Is Honolulu Safe?

Is Honolulu Safe Following Amputation Attack at 7-Eleven

After this shocking assault in Waikiki, our perspective on safety in Honolulu with some visitor tips.

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46 thoughts on “Is Honolulu Safe Following Amputation Attack at 7-Eleven”

  1. Thank you. The incident with the hand occurred around the corner but was so isolated. Otherwise, I believe we are safe!!!

  2. Honolulu is a big city and comes with all that is implied. There are a range of activities that are truly fascinating. I’ve herd Honolulu described as, LA on a rock. I don’t think of it that way. I love the arts and all the money making. I grew up in LA and New York and know how to behave in a big town. Anyone visiting a big town should take a little time to learn what you shouldn’t do, maybe a short visit to the local police department.

  3. As a former resident & return visitor every year, it’s very unsettling. The rape in Manoa this past week was also a reminder to always be aware regardless of area or time of day/night.

  4. Listen, this can happen anywhere. There will always be bad apple’s amongst us. I am sure this incident is an “exception” and Not the norm in Honolulu. I wholeheartedly agree with BOH assessment.

  5. Here’s a safety tip: Just don’t go to Honolulu Fly to some other city and avoid Oahu altogether. You won’t miss it.

    1. Hello Jared X, as a well seasoned traveler your suggestion is quite odd. Why miss Oahu that has so much to offer the Tourists for other Islands that don’t? Sounds like more of a personal reason than a gracious suggestion. Advice like yours is certainly a “tell” and will Increase Oahu Tourism for sure! Keep up the Awesome Job.

  6. From personal experience, Waikiki can be a dangerous place late at night. According to the Police Dept, crime is often caused by young kids on drugs needing to feed their habit. Anyone in Waikiki after dark needs to keep their eyes open and be aware. It is not Disneyland.

    1. It’s more of a matter of which is worse. 7-11 stores have, for the most part, been the victim of crimes for as long as I can remember, whether outside or inside of the stores. As evidenced by this crime, things don’t change. A police presence, tried in certain areas, drove sales down and somehow crimes weren’t totally eliminated. The implications of “losing” a hand shouldn’t be lost on anyone, it will remind people to keep their hands out of others pockets! Was this a form of Private Messaging?

  7. Last time I was in Waikiki, October 2021, a person grabbed a ladies purse while seated at a crowded restaurant with outdoor seating. She said she had 3,000 dollars in it. She was probably targeted while shopping.
    It was by the Royal Hawaiian-very busy area. All high end shops and nice restaurants

    1. People believe that these crimes occur in other parts of town and to other types of people. Surprise, go ahead and flash your stash, you’ll surely be losing your cash! $3,000.00 is a nice grab, probably one of several that day that will provide many things to the discerning criminal. It can happen to anyone, why give someone reason? Cut out the “middleman” and the unbelievable feeling of loss and violation, I will give you my PO Box and just send me the cash, Please, I am even Courteous about it and the “Thank You ” is implied.

  8. I’d like to add that the 3 most dangerous crimes you’ll have to watch out for are the Hotel, Rental Car and Airline prices…while it may not be against the law it’s criminal what they do to us daily.

    1. Eh. I’ve found the cheapest airfares to Hawaii I’ve ever seen this year… $600-ish round trip from Houston. That’s like $300 less than I was paying regularly pre-pandemic. But, yeah, the government in general–in the form of super high taxes on everything from hotels to rental cars to $12,000,000,000 light rail projects (that only goes 20 miles)–is definitely not only picking your pockets but the pockets of the locals as well.

    2. I truly understand your displeasure but, that’s not breaking the law, that’s a choice.

      1. Hi Roy, You’re Absolutely Correct! It’s a “Choice” that many have, Are, and Will make and comparatively speaking It’s the same as continuing to live on Islands that are High Cost Tourism Traps and Ceaselessly Complain about Tourists! At least Tourism, and all of the pluses and minuses that it brings, are providing a living for the Islands that is well above what it could be without it. (think “Better Huts and Lava Tube Living”) Close to the Truth!

  9. Hawaii as a whole should be very careful not to be desensitized to crime as is happening in major cities and states on the mainland. Criminals committing multiple and horrific crimes only to be released immediately by the DA’s and judges to do more harm. Your observation that it was “Not Against a Visitor” is an example of this desensitisation . A man’s hand was chopped off by a sword !!! Is that what you want to be passed off as normal or ok since it was not a tourist?

    1. I totally agree with your remarks. It’s sad that it was even mentioned that ” It was not a visitor ” . I’m sure the person whose hand was chopped off and his loved ones could care less that this was not done to a visitor. We need to quit labeling…..this was a human being who went through a terrible ordeal.

      1. If anyone were to bring up Race or Color predominantly it would be screamed about, it should be the Exact Same when they say something like that. It’s Irrelevant except for the investigation and possible Prosecution. Losing a Hand ✋️ is typically a punishment as well as a warning to others, it’s meaning in the criminal world is widely known. At least this person didn’t lose their head, no I’m not laughing. Hopefully this display is just a One Off and won’t be seen again, in this Economic Climate that is something that I can’t Promise. Hopefully someone else can and will. Move on, nothing else to see here.

