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How Kona Airport Runway Fiasco Leaves Hawaii Travel In Disarray

Hawaii flight diversions, cancellations and delays are mounting quickly. How could this have happened following the recent runway issues at HNL?

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34 thoughts on “How Kona Airport Runway Fiasco Leaves Hawaii Travel In Disarray”

  1. These were “maintenance issues” not “weather” or “acts of God” cost me $912.47 for additional flight to Oahu, transport to Hilo, and extra night hotel stay. The airport/gov’t refuses to take responsibility, and believes that we aren’t intelligent enough to realize their explanation is complete bs. This will be an incredibly simple court case to argue, especially given history of runway issues with cracking and the fact that the runway is scheduled to be replaced. These types of “storms” happen every year per the government’s own admission in interviews. Your runway should be able to handle a bit of rain. This is an absurd classification, and I will fight it. Hotels should’ve been covered without question.

    1. Hi, I completely agree with you. Did you move forward with a small claims suit? How is it going? I’m considering doing the same. Thanks!

  2. My wife and I visit Napili, Maui every year so the airport issues are of interest to us. We live in an upper Midwest state with substantial snow and cold weather. The runways at our airport are plowed to clear snow down to the pavement many times per winter. I’ve never heard of these runways needing emergency repairs, cracking, etc. It makes me wonder who is doing the paving work in Hawai’i.

  3. Wish List: hopefully, this situation will prompt construction of a ‘cross-wind’ runway prior to repairs. Of all the islands, only Kona is lacking this safety feature (yes, even Moloka’i has one).


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