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Kamaaina Discounts: Unfair To Hawaii Visitors Or Genuine Perks for Residents?

Sometimes controversial, Kamaaina discounts in Hawaii promise substantial savings for residents. But where does that leave visitors?

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50 thoughts on “Kamaaina Discounts: Unfair To Hawaii Visitors Or Genuine Perks for Residents?”

  1. This is hardly unique to Hawaii. Other states and other countries have businesses that offer discounts to “local residents”. Disney comes to mind, and a number of restaurants in Japan.

    Steve O. pointed out, “Why do visitors think they have the right or are ‘owed’ the right to visit Hawaii…

    Gosh Steve, it’s probably that pesky constitution thing that make US residents believe they have the “right” to visit Hawaii. Do Hawaii residents have the right to visit the mainland states?

  2. I have no problem with a locals discount. We get a locals discount for stays, food and drinks at our local casinos in Northern Nevada ( South Lake Tahoe included) usually 20% off. Our friends live on the Big Island and use the Kaamaina discount on hotel rooms in Kona when we island hop from Maui for a day. They live in South Point, so it’s quite a long commute.

  3. Would you like to put this debate to rest?

    Then simply Google: “Which U.S. states offer resident discounts?

    From Florida to California, and most states in between, residents get cut rates on services and entertainment, even reciprocity agreements between states on college tuition.

    Kama’aina discounts carry the same economic stimulus that benefit residents during “slow” seasons. Without these discounts, especially on the smaller populated islands, many restaurants, entertainment venues and other service providers would not be able to keep their doors open.

    As the article concludes, Kama’aina discounts are a marketing gimmick.

  4. I have no problem with the locals getting discounts even if I get a bit jealous.
    It’s not unique to Hawaii. Florida and California residents can take advantage of Disney discounts us out-of-towners can’t snag.
    Hotels would be smart to offer truly good Kamaaina discounts, especially during slack times. I’ve always been fascinated when I visit an island, talk to a local and to hear them say, “Oh, I’ve never been there.”
    If you can make it financially viable for someone on Maui to visit Kauai for the first time, why not? But 10% off isn’t going to cut it, given how high many prices are.

  5. If only the hotels & airlines provided true savings to visitors instead of hiding offers. Hawaii desperately wants visitors from Japan to return, however, Hawaiian Airline for example, offers greats savings for visitors from the Mainland, yet no discounts for the Japanese visitors that are so important to Hawaii’s economy. Other top visitor cities on the Mainland have just as many fees/taxes for any visitor and many also have ‘local rates’ for residents. Hawaii has limited resources, and the extra fees/taxes imposed by the State aren’t enough to offset park, beach, roadways needs. Kama’aina rates help local businesses. Why should visitors have all the fun?

    1. Hawaiiian Air’s discounts may not include Japan because their discounts are not meant to help Hawaii’s econony but their bottom line. Many airlines have rediuced prices just because their competetor dropped prices.

      “Airline pricing systems are very complex, but also very public. Airline A already knows what Airline B is charging on a particular route. The decision to match or not has already been made by the time you see the price.

      If Airline A drops their price at 8am, others may follow by noon, or may not. It all depends on their inventory and dozens of other factors. You would be wasting your time

  6. I have no problem with Kamaaina pricing. We’ve visited the Hawaiian Islands nearly every year over the past 45 years. While wishing that we were residents many times, have never begrudged the local’s discounts. One of my most prized possessions was my Foodland card until I had to give it up when they started limiting them to residents.

    1. Huh? Foodland offers the makai rates to everyone, not just residents. That’s on Kauai, so maybe the other islands are different? We live on Kauai so I only know about what happens here.

    2. I live in the CONUS, I’ve had my card (now phone #)for years, used it many times in the last couple weeks being home. I don’t think there are any restrictions.

      Best Regards

  7. Someone that lives in Hawaii for 12 months out of a year contributes a heck of a lot more to the economy than a visitor coming to Hawaii for a two week vacation. Therefore, a Hawaii resident should definitely get a discount.

  8. I wanted to say, there are Best Western. AAA. Costco, AARP, etc discounts. So why not Kaamaina
    The locals can visit their families and enjoy their own Islands and many times need to attend meetings and family gatherings.

  9. We used to take advantage of airline vouchers for cheaper travel (we went standby, which visitors would not do). I also would get discounts as a local to stay at hotels when I could just as easily driven home. Oftentimes the discounts were to fill spots that the visitors did not.