  10. I was mugged once by a couple of “local” boys in Waikiki while walking down the main drag one late evening (around 10PM) near International Marketplace. Moral, dont walk alone late at night. I still do consider it a relatively safe place.

  11. Spent a week in Waikiki this past May, felt safe the whole visit, I mean, with the crowds everywhere it would be hard for anyone to try anything, granted, there are homeless there, but name a city in the U.S. that doesn’t have them,just be aware of your surroundings and you’ll be fine.

  12. Well said, guys! The place Not to go at night (especially alone) would be Hotel Street area, mauka of Kuhio in Waikiki, and the furthest beaches in Makaha, not to mention when you are trespassing to get to waterfalls. Some bad guys know these places and you make good prey!

    I must agree that in general there’s no other place for night life that I’d rather be than in Waikiki. I think when this story fully develops it may turn out to be “just” a local issue, with the weapon of choice being a sword in this case.

  13. Thank you for the update BOH! It does seem that certain crimes have been occurring more this year than in prior years. In February 2022 I remember hearing of gun violence, beatings and petty theft on the rise but it wasn’t that much. Summertime often brings increases in statistics, many have paired it with the increasing temperature. Whatever the case, being self aware and being in areas of people make a difference. Heed the words contained within, Thanks BOH!

  14. BoH,

    “Generally, we stick to areas with many other people everywhere to avoid even the remote possibility of getting into trouble.”

    Yeah, where all those troublesome tourists gather (kidding).

  15. Several years ago there were some problems with theft on elevators in the HHV towers that made me very careful about when and with whom I get on an elevator. I am older, so I generally don’t get on one alone anymore. I don’t recall incidents like that recently, perhaps because of the COVID situation, but I think it’s always better to be vigilant–no matter where you travel. We live across the river from Portland, OR, and it’s far more dangerous than Honolulu, in my opinion. Hopefully you’ll keep us informed if more attacks of this kind happen.

    1. Absolutely correct. I’ve lived in Portland for 32 years and it’s not at all the same city as it was. It’s the wild west all over again. Laws are not enforced.

    2. Being in Hawaii should Definitely be much safer than traveling across the river to Portland Oregon, I am very satisfied that I don’t live or visit your area, the Police would probably lock me up for defending myself from Thugs. With them causing wildfires away from downtown Portland, hopefully none of them effected You. Can’t Imagine that type of thing happening in any Hawaiian City or Town and Pray that I never do. Enjoy Hawaii as much and often as you can, escaping your area must be a reward unto itself for you and your family.

  16. There is a difference between walking down the street and being attacked and being attacked by someone you know or have a relationship with. One of the issues that I have mentioned to crimemapping that hasn’t been addressed is identifying if the crime is a violent street crime between unrelated persons or itit a violent crime that took place in a building or between people who have some type of relationship with each other.

    I believe this was not a attack committed when a perosn was walking down the street

    1. Yes, it is and has Relevancy and needs to be addressed to the public as soon as possible. The 1st reason being that it was some kind of dispute that caused this, not a Robbery gone bad. 2nd is it puts Tourists more at ease and knowing that they are not endangered. Disseminating this kind of information is Imperative.

    1. It is a High Profile Job that brings with it an Immediate Story in all of the News Types. In my area there have been a few incidents, 2 come to mind where it was a retired CIA Agent and a Police Officer clashing over the Agent’s committing minor crimes. Almost came down to a fist fight but the Agent knew better. The other was an FBI Agent that wasn’t too bright, imagine that! High Profile encounters like these occur more than most people ever know, it’s avoided by most because it can jeopardize their future careers, sometimes it’s unavoidable though.

  17. It’s a shame but inevitable even in Honolulu. I have been to the islands many times and rarely find myself anything but relaxed. The Country as a whole has emboldened criminal behavior with cashless bails, the type of catch and release bail. We can only hope this letting violent criminals out on their own recognizance only to never to be seen again until they commit another drive.

    1. Aloha Rob+Jeff. Wow that’s very sad for the victim. Over here in California the bail would be much higher for attempted murder. Hopefully there will be justice for the victim and the suspect will get a lengthy sentence. You’d think we’re living in medieval times with the violence that is happening in the world today. I pray for us all.

      1. Medieval times were not nearly as violent as the 20th and 21st centuries. The world has been plunging into chaos far far faster than ever before.

  18. The safest thing is to Not worry. Seriously we are afraid of our shadows. PTSD to the 10th power. It’s not only unhealthy, every bit of joy is gone before you live it. 😎🐾

    1. Not worrying isn’t the appropriate response, worrying may be what keeps someone safe. Intuition and Awareness is necessary to hopefully avoid situations, Situational Awareness is Imperative. To the point, or extent, of PTSD isn’t necessary. Safety and Security is!

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