Is Honolulu Safe?

Is Honolulu Safe Following Amputation Attack at 7-Eleven

After this shocking assault in Waikiki, our perspective on safety in Honolulu with some visitor tips.

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46 thoughts on “Is Honolulu Safe Following Amputation Attack at 7-Eleven”

  1. Rumor mill. The attacker was an employee of 7-Eleven. He brought that sword to work a few days before the attack and oddly wasn’t questioned. The attacker and victim knew each other. Someone else mentioned that this is related to a dispute that started in jail. No tourists were involved or impacted.

  2. I like your suggestions to Tourists and Travelers, a Seasoned Person typically knows, and does, this. I do. Even medicines need to be put in the room safe, if one must carry some keep it disguised and in the least amount of quantities. Jewelry isn’t needed on the Beach, other areas either. Maybe Dining out at certain places people feel the need. Shopping, Hell No! Always consider where you will be and leave the Bling in that room Safe thing! Much better safe than sorry.

  3. The International Marketplace, as well as most places downtown, could turn against anyone walking by themselves or even as a couple. It’s certainly Not limited to those area’s but Criminals believe that is where the better money is. If Hawaii would allow Cooperative Concealed Carry the problems would be lessened, not by Criminals dying, rather not knowing if someone can defend themselves. It’s a Proven Fact backed by plenty of Data, but unless Forced to Accept it Blue States won’t. Criminals do fear certain things, this Is their Biggest Advantage…. Not worrying about this. No one wants to be robbed and worse just as no one I know wants to kill. That’s the Truth. Ever notice that Crime and Criminals go hand in hand? Get Tough on Crime!

  4. Honolulu is safe, it would be safer if other states didn’t fly their homeless over here.

    1. I wholeheartedly Agree with you Kristi! It’s time that Hawaii sends those States some Homeless as a Big “No Thanks!”

  5. The author must live in a gilded palace, in downtown/Chinatown/Kalihi there are multiple crimes regularly. Murders on Ft Street, stabbings, robberies, property damage, carjackings, assaults, people set on fire, etc. Not to mention the non stop harassment by the insane and the homeless. I was assaulted and robbed, but they didn’t get much, so I didn’t report it, like a lot of locals. The cops aren’t going out of thier way to catch someone that got $20 or less, or gave you a black eye, so why bother? As far as Waikiki, how many tourists are going to fly back for court? I’ve been to 45 states, lots of time in “the hood” all over, Oahu is getting very sketchy, no matter how you put a happy face on it for the tourists.

    1. Down Playing Crimes on Oahu, or anywhere Tourists and Visitors bring their considerable money, attempt to hide, or disguise, Crime. If you scare away the Dollars and those who bring it word spreads quicker than a virulent version of Covid. It’s typically easy to hide these Crimes in the paperwork and unless it’s High Profile it may not even make the News. Some of the Homeless and Mentally ill are a portion of the Crimes, publicizing it has relatively low value for Politicians that have supported their numbers in many ways despite resident’s views. That alone tells residents where they stand in the pecking order. It’s something to consider when electing Politicians, sooner or later the probability of the problems boiling over greatens.

  6. I have lived on Oahu 13-years now Pre-pandemic violent crime here was unheard of – with isolated incidents happening maybe once every few years.
    The lockdown broke an already struggling economy; the isolation and societal changes that followed induced mental health sickness en masse.
    The pervasive crime here has always been crime of opportunity – theft of anything visible. But now that opportunity has given way to desperation – more of a hunt than happenstance.
    Bottom line: if u come to Hawai’i, leave the good jewelry at home; when you’re off for the hike leave nothing in the rental car and leave the windows open; in the room or rental unit put all valuables in a zip up bag and stash it well.. then enjoy breathtaking Hawai’i!


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