor “quantity”) has really turned us off to visiting Maui, and the Hawaiian Islands in general. And we aren’t poor. Maybe the reason visitor numbers are down? You made that decision, so why carp about it? That, coupled with our desire to not rightly compete with locals needing housing has led us to sadly seek vacation destinations elsewhere. Aloha.

  9. Unfortunately, those we have to typically vote on essentially is us hoping to vote for the individual(s) that will do the least damage. Or we typically get lied to about proactive change is to come about. Or, finally, one or two people cannot do it all. It is a pervasive ‘group’ mindset or mentality that must change overall from our elected officials. All in elected positions currently – with few exceptions – should be voted out. But replaced with who? That is the 64-million-dollar question. As I am reading the various responses. I am not surprised to hear the negativity as a lifelong resident. The ‘aloha’ spirit that is disappearing is because the culture and peoples that espoused that spirit are departing their lands. As far as


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