Kona Airport Closed Due To Runway Cracking

Kona Airport Closed Due To Runway Cracking

We received two notifications in the past few hours that Kona Airport has been closed due to another hole requiring repair in its runway. The State DOT said, “KOA Travel Advisory 4/12/24: The Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole (KOA) is temporarily closed to patch a crack in the runway. HDOT anticipates reopening the runway by noon.”

In January we also reported that the runway was closed due to cracking. At that time, contractors milled and resurface a 10′ x 10′ area. While we hope the airport will reopen soon, HDOT hasn’t been entirely reliable in its estimation of runway repairs. Many of us still recall the HDOT’s Honolulu runway repair project that dragged on for about eighteen months and caused countless flights to be delayed.

Inbound flights to Kona will in all likelihood be diverted to Honolulu. The other Big Island Airport, Hilo, also recently suffered a runway repair. And, in January, HDOT said it was evaluating the runway situation to determine what more might be needed .

Kona Airport runway resurfacing was scheduled for later this year.

We are unaware of any further information being available from HDOT about this repair today or the runway resurfacing project. Runway cracks left unrepaired can lead to more extensive runway surface damage. We aren’t clear on how today’s problem and closure arose. Hawaii airports conduct routine runway inspections to avoid such problems and a runway maintenance program is important to safe aircraft operations.

The full runway replacement is scheduled for later this year, as far as we know, but with no further details. When that occurs, we will update you on how that will impact airline flights arriving and departing Kona.

Subsequent HDOT closure update.

“The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) reopened the Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole (KOA) at 12 noon today following the closure of Runway 17-35 this morning to repair an asphalt crack.

The crack in the pavement formed overnight, between the intersections of Taxiways “G” and “H.” Daily visual inspections are conducted on the runway, including an inspection by HDOT engineers and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials yesterday. Overnight rain is suspected as a contributing factor to the formation of the crack that was discovered early this morning.

Crews will conduct additional pavement repairs tonight, starting at 12:30 a.m. until 5 a.m. The paving activities are needed to establish a more long-term repair solution to the crack. There are no alternate runways at KOA, and therefore the airport will be closed for flight operations during the overnight repairs. In the event an emergency medical evacuation is needed, helicopter service out of KOA will be available. HDOT has coordinated with the airlines and other partners to minimize impacts to flights. There are no commercial flights scheduled during the closure period.

Passengers are advised to check with their airlines for information specific to their flights. HDOT appreciates the public’s patience while the needed work to ensure the safe operation of KOA is conducted.”

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5 thoughts on “Kona Airport Closed Due To Runway Cracking”

  1. The military uses that airport for its training with military aircraft. I wonder if they are contributing to the damage and repair costs. I’ve seen huge military jets take off and land repeatedly all day long, many times.

  2. When is the State of Hawaii leadership going to setup a Real airport authority compared to the 3 stooges act currently in charge of the airport infrastructure across the Hawaiian Islands! For a group that can’t even keep the roads repaired to highway standards the absolute last place that they should have Any authority is over airports and their infrastructure!! And No, do not put anyone currently involved with HDOT in a position of authority if the state leadership finally acts and does the right thing for all of the traveling public that uses Hawaii’s airports! This is ridiculous to the MAX!

  3. If you are heading to a vacation on Kona and you get diverted because of the runway closure, can you get any kind of compensation from anybody on the lodging in Honolulu? Or are you in the hook for any and all incidental costs caused by the flight diversion?

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