  10. There is nothing wrong with a Kamaaina discounts and tourists shouldn’t feel hurt by it. As long a the price that a tourist pays is clearly indicated before a sale the tourist is paying what they should pay. They are Not paying any extra.

    We were tourists staying for many months for many years and most of the time we couldn’t get the Kamaaina discount. My wife did get a Kamaaina discount at certain clothing stores that she frequented often even thought we weren’t Kamaaina. It was the recognition of being a frequent shopper. Was that wrong?

    If one owns an establishment and wants to give away or reduce the price on items for family or friends is that wrong?

    In life when we get breaks we should just be greatful.

  11. I find Kamaaina discounts offensive. I’m a seasoned Hawaii traveler of over 52 years and own 2 timeshares. I too, as minimal as it may be also pay Hawaii property tax. Each visit I contribute to the local economy. I’m from Calif. which I believe to be directly behind Hawaii being the second most expensive state to live in. When Hawaiin’s visit here they pay the same entry fee to public parks, amusement parks,golf, etc. that locals do. No discounts for locals anywhere but in Hawaii. Kamaaina pricing is discriminatory. Anyone who receives government money to operate their business should not be allowed to have two tiered pricing.

  12. I never give much thought to local discounts. I’m happy for those who can benefit. What is troubling is the growing dislike and distrust between locals and visitors. Visitors should not act like they are owed something special and locals should understand that visitors are part of the engine that drive the economy. When I visit someone home, I respect it and the owner. When I have guest into my house I want them to be comfortable and feel wanted. Let’s all return to respecting and honoring others.

  13. Adam M you might want to think about traveling in Europe if you don’t like resident discounts. Italy and Greece, and I believe other countries give discounts to their countrymen over visitors. Many also don’t recognize the Senior discount so common in the States.

  14. Rare Instance
    I lived in Hawaii for 10 years. Before I left the state I had gotten a government issued State picture ID for personal reasons.
    At the time we had no USPO home delivery.
    My ID only had a P.O.B.
    No Expiration Date

  15. This discount, which I didn’t know of, was originally an incentive for residents to take an off island, out of State, vacation, that didn’t work well. An incentive like this was totally abused and slowly its value decreased, why complain if you are the cause? Because you can? No one is “Required to” give a discount, it is a “Choice”. Be thankful for what you have.

  16. While wee bought into a Hilton Time share and pay taxes and upkeep on the unit – we have two weeks deeded ownership – we get no discounts or savings yet we return every year to enjoy the Big Island and unwind for a few weeks each year. I have a true respect and love of the Islands and to see all this – them and ours fighting -just nuts. There are systemic problems with costs but these are Islands and most everything has to be brought in and that costs money. Residents if they get a discount is fare so long as its voluntary and stores are under no obligation to give it but give it to help the people who don’t have ability to go where costs are lower. I do not find it offensive but a way to help out those that make our visit possible.

  17. I live in Waikiki now, but I lived in St. Augustine, FL, for six years. There were resident discounts: city, county, and state.

  18. I really don’t see a problem with the discount for locals. It helps offset the high cost of living for them. I live in Southern California and places like Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm offer California Residents discounts. I have been visiting Hawaii sense the early 80’s and I realize that that I may pay higher prices than the locals. It’s part of being a visitor. Visitors should not act so entitled. It’s the same as if a place offers a senior or military discount. Not everyone qualifies for the discount, but honestly I have never heard anyone complain with those types of discounts are offered.

    1. I had forgotten about that. Disney World: Florida Residents can save 40% on 4-Day Tickets and 30% on 3-Day Tickets compared to the non-Florida Resident price of a 3-Day or 4-Day Ticket.

      Kamaʻāina discount has never been That generous!

  19. When I was stationed at Schofield in the late 80s, they started a program where we were given a small flower sticker to put on our ID card to identify us as kamaaina for discounts. I don’t remember ever actually getting any – while we were told they existed, they weren’t overtly advertised.
    Saving money would have been nice.

    1. Jeff, I lived there in the 70 and also Do Not Remember getting discounts but it is ok. I dont feel as deserved since not a long time resident.

  20. Everyone loves to get a discount or find an item on sale.
    I think our society has become a bunch of groaners.
    The end of the day a discount is a discount. If your ungrateful for a 10% discount then don’t even ask for it or take it when offered pay full price ..

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